Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Ban CO2, Carbon Emissions, is Code for Eliminating all Life (and TheCrowHouse video embedded)

Trees, all plant life, ocean plankton, and much of the global life requires Carbon Dioxide. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide, absorb sunlight and nutrients, breathe out oxygen and store energy. It is the cycle of life.

If you are against life, ban carbon emissions and cow farts. 

Bullets, wars, equipment, hiring troops all expends energy which is major carbon emission.

So, please wait for your vaccine shot. Please leave your door unlocked and lie near the door on the floor for easiest robot extraction/collection of all non-essential biologicals. 

Thanks for cooperation for making a Greener Planet.

This all makes sense. The greater minds that you leave behind thinks so. 

Carbon Dioxide Molecule images was [found here]. 

[My LiveLeak uploads] [My Bitchute uploads

The perception that there are more COVID Cases and that there is some sort of danger in that is being propagated. To reduce the perception that COVID Cases are any danger at all, please refrain from all Mainstream News and Social Media. What you see being done around you will be then can be deemed unacceptable, and then you are to act accordingly. Your life may depend on this.

If You Think 2020 Was Rough Just Wait Until You See 2021 [TheCrowHouse Bitchute]

WATCH: Tucker exposes scrubbed video of Chinese professor saying they have people at top of America [Direct Link to Video] (Joe Biden is ineligible to have been a candidate for US President 2020. There is compelling evidence that Biden sold out the US and allowed Chinese Acts of War to go forward to suspend the US Constitution, and to ratchet up Censorship and spew mindless propaganda to get the Free World into UN Agenda 21 and 2030 for 95% population reduction, China exempt. Biden's Treason disqualifies him as being a US Presidential Candidate. So many are on the take. Maybe 2/3 of all legislators and all Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Judges members of the BAR [British Accreditation Registry] who are beholden to China, Big Pharma, Rothschild World Bank, Davos, Bilderbergers, etc.)

Atlanta (Georgia) scanning multiple times [Link to Video] (This is what "voting" looked like nationwide. Biden is a poser and a fraud. Biden is a criminal committing fraud, claiming he is "President Elect". The "Election" should be thrown out for being part of the China and UN Coup of the Free World, Perps Immediately Arrested!!!)

Intelligent Resistance to Tyranny:


The Only way to pull out of this, is for Trump to look into Pfizer's complicity in the coup. They probably took in lots of money and used their DoD and Pentagon corrupt brass connections to conspire to take out the US Constitution, and Trump, to maximize profits for the ingredients for allowing Big Pharma from China. China Declared War on the US with their actions in 2019.

Donald J. Trump, end the lock down, masks, these bogus rigged tests, social distancing, and put out real numbers from those who are not corrupted by the United Nations UNESCO, China, and Rothschilds World Bank. All should be bombed into the stone age, including the minions who should face forced vaccination with Bill Gates strongest batch of his population reduction and sterilizing vaccine, including Bill Gates. 

The BAR, 2/3 of all legislators, judges, lawyers, and prosecutors have alliances outside the interests of anything core American. 

These embedded agent provocateurs need to face a people's grand jury for judging and prosecution. Their finances and foreign offshore accounts of all their family, cut-outs for taking bribes, especially UBS Bank in Connecticut, should be looked into. 

erickson_77 at hotmail dot com 



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