Saturday, September 18, 2021

LAND INVASION of America now under way - Mike Adams

(Opinion, Satire, Commentary)

"Stuff" about to hit the fan?

All the BS from the Clinton OKC Federal Building Bombing on has furthered the drug, child, and sex traffickers in World Bank, consortium of spy agencies, the United Nations, corporate organized crime, and Big Pharma. 

Their slow burn coup is now is Warp Drive. Judges have been compromised as they have been to too high a percentage of little boy F'ers for centuries, and the B.A.R. Association of lawyers has the World Bank as their masters. 

Election rigging means there is no real representation for your taxation.

It is obvious that the current administration is not legitimate. "American Justice" is non-existent. 

None of the checks and balances are currently functioning. DHS and TSA, like US General Milley are compromised by the Communist UN/China/World Bank takeover of the world, the biggest Ponzi Scheme in the history of the world. 

Trust the coup with your medical care and tracking you when you are allowed to temporarily leave your prison cell. Praise United Nations and their handlers.

Check out previous posts for video and more.

Situation Update EMERGENCY BROADCAST for Sep 18, 2021 - LAND INVASION of America now under way [Mike Adams aka Health Ranger, Natural News, Bitchute video upload] [Health Ranger videos on Brighteon]

ALERT: Over 50,000 Haitians Have Invaded Mexico! Now Surging Over Texas Border - FULL SHOW! 9/17/21 [] As rare as it is to see Americans wearing Biden Campaign tee-shirts, hats, etc., but the illegals flooding over the borders certainly are. So, who is supplying illegals with Biden campaign clothing, funding, and air tickets to wherever in US that Democrats worry about losing a legitimate elections in 2022?


[Click Here] for below post: 

Put Dangerous Computer Chip in your vehicle because Joe Biden, UN, and World Bank tell you to?


A chip is needed to make the World go Green. Of course this chip will cause problems and cause catastrophic engine failure, but you are a, or siding with, White Racist Conservative Homophobes if you do not comply and should be immediately sent to a re-education prison camp. 

Go Green, or else, accept any BS lies and just accept going Green and that you are obsolete and need to be dealt with.

If the above computer chip does not work, booster computer chips may be needed.



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