Saturday, December 05, 2020

Bad Data In, Bad Data Out. The Election Should Be Thrown Out. Perps Jailed.

Impactful videos below, scroll down in post. China is GAME ON for all out WAR on the WORLD. Mike Adams breaks it down, bottom video.

There are 6 corporations that decide what entertainment and what news you are allowed to see. They, and other actors are part of the Chinese Coup of the entire Free World.

Those who helping have been compromised, bribed, blackmailed, and morally corrupted by Chinese Communist Intelligence.

China has back doors on all electronic devices, cell towers, and all electronics worldwide. 

They have been collecting data on everyone who might resist their takeover the world with no matter what it is called, when we go cashless, it is the New World Order Chinese Reserve Digital Currency. 

We aren't allowed to congregate with each other. All our communications are jacked. After the OKC Federal City Bombing in 1995, the Clintons injected the UN Agendas into policing, the courts, and all alphabet agencies. 

One of the things the UN wanted implemented was that if 4 people congregated, what they talk about should be monitored as they could be plotting against China, the UN, and the international teacher and police union infiltration of everything. 

Any UN and Chinese Communist enemy is to be vaccinated, slowly or quickly murdered, as part of the original attack with the psychological weapon, it is ALL OUT WAR. 

Coronavirus, out of Wuhan, China.  COVID vaccine deaths would then call for more vaccines to combat the deaths, forced on "patients". This will further cripple any resistance than can be mounted.

The Social Media companies censor the Internet based on Communist United Nations UNESCO orders and can be shut down at any time by the UN. 

Barack Obama put the UN in charge of the Internet. His NDAA 2012 legislation should be investigated for all out treason and selling out all of us to the UN and China.

The BAR, allegedly the British Accreditation Registry, not British, just like the Monarchy is an elite foreign influence. 

2/3 of legislators, and pretty much all of judges, lawyers, and prosecutors are members of this foreign entity. 

Members of the BAR swear an allegiance to each other, and to unseen powers, one allegedly being the Rothschild World Bank. 

No wonder only those who resist the coup are prosecuted. 

Those with the coup avoid prosecution. 

All Town Halls, all Branches of Government, all Alphabet Agencies, and apparatus and infrastructure of all of the Free World are likewise compromised. 

The International Police and Teachers Union identify targets who would be resistance. 

Anyone is willing to be nationalistic defending one's nation, such as honoring and defending the US Constitution is an Enemy of the UN and China NWO.

The BAR will make sure that targets have their families broken up. 

There is financial ruin. 

Discrediting/silencing, there are to be beatings, psychological torture, those being held as political prisoners in huge numbers, and there are those being murdered just for being inconvenient with the truth. 

Anyone affiliated with the BAR, Teachers and Police International Union, the 6 Media Corporations, or the Leftist Social Media Companies, the World Bank, the Brass in the DoD, CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, etc, the United Nations UNESCO, Communist China, Bilderberg, Davos, and/or the Democrat Party (including RINOs) need to be IMMEDIATELY ROUNDED UP AND DETAINED.

These criminals should be investigated for insurrection, inciting riots, treason, crimes against humanity, felony risk of injury to minors, racketeering, obstruction of justice, other felonies and misdemeanors. 

Those convicted of crimes by a people's grand jury to judge and prosecute, including now sitting judges, need to face all forms of punishments from jailing for life to being hung and shot against a wall. 

It is either us, or them. 

Most average people knowing the choice will pick "us". 

We are the numbers. 

All slaves throughout history have had the numerical advantage. 

They can give most of us, 95%, a lethal injection if we let them. 

This time, it should be crimes against humanity trials BEFORE they kill billions of us. 

100s of millions of the 3rd World are already dead, or in the process of dying, mostly of starvation. 

Ask yourself, "Am I a willing victim? Will I fight to the death, because I may die anyway?"

erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

Infowars Banned Videos [Link]

[The SRV SvenVonErick Bitchute uploads] [on]


Ep. 2345b - [DS] Panics, Sends Message, Everything Is About To Change [Direct Link to Video]

Chinese Communist Intelligence have compromised all Medical Organizations, and have compromised the BAR, international police and teachers union, and the UN. 
So the tests, vaccine, and the whole lock down is a Psychological Plot launched out of Wuhan, China. If you a wear a mask and submit you are one Dumbass M'er F'er.

Widely share this post. Your life, your family, your finances, and your country have been destroyed for no good reason. While you breathe it is "Pay Back Time" for the perps.

What If Trump Actually Succeeds In His Cases, How Will America Respond To A SECOND Trump Victory?? [Direct link to Tim Pool TimCast Bitchute upload]

AC/DC Jailbreak 1976 official music video

LIVE NOW: Presidential Election fallout and analysis on Newsmax TV (On the Alphabet Corporation Google YouTube website the AP (Rothschild World Bank) has called the "election" for Joe Biden. This post is on the same CIA Deep State jacked platform)

Image up top was [found here]. 


MSNBC Exploits Nurses To Scare The Public With Covid19 Fear Porn [Direct Link to Video] (Cooperate with the Chinese Intelligence ACT of WAR? Wear a mask, social distance, let the country sink into detention camps and Communism. You have a 99.98%, or so, chance of living, and maybe have no symptoms if the rigged tests to give false positives say you have what may be a mostly made up "disease". Suicides and Overdoses, and starvation of mostly the 3rd World outnumbers any projections of what the "disease" would do if let loose, nothing done. If at least 700,000 are projected to die, or suffer horrifically from the "vaccine", why should anyone take it?)

Dr. Vernon Coleman - Vital Information about the Covid-19 Vaccine! [Direct Link to Video] (Did Bill and Melinda Gates with Pfizer, bribe their way in to KILL 95% of POPULATION?)

Here We Are THE LAST STAND #doordie #darkwinter #warpspeed [Direct Link to RitchieFromBoston Bitchute upload] (Will Bitchute go down for getting out too much information on the Vaccine and Lock Down Scam? Will Ritchie from Boston, me, and the rest like us soon after Canadian voices are silenced forever?)

Tucker Carlson Tonight 2020-12-04 [Direct Link to Video]

Situation Update, Dec. 5th - The CCP gambit: Mass vaccinations of U.S. military to weaken national s [Mike Adams the Health Ranger Natural News Bitchute] (Does China want the US Police, National Guard, and all of US Military vaccinated [murdered] with Pfizer and ModeRNA vaccines, for Chinese Military and Troops Chinese bribed Democrat Governors have been amassing to finish vaxxing the rest of the US population with door to door gun confiscation? With Police, National Guard, and US Military out of the way, China is World Power and we should all learn Chinese if we are the 5% of population that survives due to UN Agenda 21 and 2030 being implemented, right? Are California Governor Gavin Newsom, NJ Murphy, NY Cuomo, Chicago Mayor, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Diane Feinstein, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, the Bidens all in on this treason?)

Lethal Injections don't need 10 years of trials to be approved ...


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