Thursday, September 16, 2021

UN/Monsanto/China Heroin/Sex Slaves for Judiciary/State Police "Rub & Tug" Brothels?

Joe and Hunter Biden put the China, UN, and Big Pharma BS right in plain sight. Did the most US senior general really work for the UN, World Bank, and China because he was paid to along with most senior Democrats and RINOs? Take your poisons, heavy metals, and human gene altering cocktail shot to slowly kill you, suck your soul, dumb you down, make you other than human, and STFU!

To the best of my belief and knowledge, my Springfield Massachusetts Monsanto father brought me to a B-52 Bomber piloted by Ludlow Mass neighbor Ray O'Mara in 1968, me age 4, full of heroin, drums of something, and 2 young Asian girls in dog cages. 

My father was not supposed to bring me to the B-52 at Westover AFB Chicopee Massachusetts to meet police chiefs, CIA, and the brothel judiciary workers who were there to collect heroin to keep sex workers for the Judiciary, State Police, elected officials, chemical and big pharma companies, mainstream media, United Nations drug and sex traffickers, and Communist Chinese moles Happy. 

Pallets of cash were ready to make the trip back to a base in Japan, or to somewhere near Vietnam. 

Weeks later my father didn't want me to talk to my mother, sisters, my little friends, neighbors, or anyone else alone. I was punished for having friends and being around others I may talk to age 4. From then on I didn't believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, honest courts and officials, and knew most judges are judges because they love to f' the sh*t out of little boy's *sses. 

Not far into 1st grade, an older single woman near retirement, Ms. Connor who had a prominent picture of JFK up on her wall, brought me to the principals office, wanting me kicked out of her class. 

"I am sick of this child's father threatening me with IRS, prison, losing my pension, and that I have to ridicule him and not allow him to make friends in my class!!!??? I am near retirement, if this kid is offspring of his father, I hate him too, and I don't want this Monsanto evil child in my class. Please remove him immediately."
How did Monsanto and Big Pharma get immunity from paying taxes, civil and criminal penalties, and in becoming the goverment of the world with the World Bank, United Nations, and Communist China as allies?

Well, if you are F'ing kids, trafficking drugs, money laundering, and funding both sides of wars and conflict to spending taxpayer pennies to make dollars, what aren't you capable of?

My Monsanto Father age 28 in 1968 said he could ship any woman, and anything anywhere, and fix any court case drunk with his Monsanto friends. 

My father recently had a divorce proceeding with his 2nd wife Monday, in a Springfield Mass court, after 40 years of marriage a woman who was living in her parent's basement on welfare with 3 young children, allegedly doing $20/sex act tricks in Wilbraham Massachusetts dive bar parking lot, may take my father for millions in her fraud upon the court. 

My father never had any balls his entire life anyway, had the misfortune to hear his punching her in the face as his idea of foreplay.

I had the displeasure from an early age of knowing I was the son of one of the worst criminal minion dirtbags of the World Bank, Big Pharma, and was one of the architects of identifying children in schools for Monsanto, the UN, and the World Bank of who would fight the hardest to protect and defend the US Constitution, and ruin their lives before they were even out of high school ...  

My father and "people" like him decided court cases, covertly broke up families, and if you see a milk carton with a missing person on it, maybe it was Satan's minion's like my father who are responsible.,

These are the leftard attitudes that are wrecking the world in a microscasm. 

Image up top was [found here]. What I post here is satire, sometimes fiction, dark comedy, opinion, and for those who know ... you decide. 

The Media Just Accidentally ADMITTED the Entire Pandemic is FAKE [Direct link to video]



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