Monday, December 07, 2020

Top International BAR Association Clerk of All Courts, Xi JinPing has decided Biden is best for US Presidential Win

People can't be that stupid, can they? Xi Jinping assumed in 2019 with the go ahead, yes Americans and most of the world are just that stupid. 

Since Robert Hunter Biden took 100s of millions of dollars from China to give to his father, Joe Biden. A cocaine crackhead sold you out, and all of America out to the Chinese. Hunter got to torture and screw Chinese children as part of his commission back in 2019. The FBI and mainstream media knew, but are part of the food chain of bribes and Chinese promises.

Even with all the cheating, throwing out, burning, and shredding of Trump votes uncounted, Trump got the most of popular vote in election history. Just in the precincts that matter the most, after the election was mysteriously shut down, and then opened back up, magically just the votes that were needed, came in only in for Vermont without postmarks, envelopes, or anything proving they were legitimate and there are videos of those being run through voting machines 3x. 

The fraud couldn't be any bigger. It is right in your face. No arrests, nothing in mainstream or social media unless you want to be banned, beaten, arrested, jailed, and maybe murdered if you know too much.

Xi Jinping now has the most pull with the Rothschild World Bank. Xi's tool is the UN. The UN in forcing its rules and medical lock down on the entire Free World. Since Xi is in charge, everyone else is in China's way and needs to be dealt with. 

6 Billion plus are going on cashless currency. No matter what the currency is called, it is Chinese World Digital Reserve Currency. Since you own no property, have no rights, it is Xi's decision whether you get credits placed on your Bill Gates 5G Array Antenna, and World Inmate Number, not having credits mean termination. 

Big Pharma looks to Xi as there supreme leader as there are no pharmaceuticals, testing, or world medical field without Chinese main ingredients not made anywhere else. 

Worldwide about 2/3 of legislators belong to the same international secret society that about all world judges, prosecutors, and attorneys do. 

Since all branches of government, courts, policing, all agencies, are all run throught the United Nations UNESCO with order coming from Xi Jinping, Xi decided Joe Biden won. 

It doesn't matter what your lying I think they saw.  

Obamas, Clintons, and Bidens have taken billions in bribes from China. You, the land, all the resources have been sold by Attorneys in the Pedophile Mafia to China. You own nothing, you have no rights.

The Attorneys being Kamala Harris, Michelle and Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. All are members of the BAR. 

The Attorney mentioned above can beak any law, do anything, even kill, torture, rape, and even do this to children and there are no consequences for the elite who do this. 

Xi Jinping, the UN, the World Bank, and Bill Gates want 95% of the population wiped out by 2025. If the vaccines are "real good" that number can be achieved in 2021. 

This isn't just election fraud in your face, it is a straight up coup for the last 4 years. Trump either has to treat a coup, like a coup, or Communists barbecue those who they gain victory on a spit. None with the Trump name anywhere, even outside the US, and even if completely unrelated will face the wrath of the Left if the UN Chinese Big Pharma World Bank Coup succeeds. 

Email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

Blame Obamas, Clinton, Bidens, Pfizer for lock downs, masks, and coup! [Direct Link to Video]

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Picture up top was [found here].

Breaking: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Trump Reelection - FULL SHOW 12/7/20 [Direct Link to Video] (Vaccine makes women sterile and doesn't even do job intended!)

Jeff and Lucy's Speech from the Unmasked Philadelphia Freedom Event [Dollar_Vigilante] (COVID the largest fraud in human history? After hundreds of years, takeover of the entire world? If the CDC hasn't isolated what is COVID, how can they legitimately test for it?)

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