Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Dear Nigeria, I wish to seek political asylum from the China, UN, and Pfizer Coup of the US

The First Country that opens up to fly with no masks, no social distancing, no tests, no vaccine, no BullS*t, no attacks on small business, self-employment, and the lawful pursuit of happiness, WILL HAVE THE BIGGEST FINANCIAL REWARD AND APPRECIATION FROM WHAT IS LEFT OF THE "FREE" WORLD. 

If Trump doesn't come out his reality show television role, and go Rambo, the UN, China, Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, the World Bank, Pfizer and Big Pharma, the Deep State, and all the Child Trafficking made easy by corrupt/blackmailed judges will get Trump back for not letting them take everything and kill about 95% of the population. Once the Deep State takes control everything, no matter what it is called, will be Chinese World Digital Currency, no cash. What you have seen so far is only kindergarten compared to what they plan to release. That is why Trump could be dragged out into the street, naked, and violated and humiliated along with his whole family unlike in the historty of the world ... it will be televised.

Trump needs to be the Michael Character in Godfather 1:

The Godfather I (1972)- Baptism Scene, Michael Kills all the heads of the other families

Rambo (10/12) Movie CLIP - 50 Caliber Rescue (2008) HD

Top Gun - Air Brakes Maneuver (1986)

MAD MAX - Climax Digest / Interceptor

The Count of Monte Cristo 2002 Sword Fight

8 Mile | Eminem's Final Rap Battles

The Terminator - Fat Boy - Harley-Davidson motorcycle

Dear Black People. This is Joe Biden.

Braveheart: Freedom Speech

AC/DC - Walk All Over You (Official Video)

The Entire Free World Wants a Jail Break ...

AC/DC Jailbreak 1976 official music video

I had mostly given up my anger addiction, always needed something to trigger my anger. My thermostat was set on chaos, and mayhem. I saw soldiers dying live in Black and White on television in the 1960s. I already felt a connection with the Vietnamese, we were both being tortured by the same chemical company/Big Pharma make as many people suffer, and die, corporation, Monsanto. 

It was July before last, I finally put my childhood nightmares of a boogie man lurking in the shadows of my bedroom, and my father would appear just as I opened my eyes and then choke me out, after giving me the opposite words of encouragement. Wearing a mask brings back memories of not knowing if I would live or die. 

Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or anything that I was told existed, I questioned from first awareness ...

Emailed around 8 PM November 24, 2020:

[Embassy of Nigeria]

Subject: Business Proposal and Possible Travel to Nigeria by me and likewise minded individuals

To whom it may concern in the Government of Nigeria,

I think we may have common enemies. 
I started to wake up to the abuses of the United Nations, China, the World Bank, and Big Pharma Chemical Companies when my Springfield, Massachusetts USA Monsanto father would choke me out, throw me against walls, and just hit me in passing from my earliest memories. 
My earliest memory is looking in the bathroom mirror and seeing the whites of my eyes, red like blood. So, I paid attention to what this globalist, my father, did and who he associated with.

I was 2 years old in 1966, and from the early 1970s I remember my father talking to Chinese Intelligence Operatives, and others in a version of the CIA, some sort of a World Bank Corporate CIA. They talked about having vaccinations that were race specific, to have worldwide riots, and killing about 95% of the population.
 Chemical companies intentionally wanted to cause famine in Africa to remove the people, especially military age men in Africa who would defend the wealth in resources, energy, minerals, gold, silver, diamonds, and control the continent and the world.  
Millions of tons of chemicals were sprayed on Vietnam and Monsanto Executives would laugh drug that soldiers who would be US police when coming home would have children with their organs outside their bodies in birth defects, "Cops are too stupid to collect shopping carts in a grocery store parking lot, they shouldn't be having children," is something I heard the chemists say.

In 1995, I wanted to become a Police Officer in Stafford Springs, Connecticut. I found out that the Clintons were using Federal Tax Dollars to bring a United Nations and Communist Chinese Policy of breaking up families to best indoctrinate children as the international teachers union was too slow, and were out to eliminate their enemies from the planet. The enemies are the US Constitution, independent journalists, family farmers, the self-employed, and those who would most resist, and be leaders, when the US Constitution was suspended and it was found out that the UN, China, the Democrats, the World Bank, Corporate Organized Crime, and the World's most elite were behind the coup.

I am 56. I want to live in peace. I seek political asylum in Nigeria from the UN, China, Deep State BS.

Most Americans and citizens of the Free World can see that the lock down and COVID is one big China, UN, and Deep State scam. No masks are needed, no tests are needed. Your COVID numbers in Lagos where social distancing, masks, and all the other stuff in New York City which is double New York City's population with even HIGHER density. So, that alone says masks, testing, vaccine needed, and ALL that is claimed by Chinese Intelligence and UN propaganda media and censorship worldwide.

I wish to be in business promotion, sales of retirement opportunities, luxury condos, movie studios, businesses that telecommute to live without fear of riots, famine, electricity and internet being cut, police kicking doors in at 3 AM, breaking up of families, forced inoculations, political killing of enemies of the UN and Chinese Communism in the US if the coup installs Joe Biden. Since I learned the plan of Intelligence insiders from the time I was 3, I see what is going on.

Will you call BS on the whole COVID thing and have more money come into Lagos and Nigeria than in the history of the world up to this point?

My cell#, whats app, and Viber app are [# snipped] and it is best to text first before calling. Viber has as translation application.

Please forward this email/letter to the appropriate persons for consideration and an answer.

Steven G. Erickson (mail is forwarded from here wherever I am)
215 S. Broadway # 217
Salem, NH 03079 USA

stevengerickson at yahoo dot com

PS I will post this on the Stark Raving Viking blog which will do my due diligence in notifying the US State Department of my negotiations with a foreign government. I will go back and clean up my grammar and spelling in what I post online.(Maybe)




Victim Of Changes (Judas Priest, Sad Wings of Destiny Album)

Judas Priest - Dreamer Deceiver / Deceiver (BBC Performance)

Patti Smith - Smells Like Teen Spirit

[My SRV BitChute Video Channel]


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