Monday, November 30, 2020

China, No Masks. Xi Ping: "US is DEAD Soon due to Lock Downs, US is MY JOKE, HA HA"

Xi Ping is laughing in our faces. No social distancing, no masks, it is a big celebration because the US and the "Free World" is imploding itself. [Pedophile compromised, blackmailed, or bribed Judges] are the reason the election got rigged, the riots expanded, forests were on fire, statues torn down, and small business will be no more.  

Xi Ping planned this. He gave America a pistol to play Russian Roulette with. With Biden and Harris in, there will be bullets in all chambers when the gun is brought up to America's head.  

The Joe, Clintons, and Obamas are all members of the B.A.R., British Accreditation Registry. They have received billions of bribes to sell you out to the Rothschilds World Bank, Puppeteers of the United Nations UNESCO, Big Pharma, and to the World Military Industrial Complex. Kamala Harris is also a member of the BAR. 

AP, Associate Press, is owned by the Rothschilds and declared Joe Biden US President. For declaring himself President, when he is not, isn't that obviously a coup, and insurrection? Since Judges are part of the coup, Trump, whatcha gonna do? (Bad Boys, Bad Boys)

Judges, mainstream media, the international police and teachers union, contact tracing done on you, forced vaccines are all compromised, run, and give profits to the UN and Communist China. They have declared war on us, and are installing their puppets, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 

If Donald J. Trump realizes that pedophile judges are part of the coup, maybe he would lock them up and if they are getting foreign money to help take down the United States as a Sovereign, ALL members of the BAR need to have their finances looked into and if found to give an aid to an enemy in war, need to be lined up against a wall and shot, or hung with a rope by the neck until dead just like after the Nuremberg Trials. 

Trump, end the lock down, or continue to be a joke to Xi Ping and the Rothschilds. [Video]  

[My Liveleak videos]

my email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

Inner Circle - Bad Boys (Video original)

Image up top is a screenshot from [here].


China, No Masks. Xi Ping: "US is DEAD Soon due to Lock Downs, US is MY JOKE, HA HA" [Direct Link to Video]


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