Should Trump Pardon Martha Stewart, Prosecute Hillary Clinton?

If you have a way of getting this post to Donald J. Trump or [Corey Lewandowski] this post requesting that Martha Stewart be pardoned, and that US Justice System should be examined why Martha Stewart can end up in Federal Prison for maybe withholding information from the FBI, and/or lying, just once, and Hillary Clinton has been doing that, and much worse, for many decades, yet Hillary has never seen the inside of a Federal Prison cell. Should this be changed ASAP? Please contact all your elected officials by phone, email, and by regular snail mail, and repeat.
Martha Stewart and I have Connecticut in common, and both of us pulled a gun on our own property not to be harassed, and/or attacked on our own Connecticut property to get criminals off of our property, and to leave us alone. Both of us were railroaded to prison sometime after that happened as part of a Hillary Clinton UN US Constitution ending Marxist expansion witch hunt.
Scroll down in post for video, of law that should be used to prosecute Hillary Clinton, immediately.
Please widely share this post. This is how YOUR justice system works as well.
If a couple has 20 million dollars, lawyers will put in a lien for 20 million dollars in case divorce costs that much [Example]. Linda Berkbeck left her long time boyfriend Herb Riley her house in Exeter New Hampshire home and half of about $130,000 bank account. Only the bank account was to be shared with Linda's son Jack. 3 years later, only the court and lawyers seem to stand to get all the cash, and the value of the house JUST FOR THE LAWYERS HANDLING THE PROBATE CASE.
Courts are a Mafia, and are criminals. Judges are pandering whore lying scumbags. The UN and International Police Union and their collusion with Communist China is the real reason for all this BS.
If the courts and law enforcement wasn't such crap, the US Constitution would still apply, we wouldn't all be locked down, so everything can be stolen and a we are to be forced injected with the military and police showing up to force poison us.
You can thank Trump for that. Biden would be an even worse nightmare when it will come to vaccines, lock down, and having to wear a mask in, and outdoors for the rest of your life.
I will back off my disdain for Trump if he nixes the whole vaccine push for a lame Flu.
Did a $20 Whore use her Leftist Snowflakieness ruin me for calling her out on being a $20 whore? She made me lose my contracting business, retirement, house, rental properties, and the sum total of my life's work to be railroaded to prison, permanently estranged from my only daughter, written out of my father's will, and ruined for life because she slept with numerous POLICE FOR FREE, and also gets PREFERENCE IN ANY COURT OR LEGAL PROCEEDING.
I was sick, in so much pain, I wanted to call an ambulance for myself. I couldn't walk without crutches, couldn't even get out of bed for most of 3 weeks back in 2016 with Chronic Lyme. At the time I belonged to MDI (Mentor Discover Inspire) Men's Team.
We meet around a campfire once a week for 3 hours. An exercise to release anger about a past incident, to go forward as better functioning, honorable me, we were to write letters to a person, tell them what they thought of them, what we perceived was the infraction was, and then to release the anger by throwing that letter in the fire.
I wrote that letter in 2016, and instead of burning it in the fire, I put a stamp on it and mailed it to my Wilbraham, Massachusetts, father's 2nd wife, Bettye, telling her the only bigger [C-word snipped] bigger than her, or my father, is Hillary Clinton.
Other than the one 2016, letter, I have never contacted my father's wife electronically, or in person, ever, last saw her in 2007 at Hartford, Connecticut, hospital as my brother-in-law, Phil Tenerowicz was dying of his motorcycle accident injuries, and Bettye had a meltdown because I was there. Hospital security should have hauled her out for her lunatic, loud yelling, arms flailing, and alarming behavior causing a major disturbance.
I was with a woman who co-hosted a comedy special with John Candy, and was on Saturday Night Live with Eddy Murphy, who had hired me to help her promote an Alec Baldwin produced movie, "Solitary Birds", and to live-in with her Greenwich, Connecticut, Home as her personal assistant. Bettye created such a scene, making false accusations, that I got fired and never saw that woman again.
Bettye, and my father, saw too it I was permanently estranged from my only daughter, my sisters, and was told that if I went to the funeral, wake, or any future family gatherings/events that they could make up anything they wanted and I would spend the rest of my life in prison. I am afraid to go to Agawam Massachusetts to visit my mother, as something can be made up where I am arrested and will never see daylight again.
The C-word was in almost every sentence of the 2016 letter. I talked about my father bowling me down the stairs at age 3, choking me, and then fast forward to both of them getting me kicked out of college just before exams with their lies, getting me fired from jobs, their lies to get me to lose girlfriends and their using their political influence to get police, and the courts to BBQ me to permanently estrange me from my only daughter, and helping me get railroaded to prison as both know I am on the [UN/Clinton Enemies List].
Police actually came to my Stafford Springs, Connecticut, Home to say I couldn't be with my wife anymore without any justification, and was kicked out of Connecticut, after the pair allegedly called police and the local court on me.
So, I can't get any service from the courts, only a BBQ. Police are not supposed to help me if I call 911, but to find something to arrest, or detain me for, even if they have to lie, file a bogus report, manufacture evidence, solicit false testimony from witnesses, and commit perjury on the stand if I am in a trial.
For that letter, I wasn't able to renew my driver's license in the beginning of this year, 3 Salem New Hampshire police officers came to where I lived and served me with a Lifetime restraining order that permanently bans me from having guns, or any other weapons, and police were there to confiscate any guns if I had any, no compensation.
I was never notified of a hearing, told I can't dispute the order. I called, wrote, emailed the Palmer Massachusetts District Court asking for what was filed to get a Lifetime Restraining Order being placed on me where I am not supposed to leave home, go in Massachusetts, without first calling police to ask permission, and now for life it might be illegal for me to blog here, be on social media, be on a dating sites etc, and might be unemployable or get any rental situations with a current background check being done.
What did I do to piss off my father's 2nd wife? Well the 2nd sleep over date with my father after she knew him a couple hours over drinks at a Springfield, MA, Parents without partners event, she told me that I wasn't allowed to park my vehicle in the driveway, and that my sister Jenn, and I needed to find another place to live, as her 3 kids were moving in, and there wasn't enough room Jenn and I. We 2 were still in High School.
Bettye had allegedly slept with most of the Wilbraham Police Department, or anyone who had $20 in a bar parking lot near where she and her 3 kids lived on welfare in her father's basement. I knew her father before I met the daughter who had problems with all behavior, starting fires, lying, starting blown out near riots in public, kleptomania, nymphomania, and for stealing money out of random men's wallets when she slept around, with someone new allegedly about every night while in college in Florida.
So, on my father's 2nd sleep over date, after she threatened me, I pulled out a $20 bill out of my wallet, and told her even though I could afford her services, I wouldn't even let any of her skanky parts anywhere near my [slang for penis, snipped]. I also tried to get my father to leave Bettye on the alter to arrive 15 minutes late to Bettye's infamous parking lot in the Limo.
Bettye went from welfare to millions, telling me on her 2nd date that she would have me written out of my father's will, and disowned, if I didn't leave and stay out of her way. Bettye told me she could get the Wilbraham, or Springfield Police to nail me for anything, and she told me she could fix any court case. Obviously, she can.
So, ANY Leftist SNOWFLAKE, can make up total BS, get a Lifetime Restraining Order on you, if you are a Trump Supporter, or conservative, maybe get you locked up, guns confiscated, financially and legally ruining you for the rest of your life. No hearing, no notification, and no way to dispute complete lies to ruin you, is that the new, and for all time, "Justice in America"?
I believe the Clintons and the UN started this who process after the 1995 OKC Federal Building Bombing to have a photo opportunity to have pictures of blown up and burned dead children in a Federal Building for them to get Domestic Terrorism Legislation where the Clintons are immune from prosecution for anything, and could without any repercussions, align with UN UNESCO and the Communist Chinese have a stealth coup of the US, and the world.
Obama's 2 daughters, and Chelsea Clinton need to be investigated for the 100s of millions of dollars that each allegedly has. Was that the way to buy Clinton and Obama influence, grease the palms of their children?
Hey Trump, US Attorney General Barr, or to whom it may concern:
Are UN Leftist Democrats immune from being honestly investigated/prosecuted? Can UN Democrat influence ANY civil, or criminal case in the US, and/or world, for verdicts and conditions being decided before hearing, or proceeding, is even held?
UN Dems Immune from Prosecution? [Direct Link to SvenVonErick BitChute Video]
Text with video:
More info:
Martha Stewart, may or may not have lied to FBI. Hillary Clinton definitely lied often to the FBI, under oath, etc. Hillary Clinton also either destroyed, or had destroyed, evidence to cover her exploits over many decades and she keeps getting away with it:
Martha Stewart photo was found here:
Is the UN UNESCO and Communism expansion tool. Does the UN and Chinese Communist Chinese rig all US Court Cases and US Alphabet agencies? If not, why can the Clintons, Obamas, and their minions break any laws they want, no punishment, no arrests, no criminal or civil cases against the Deep State operatives?
My blog:
Martha Stewart, may or may not have lied to FBI. Hillary Clinton definitely lied often to the FBI, under oath, etc. Hillary Clinton also either destroyed, or had destroyed, evidence to cover her exploits over many decades and she keeps getting away with it:
Martha Stewart photo was found here:
Is the UN UNESCO and Communism expansion tool. Does the UN and Chinese Communist Chinese rig all US Court Cases and US Alphabet agencies? If not, why can the Clintons, Obamas, and their minions break any laws they want, no punishment, no arrests, no criminal or civil cases against the Deep State operatives?
My blog:
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