Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Someone is going to PAY FOR THIS. The BAR, British Accreditation Registry isn't British, "For the Greater Good".


"Let's kill all the lawyers" is a line from William Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2. The full quote is "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". It is among Shakespeare's most famous lines, as well as one of his most controversial. Shakespeare may be making a joke when character "Dick The Butcher" suggests one of the ways the band of pretenders to the throne can improve the country is to kill all the lawyers. Dick is a rough character, a killer as evil as his name implies, like the other henchmen, …

[above excerpt was found here on the web


There is a missing part of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution. 

Those with titles of nobility, such as those who are members of the B.A.R., British Accreditation Registry swear their allegiance to each other, and to the Rothschild World Bank and should not be allowed to hold elected office unless they renounce their foreign aliances, or suffer severe penalities and then deported out of the US. 

The BAR isn't British, and neither is the British Monarchy, they are a foreign, hostile, parasitic organization in any nation where they have influence, or are present. 99.9% of all land and resources, including the Statue of Liberty is deeded to the United Nations UNESCO. In too much of the US, it is a UN rule that you cannot collect rainwater off of you roof, you can spend a year, or so, in prison for breaking the UN "rule".

You own nothing, and have no rights. 

The US Constitution says some amazing things about "your rights". You must go to the occupiers, equivalent to a Medieval King, and ask him to protect your rights. If you have ever been in any court room for anything, how does that work out for you?

The BAR are Collectors for the CREDITORS and you are a DEBTOR, if you aren't a CREDITOR. There are 2 classes. As George Carlin famously said, "There's a club, and you're not in it."

Life Is Worth Losing - Dumb Americans - George Carlin (Warning: Foul Language)

The Clintons, Obamas, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, 2/3 of all legislators, Judges, prosecutors, and attorneys worldwide are all mostly members of the B.A.R. 

The missing part of the 13 Amendment which was ratified, would clean up this whole mess. There are copies from the early 1800s in many libraries. Gus Breton, and I, tried to get the New Hampshire Legislature to re-ratify the US Constitution as written. We failed. The New Hampshire Legislature would not ratify the US Constitution. 

2/3 of them either had to give up their jobs, get deported, or renounce their BAR Oath. 

So, if you need anything you are complaining to Bleepholes about Jerks. 

If you are going to die anyway, going to camp, being starved, the goon squad is coming out to take all that you thought you owned, rape your children in front of you, torture them, and then stick a forced vaccine in your arm.

May I suggest something before any of that happens?

Please remember what William Shakespeare said.


Pedophile Judges Rig All Elections? [My SRV Video Uploads on LiveLeak SvenVonErick] [On BitChute]

1st picture up top was [found here]. 2nd picture up top was [found here].

Bush, Prostitutes, & Cocaine (Vincent Bugliosi, the Charles Manson prosecutor, in 2007 called me up in Brattleboro Vermont, said he would buy me lunch and hang out with me all day if I filmed him and gave him copies of whatever I shot. We ran into a stripper in Montpelier Vermont who talked about George W. Bush's days at a Texas Strip Club, drinking, do lots of cocaine, and paying for sex with lots of Daddy Bush's cocaine. Bugliosi told me about the CIA and Deep State Plan when they were taking lots of LSD, to do what they are pulling right now.)


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