CT Atty Gen, Blumenthal could have prevented 9/11 and all the "fun" you are having now

Senior Connecticut US Senator Richard “Dick” Blumenthal photo [found here].
I complained to Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd’s, Governor John G. Rowland’s Office, to Connecticut State Senator John Kissel, and Senator Tony Guglielmo about the the police union and the UN conducting clandestine operations to end the 2nd Amendment, ruin small businesses, farmers, conservative families, and to target potential leaders of resistance when an operation caused Martial Law and suspension of the US Constitution.
I at least partially blame Blumenthal for allowing this to happen:
Politicians reported me to Connecticut State Police Commissioner Arthur L. Spada to have me killed, beaten into submission, railroaded to prison, and/or murdered.
After the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing where 23 or 26 police union planted bombs failed to explode was supposed to be the excuse in 1995 for the Clintons to avoid prosecution, not getting a 2nd term, and to go after their perceived enemies: farmers, small business, conservatives, and independent journalists.
I tried to report as much as I knew at the time to Senator Blumenthal’s Office, so I got threatened with being very brutally murdered after my only, then underage daughter was brutally gang raped by police and then murdered, by the police who were following me around wherever I went, shopped, ate, or worked. I contacted the Connecticut FBI and got different threats about keeping my mouth shut.
So, if any ONE of the above politicians had acted, on my reporting of the crimes the UN and International Police Union were executing manipulating and puppeteering all branches of government, infrastructure, and defense contractors, 9/11 would have never have happened, and there would be no world shutdown for average people where there may now be a lifetime travel ban.
It was so bad, I reached out to the White House BEFORE 9/11. A letter I wrote to George W. Bush on 9-15-2001, according to the response I got was read by George W. Bush. So, if you want links to follow this story on who failed you the most, Dick Blumenthal, who Hartford Narcotics Detective Rich Murzin told me Blumenthal was the “money guy” for before and after 9/11, have it.
On Blumenthal's Connecticut Attorney General's website at the time, Blumenthal claimed he was the "People's Lawyer". His office told me that he would be more likely to defend Dodd, Rowland, Guglielmo, and Kissel against my complaints that they would not take my complaints about a Police Union/UN Coup of the US. So Blumenthal is the Attorney of the Devil ...
Follow the links from previous post, do your own research, and please ask for a People’s Grand Jury to be in charge of all investigations and prosecutions, as the current system is too publicly corrupt.
Should there be a national referendum, a vote on paper ballots, to determine whether abolishing the US Supreme Court, and all Judges nationally, to enact a People's Grand Jury System to adhere to, and protect, the US Constitution:http://judicialmisconduct.blogspot.com/2020/06/national-referendum-to-abolish-supreme.html
Has the US Supreme Court "Green Lighted" a forced experimental vaccine on all Americans?:
COVID is BS. There was zero need for a lockdown worldwide. It is also China and UN BS. The best source of accurate information to date:
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