RICO was so good, All Alphabet Agencies had to create the problems they needed to solve
After Prohibition in the US, alcohol became illegal. Courts, police, and the government all could make more money, more than ever before. Government, police, and the operators of courts then became organized crime.
By conducting small operations where officers leave the small players on the streets and then go after the middlemen for cash and assets, it becomes a business.
Taxpayer money goes to paying informants. Those caught and then punished may have not even committed crimes, or been "caught" for anything if there weren't the continuing need to feed the turnstiles of courts and police needing to generate revenue, and confiscate cash, assets, and property to feed the organized crime rackets.
Operations kept getting bigger, and bigger, until you the US Defense Department getting 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars to conduct covert operations inside, and outside the US, and to propagandize the mainstream media for political purposes.
I don't remember where I read, or saw it, and don't even how long ago. There was an elaborate sting to go on. New York City Police and CIA were setting up an operation to go after organized crime and then it ened up where New Jersey State Police and the FBI were the pretend perps that the other side. The operation cost taxpayers millions of dollars for the charade and there were no criminals, just taxpayer paid officials trying to create problems and crime when there was none.
How is that working out for us all?
Tucker: America was a very different country 7 months ago
Male in juvenile detention facility forced to take estrogen: Lawyer joins Tucker
'The Five' predict NY Attorney General's NRA lawsuit will benefit Trump, GOP
This bloggers video upload channel, [SvenVonErick] on BitChute.
Should Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker be arrested for felony risk of injury to children for every child prevented from going to school, learning, socializing, and fostering faith in the US Government? Children might be eating too much, not playing and learning like children, and maybe every single child in Massachusetts suffers some sort of post traumatic stress, for life. Was this necessary.
According to Alex Jones today in his radio broadcast, there is not even one child in the entire state of Massachusetts, age 0 to 19 who has died from COVID. There are no documented cases of any children passing COVID onto a teacher, in the world from the same source.
Bill Dorriss, a friend of mine who also had a small business in Connecticut was a target of police, and the courts for being White Male, having a small business, being heterosexual and believing in the US Constitution. Citizens like us were declared public enemy number 1's after the 1995 OKC Federal Building Bombing.
Bill Dorriss had a Rottweiler, or Pitt Bull, or some sort of large dog. His neighbor's children weren't white, would tease his dogs, and their Chihuahua ended up being bit by his dogs, and the children across the street witnessed this. So, according to Bill Dorriss he was to be sentenced to 20 years in prison for 3 counts of risk of injury to children.
So, if there is equal justice in America, Charlie Baker should be removed from office, tried, and then spend the rest of his life in prison. This same formula should be used on every governor in the state of of the union for harming children.
Charlie Baker picture was [found here].
By conducting small operations where officers leave the small players on the streets and then go after the middlemen for cash and assets, it becomes a business.
Taxpayer money goes to paying informants. Those caught and then punished may have not even committed crimes, or been "caught" for anything if there weren't the continuing need to feed the turnstiles of courts and police needing to generate revenue, and confiscate cash, assets, and property to feed the organized crime rackets.
Operations kept getting bigger, and bigger, until you the US Defense Department getting 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars to conduct covert operations inside, and outside the US, and to propagandize the mainstream media for political purposes.
I don't remember where I read, or saw it, and don't even how long ago. There was an elaborate sting to go on. New York City Police and CIA were setting up an operation to go after organized crime and then it ened up where New Jersey State Police and the FBI were the pretend perps that the other side. The operation cost taxpayers millions of dollars for the charade and there were no criminals, just taxpayer paid officials trying to create problems and crime when there was none.
How is that working out for us all?
Tucker: America was a very different country 7 months ago
Look at what Dr. Fauci, the CDC Center of Disease Control, World Health Organization, the UN, and the Communist Chinese Government did with their 2 week exercise, a drill, to make the world compliant to monthly forced vaccinations, and to adhere to do contract tracing to identify dissent to the spread of UN Communism and to make the world the largest open air prison.
Male in juvenile detention facility forced to take estrogen: Lawyer joins Tucker
New York Attorney General intends to eliminate the NRA. Why isn't Chelsea Clinton being gone after in New York for her as a "charity" steal 100s of millions from the country of Haiti. Shouldn't the New York Attorney General go after the Clintons for CGI, Clinton Global Initiative, a charity that is a smokescreen for a coup of the entire world, and for pedophilia, sex trafficking, and crimes against humanity. Or, are Democrats above the law, and the ones who prosecute their political enemies, guilty, or not?
Is Biden even competent to drive a car, or even to get a public library card?
'The Five' predict NY Attorney General's NRA lawsuit will benefit Trump, GOP
This bloggers video upload channel, [SvenVonErick] on BitChute.
Should Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker be arrested for felony risk of injury to children for every child prevented from going to school, learning, socializing, and fostering faith in the US Government? Children might be eating too much, not playing and learning like children, and maybe every single child in Massachusetts suffers some sort of post traumatic stress, for life. Was this necessary.
According to Alex Jones today in his radio broadcast, there is not even one child in the entire state of Massachusetts, age 0 to 19 who has died from COVID. There are no documented cases of any children passing COVID onto a teacher, in the world from the same source.
Bill Dorriss, a friend of mine who also had a small business in Connecticut was a target of police, and the courts for being White Male, having a small business, being heterosexual and believing in the US Constitution. Citizens like us were declared public enemy number 1's after the 1995 OKC Federal Building Bombing.
Bill Dorriss had a Rottweiler, or Pitt Bull, or some sort of large dog. His neighbor's children weren't white, would tease his dogs, and their Chihuahua ended up being bit by his dogs, and the children across the street witnessed this. So, according to Bill Dorriss he was to be sentenced to 20 years in prison for 3 counts of risk of injury to children.
So, if there is equal justice in America, Charlie Baker should be removed from office, tried, and then spend the rest of his life in prison. This same formula should be used on every governor in the state of of the union for harming children.
Charlie Baker picture was [found here].

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