Friday, December 04, 2020

Clintons Sold Your Organs, Children, and Nation to China, 1995?

Both Clintons were facing felony arrests and prison in 1995 for all they were up to. 

Both Clintons were part of the Communist faction of the CIA collaborating with USSR, Chinese, other Communists, Rothschilds World Bank, and the United Nations UNESCO. A deal was made where the Clintons would not be prosecuted for anything and their enemies can be dealt with through the international police and teachers unions, and through the BAR, as about 2/3 of legislators and pretty much all judges, prosecutors, and lawyers are members of the BAR. 

The Clintons made a secret deal where the US population would be prepared for door to door gun confiscation and forced vaxxing. 

In Connecticut, and probably other states, children were covertly taken away based on their skill sets to be in Chinese as a first language reform schools. These children were to be embedded in all parts of society, all branches of government, and were to be agents under the Clintons to better interact with China as power was transferred. 

The above is to my best belief and knowledge. My friends, Retired Hartford Narcotics Detective Rich Murzin and AJ Fontaine died of "natural causes" within hours of each other about 2 weeks before we were to release the above, and much more, in public access television live shows to be put on YouTube in 2011 before the massive Internet Censorship after Obama turned the Internet over to the UN to ratchet Free Speech down until that, and independent journalism ceases to exist. 

The DoD, Pentagon, and Big Pharma were called out in hearings where 2.3 Trillion in US Taxpayer Dollars was embezzled and couldn't be accounted for in hearings to begin on September 10, 2001, where Donald Rumsfeld, and then Dick Cheney, had to explain things in hearings be held. Then came the next day, 9/11, and then nothing more was said about the 2.3 Trillion stolen dollars. 

Fast forward, up to 100s of Trillions have been stolen by the DoD, the Pentagon, and Big Pharma in an audit Fall 2019. Hearings were supposed to occur in March or April 2020, mainly in New York City. Then came the "pandemic and lock down". Allegedly the Clintons, the Obamas, Bidens, and their various minions were also supposed to be brought in for prosecution. 

If we are all now to be shot with injections from these same criminals, how lethal is it? How long will it take us to die in forced labor camps? 

[SRV Bitchute SvenVonErick Videos] [on]

The election was shut down when Trump was winning by a landslide. Coup operatives fixed that election and all they could with the biggest flood of fraud in history. 

The evidence of Robert Hunter Biden of rape and torture of children by Hunter and of Bidens profiting 100s of millions of dollars selling out the US interests to China, Treason, and there still haven't been any arrests or any of this coming out on Mainstream Media, and is heavily censored on social media. 

Why is there a reporting black out on any of the truth? Why haven't there been mass arrests of perps? 

With the BAR having control of at least 2/3 of the apparatus of the US, is it even possible to get any justice or US Constitutional Protections?

Ep. 2344b - It Begins And Ends With The Keystone, [DS] Battle Plan Known, Military Control [Direct Link to Video]

Image up top was [found here].

I looked into being a police officer part time in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, 1995. I found out the UN was giving police departments an agenda to target, and put small businesses out of business, arresting owners, breaking up families, taking away children, making us lose our homes, sending thugs out to beat us up and then arresting us for fighting back, putting those like me in prison in UN rigged courts with total cooperation through the BAR. 

I talked to a friend over a land phone line and an hour later 9 Connecticut State Police Cruisers showed up on my lawn because I had talked about opening a breakfast nook downtown where politics could be talked about because the police were closing all bars because if 4, or people gathered, and if their conversations weren't being listened to they could be plotting against the international police union or the government. 

I had first talked about opening a business serving breakfast in a little restaurant for the first time, and then an hour later, 9 cruisers on my front lawn. It wasn't too long later that they had an excuse to display we as a trophy, handcuffed facing forward in front of my rental properties an the main street for an hour with another cruiser spotlight on me.

A felon police informant, attacked me, or tried to attack me 7 times, where I would call 911 and get no police response. Because I was tipped off by a Hispanic Troop C Connecticut State Police Trooper who was later fired for tipping me off, that his fellow officers were trying to figure out how to get me 5 to 15 years in prison to shut me up about the UN corrupted policing and courts. 

The 8th time Brian C. Caldwell attacked me on my property, he used a knife and was trying to stab me for what was to be a robbery gone wrong where Caldwell wouldn't be prosecuted because he worked for police. I used pepper spray to avoid getting stabbed. I was arrested and got a year in prison for "overreacting" to being mugged. 

My own father came to visit me in prison and told me that he would see to it that I would be permanently estranged from my only daughter, Sarah, wouldn't be allowed to open my contracting business back up when I get out of prison, and that I would not ever get out of prison if I talked to reporters about police, the UN, or continued to complain, and try to have Judge Jonathan Kaplan removed for his bias in civil court cases and then putting me in prison in retaliation. 

I was put on the Terrorist No Fly List, and New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu had me taken off. Before that, if I got on a bus the TSA would pull the bus over and tell me what a piece of crap I was and that I needed to go back to Vermont and stay there ... 

My story: 

So, from 1995, I have had complete hatred for the BAR, international police union, the Clintons, the UN, Communists, then the Obamas and Bidens, and have not shut up, and they will just have to kill me to make that so.

erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

After December 20, 2020, maybe you won't hear again from me, or others like me for what might come about on that date, or around it.

Alex Jones is Enemy Number 2 [Direct link to video]

Joe Rogan & Alex Jones: End of the World, Part 3[Direct Link to video]

Shocking Information About Face Muzzles You Aren't Supposed To Know [Direct Link to Video]

Is the "Legal Mafia" to blame for everything? [Direct Link to Video]


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