Saturday, November 28, 2020

Make Call call about Garage Door, and Get Email just after I get off phone asking if I need quote!!!

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We have no privacy at all, I mean none. This all started when we didn't push back on our privacy being invaded. 

Isn't it a human right to have privacy? 

Are we also responsible for making our own health decisions? 

Since when, are all even the most basic human rights, suspended? 

I noticed my friend's garage door so I first texted him. It was almost immediately that I got a text if I want a quote for having a local installer install a door supplied by them. 

In 2012, I was with a girlfriend on the couch, put my arm around her watching Netflix. Then going to the opening page, vacation packages for romantic getaways was shown on the television. 

Disturbed, I wanted to see how far the snooping went. 

I talked about Lesbian dating and was there a website. I don't have Alexa, and did activate the microphone on the television remote. Lesbian dating websites showed up within minutes. 

If the UN and China have taken over the United States in a Coup using, and bribing the Obamas, Clintons, and Bidens. 

So, the Smart Devices know all those who even remotely don't like the the lock down, think masks are ridiculous, and all the COVID testing, a vaccine is all just profiteering and power grab of the Deep State.

The idea of "Homeland Security" was a German one in World War II. 1995, or prior US DHS, Department of Homeland Security didn't yet exist in name, but it did in burgeoning policies and covert actions. DHS was born to force vaccinate and gun confiscate, door to door. 

The Leftists are saying now that all Trump Supporters and any conservatives who got in their way shouldn't have jobs, have no credits in a cashless society, even for food, and should rounded up, tortured, and killed. 

That Canadian Douchebag Justin Trudeau shows that COVID is just BS, because he is spewing United Nations UNESCO taking points on going Green and the Great Reset and COVID is an "Opportunity". 

"Building Back Better" is a Trudeau and Joe Biden line, a UN line. 

In order to "Build Back Better", doesn't everything have to be destroyed first?

Shouldn't those who broke everything, after they stole everything be punished? 

If you allow them to make you go cashless, it means you own nothing, and have no rights. Once there is nothing else to rip off from you, it means those who stole everything from you, are now supposed to be kind leaders. Are you F'ing Kidding!!!???  

So, this shows it was planned. There was a lot on conspiracy in all branches of government, local, city, state, and federal. Judges are the main key to public corruption, and leaders selling their countries out to the highest bidder. Judges get in no trouble no matter what they do, including to children, families, and to the integrity of any system, for their selling out, no punishment.  

Why do I hate Justin Trudeau? Well, to me he is not too much different from the Clintons, Bidens, and Obamas. 

In 1995, after the OKC Federal Building Bombing, the plans for Communist run UN to eradicate small business, family farming, and take away all private land use, and all rights, restrict travel, medical choices, reproduction, and all aspects of human life, including decide who lives, and who dies. Categories can be used for contract tracing. 

So, because of contract tracing in 1995, the UN, and the Clintons I lost my home, investment properties, having my only daughter in my life, my marriage, contracting business, and sum total of my life. Living Green and Global Warming are just words. Look who is benefiting.

Meanwhile they want us to take lethal injections for population control. Meantime we are just inmates in the biggest open air prison in the history of the world. 

You, reading this, you are waiting for the knock on your door for your vaccine shot. If you are in America, you are waiting for gun confiscation, the lethal shot, and official pedophiles to take possession of your kids. The Clintons have the monopoly on fixing court cases and ANY judge ANYWHERE is somehow influenced, and controlled by, the Clintons. 

My beef:

"Free" And "American" at Same Time, Lagos Nigeria? US Constitution Zone (Language/Subject Warning) [Direct Link to Video]

OANN Jenna Ellis: 'The latest' On Team Trump’s Legal Fight Against Election Corruption 11/28/2020 [Direct Link to Video]

Hillary Clinton planned on stealing the White House Seat in 2016. This COVID scam was probably planned for 2016, so she, the UN, and China could take complete control. 

Donald Trump's failure to go after corrupt, sold-out judges, UN/China operatives in all branches of government, the big banks where officials get all sorts of bribes in their offshore accounts, and to their cut-outs. Trump failed to "Lock Her Up". 

For insurrection and treason, no matter WHO is proven guilty, the punishment should be rope, or a firing squad. 


The Fugs - CIA Man

James Gang - Walk Away (1971)

The B-52's - Legal Tender (Official Music Video) (Joe Biden's Deep State "Money Printing Basement")

Missing Persons - Words

The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright (Official Music Video)

"Gone Away" live with Emily Armstrong of Dead Sara (I know it is like to be in the calm before the storm. The UN and China, with the Clintons had "test cities" to break up families, religion, independent journalism, small businesses, complete destroy lives based on your category not being liked by the Clintons or UN. A Pedophile, Peter Coukos in Stafford Springs, a contractor for the CIA getting them his preferred age of sex partner, 4 to 8, girl or boy, decided he wanted all my properties. Connecticut State Police prefer operatives like Coukos. Coukos told me that I needed to sign over my properties to him and give him $30,000 for him, the prosecutor, the judge, and the police, or I would lose my properties anyway, he would see to it that I was permanently estranged and F'd so hard in prison by [N-word plural snipped, that my guts would drain out my butt hole. I didn't pay Coukos, a distant Clinton Operative money. I am permanently estranged from my only daughter, was railroaded to prison, and from the 1990s, contact tracing is about wrecking your life and ripping you off)

My email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com



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Obstruction and Contempt of the US Presidency? If you do this to Congress (Or Piss-Ant Judge), you go to PRISON.

"The Media", too many corrupt judges, Social Media, banks, corporations, China, the UN etc., all will allow Joe Bidens and Democrats anything, while barbecuing any opposition. 

The opposition to winner, Donald J. Trump, want you tracked down, tortured, put in a camp, then killed for supporting opposition to their coup. Their being paid billions in bribes from Communist Run United Nations UNESCO and China doesn't mean these organized criminals should win. 

Trump should not leave rope and firing squads off the table for the insurrection, the treason, the coup ...


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Reported COVID-19 Deaths 'Almost Exactly Equal To’ Total Decrease In Deaths By All Other Causes [Direct Link to Video]


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