Friday, December 04, 2020

Biden for Execution 2021? Coup and Biggest Election Fraud in History Exposed.

Joe Biden is lip locking with his own granddaughter. I wonder if she was French kissing Grandpa Joe from time she was a baby being held in his arms, how gross and inappropriate is Joe in private? 

Joe's daughter is allegedly getting therapy from taking naked showers with Joe from her earliest memories, and alleged Rape PTSD. Robert Hunter Biden might be similarly abused by his own father, and it looks like Hunter didn't fall far from the tree. 

I still haven't heard anything about Biden's massive election fraud, his taking in 100s of millions of dollars from China to sell us all out. In my opinion that is the real reason for the lock down, and the CDC, WHO, etc are just Chinese Military Intelligence shills, looking for us to be locked down for a Pfizer vaccine which may not prevent anything, and may not prevent anything from spreading. 

The UN has long wanted to end small business, private land use, average people owning anything, not being to make their own health choices, and that population can be vastly reduced, maybe even 95% with vaccines. 

Why hasn't Hunter Biden been arrested for raping and torturing children? 

Why hasn't Joe Biden been arrested for being an foreign agent for China out to destroy the UN and Free World? 

[Election Fraud broken down, videos]

[The SRV SvenVonErick Bitchute uploads] [on]

The photo up top was [found here]. The photo 2nd down from top was [found here]. 


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