Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Kermit the Frog Arrested by China Biden's BLM and Antifa Goon Squad on Racism Complaint?

Kermit the Frog was heard in the past talking about being Green when only Black Lives Matter in the current climate. Appropriate action will be taken and this "frog" will be punished. 

Next thing you know this damn frog will say there was election rigging, fraud, Bidens took in 100s of millions in 2019 to cooperate with a lock down and forced vaccines from Pfizer as part of a UN Chinese plot to get rid of Donald J. Trump, and the US Constitution. 

Muppets - Kermit - Its not easy being green (original)


The Free World is to go cashless and Chinese World Digital Currency will be the only allowed so China, and the Communist run UN, will have complete control of all business, land use, human and property rights, and resources worldwide.

We can't let Free Speech get out of hand, and this Frog needs to rounded up to be sent to be re-educated for the Great Reset. 

Tinfoil Hatter wild, and crazy, conspiracy theories can't be tolerated in a UN Chinese Government censored government. 

And because of COVID-19, and the dangers of the disease spreading the lock down, ban on small business and religion, mask mandates, forced weekly vaccines, social distancing, and the Ban on Free Speech, the Great Reset will have the first AI President in history. 

For safety and to have a US President for the next 10 Centuries. 

Joe Biden will be the first all electronic AI US President. 

Living not in a body, but in solid state memory with the fastest processor to be housed in the safest spot on the Planet. 

Max Headroom, The Best Bits Ever!

The Wuham, China, Germ Warfare Laboratory will be the new virtual White House. 

Remember, only you can stop the spread. Do your part. 

The Essential Joe Biden essence will be stored along with core sample of the COVID-19 Vaccine for UN Agenda 21 and 2030.

This to make the population sterile when 95% have been killed if a Bill Gates, Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline GSK, Baxter, and China supplied ingredients for a really, really good vaccine is 95% effective. 

If Kermit came up the above, it means his internet use should be checked for having watched [Infowars Alex Jones]. 

If so, Kermit the Frog should be zapped in place from space with a Chinese Direct Energy or Microwave Satellite power by the [HAARP Antenna Array] to be the largest stun gun capacitor in the world. (I post a video showing microwave popcorn being popped and the video goes adult rated!)

HAARP can send back solar stored power back up to the population reduction Chinese Satellite, or be sent down to 5G Cell Towers to charge UN and China prison inmates' cellphones and other required electronic devices, integrating with the Bill Gates 5G Array Antenna Tattoo on everyone's arm in the Free World as electricity will be shut off.  

Cellphones are required to eat and travel, so they will self-charge and can't be shut off. 

Medications, vaccines, and termination chemicals can be inside every human/robot hybrid for obsolescence, or for not being in compliance with proper UN and Communist Chinese authorized thinking, if memory deletion, additions, re-programing, system downgrades and upgrades, don't take your Bill Gates brain operating system. 

Kermit can simply located wherever he is viewing Alex Jones, and then can be zapped by triangulating 5G cell signals to Microwave Kermit the Frog like he was a bag of Microwave Popcorn. 

Anything for your safety. 

Andrew Cuomo, a Genital Wart on our Democratic Republic? (PG-14 Video, Warning: Language/Content/Theme)



[Direct link to video]

Since all of your wealth, and what you though you owned, including your own body, if you are not of use to Communist China for your organs, biologicals, or for DNA extraction, or for some use as service staff, you may be immediately terminated.

Kermit the Frog image up top was [found here].

What Happens if You Focus a 5W Laser With a Giant Magnifying Glass? Negative Kelvin Temperature! (In 1979 in my Chemistry class, another student on his own made his own Star Trek lazor with a polished gem of a certain size for proper wavelength. Our Honors Chemistry Professor that we distilled and made Rum in class, and were almost too drunk to go to lunch High School Sophomore year, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, said the laser was capable of hitting the moon. The student nearly harmed himself so bad he almost needed to call an ambulance. He fired the laser at a mirror and had a nasty cauterized would that for sure, left a horrific scar. What is shown is 5 watts. China has these weapons in space, with no atmosphere can store sunlight for months, then let all that energy loose in millisecond from space on a Meter by Meter area out the size of a US State. Alternative form of energy can break molecular bonds. A football stadium full of spectators could be dehydrated down to powder in seconds.)


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