Sunday, December 06, 2020

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for Prison, 2021? There is Extreme Bad News for China Biden and UN.

Scroll down in post for videos

There is too much evidence of voter fraud and cheating. Trump claims he has won all states once votes are legitimately counted. 

Any Governor who does not order, or cooperate with a recount should be questioned on whether they are part of the UN, Big Pharma, China coup of the US, and fixing of the US election. 

Any "news" organization who have been suppressing reporting of the Hunter Biden child porn and rape on the laptop that also contained proof that Bidens took 100s of millions in bribes should be looked into for their collusion in insurrection, treason, racketeering, obstruction of justice and other crimes.

More reasons why not to watch "Screw You" Tube, mainstream media, and to ditch Twitter, Facebook, and most UN China Communist inspired Social Media. [Post with videos]  Click on top banner, or icon on most blogs to go to newest posts.

Every Democrat "win" for at least the last 2 decades from the county level up needs to be investigated for fraud, and election rigging. There should be hearings on whether, or not the Democrat Party needs to be looked into for being disbanded, and main operators looked into for long prison sentences.

Establish a people's grand jury to judge and prosecute, because any member of the BAR, aka allegedly as the British Accreditation Registry should be looked into their loyalty to the United States, to the US Constitution. 

They should be looked into for collusion with the UN and China in a coup, tried, and punished severely, including execution if found guilty. 

Gitmo should be expanded about 10x to accommodate up to all of the 2/3 of legislators who are members of the BAR, and up to all lawyers, prosecutors, and judges for all the damage they have done to small business, families and the fabric of American Life and Heritage. 

Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline, and Big Pharma, CDC, WHO, and other like entities need to be investigated and operators looked into for treason, insurrection, and racketeering. 

All bank operators and executives need to be looked into treason, money laundering, and facilitating the taking of bribes to fix court cases, bribe judges, and fix elections. 

The US Constitution needs to be restored immediately. 

The lock down needs to be lifted immediately. 

International Travel needs to be opened up immediately no masks. 

There is no need for any testing as it is just part of the Coup, and China Psy-Op and UN scam. 

The United Nations needs to be kicked out of the US, their personal deported or jailed, and the NYC United Nations UNESCO building blown up to make a crater. 

All claims that the UN has in the US for owning, running, and making any rules in the US needs to be immediately revoked. 

Masks and social distancing needs to be nixed immediately. 

Small business, farmers, families, and others destroyed by the UN China Big Pharma scam needs to have legislation to bring back the American fair playing field pre-OKC Federal Building Bombing and Clinton scamming, and rigging of all courts and alphabet agencies. 

Civilian Oversight of all alphabet agencies, the Judiciary, and especially the DoD, the Pentagon, CIA, Policing, and how crimes are investigated needs to be enacted. 

The International Police and Teachers Unions need to be abolished in the US. 

All loans to the Rothschild World Bank, to China, and any entities involved in the dismantling of the US and Constitution, the national sovereignty of any nation, were involved in election rigging, or are involved in money laundering, racketeering, murder-for-hire, torture, sex and child trafficking, and/or suppress Free Speech or other god given rights should not be paid back anything. 

The Rothschild World Bank and George Soros operations, buildings, and personnel all need to be drone bombed. 

From now on, only voting in person on paper, with few exceptions like those who can't come home because they are deployed in the military outside the US.  

I dropped a dime on the UN, China, Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline, the Connecticut FBI, Connecticut State Police, Judges and other officials taking bribes to cutout UBS Offshore accounts, and Pedophile Corrupted Judges involved in child trafficking and adoption auctions to Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd and then Connecticut Attorney General Dick Blumenthal in the 1990s. 

I was threatened with having my teeth kicked out, riding in a cruiser trunk in handcuffs, walked out in the woods hung from the nearest tree, was beaten and repeatedly attacked, lost all my property, contracting business built over decades, divorced, permanently estranged from my only daughter, Sarah, and being financially ruined, retirement and credit lost, and serving time as a political prisoner for blowing the whistle. 

Dodd and Blumenthal could have prevented 9/11, all this child trafficking, school shootings, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Las Vegas Shooting, and this whole COVID Hoax and dismantling of the US Constitution  if they took, and investigated my complaints. [My story, and I no longer have that address]

I told both that the UN and China were out to cancel the US Constitution and get the US ready for door to door gun confiscation, and wanted to propagandize youth, get everyone to live on less, sterilize as many people as possible, break up families end small business and private use of land. 

For what Dodd and Blumenthal allowed to happen this great country, I believe both should be put up against a wall and shot, if convicted for crimes that allow execution.

The answer to the 1984 is definitely 1776. 

Forced vaccination is assault, and attempted murder, I will act accordingly. I have yet to obey any mask or any other unconstitutional BS tyrant rules. I am a proud American, and I will die that way as well, willing to stand up and fight all enemies foreign and domestic. 

Steven G. Erickson

erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

12.4.20: SMOKING Guns everywhere! The WHOLE WORLD is WATCHING! [Direct Link to Video] (lots of video clips exposing election fraud, ballots coming out of suitcases, palming USB drives etc.)

The COVID Vaccine is Coming to Save Us... Really It Is [TheCrowHouse] (Pfizer vaccine is really meant to "sterilize the population"?)

The End of the Hoax? Too much Good News for US. Epic Bad News for China, Biden, UN, and Pfizer. [Direct Link to video] [SvenVonErick video uploads] (Too Many Bombshells for One Video. Will these stories END the LOCK DOWN AND MASK HYSTERIA? Will international travel open up as soon as next week?)

[Link to videos and stories in above video


Image up top was [found here].


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