Monday, November 09, 2020

Judas Goat Biden leads US to Slaughter. Canada, New Zealand, and Australia have already fallen to UN/China.

Live on CNN election vote flipping, one candidate gets the votes to win in a split second, and that election wasn't even for Trump. TheCrowHouse video from Australia breaks down the election fraud. Election results need to be thrown out. It is obvious all the media is jacked for a foreign inspired coup. On Social Media, countless BLM Antifa and Democrats claim to burn, shred, throw out and disqualitfied Trump and Republican votes. There could be millions of Biden ballots with just Biden's name on it, no other candidate, obvious fraud. Bidens have taken countless millions from China to sell out entire world.

New Zealand, Canada, and Austrailia may have already fallen to the UN/China Military Intelligence Psy-Op after infiltrating everything medical in all countries. Re-education (Death) camps already set up in UN/Chinese compromised countries. Leaders like Trudea and potential leaders like Joe Biden have allegedly sold out getting massive payoff from China being Judad Goats leading their people to the pen for slaughter. 

Matt Drudge broke the Monica Lewinski scandal. China and the Clinton hate independent journalists and small business owners, thwarts of Communist infiltration and takeover plans. So, Matt Drudge's former biggest New Site ever looks like it is now run by Communist Chinese and the Clintons. 

A new term, "Drudged" is when a "news service" is compromised and takeover by UN/China parasitic host.

The AP, Fox News, CNN, and pretty much all that you now see and hear had been Drudged. 

The US Election is an obvious fraud. If 600,000 or so ballots are only for Joe Biden and that is the tip of the iceberg, there hasn't been a more blatant, and so massive, election fraud in the history of the world. 

After the Robert Hunter Biden story should have broken in all media worldwide, because it is important, didn't. It should have meant the immediate arrest of all of the coup, and all who are compromised by the UN and China. 

Isn't normally protocol to arrest someone who has taken 100s of millions of dollars from an enemy of the US for his father to sell out the Free World as a payoff to Joe Biden AND have evidence of torture and rape of underage Chinese teens on the Hunter laptop?

The one sided, very suspicious reporting should be a very big clue. Most of the people aren't even majestic goats in the mountains, they are just city sheep. The most willing to fight back, are already planning on their own Red Dawn. 

The Jews who fled Nazi Germany before the mass killing were the smartest, richest, and most willing to attack, dominate, and eliminate those who would wipe them out given the chance. The UN and China is doing that all over the world. After all the sheep are wiped out, what is left will make sure every last one of the coup conspirators get 10x of what they doled out. 

I am not talking about me, I stopped prepping after my mountain hideaways were all destroyed and all my supplies and food stolen. So, all I have left is a lap and a cellphone to make videos. 

If I were Trump I would go Michael Corleone from God Father II on all my enemies before they do it to me, wipe out my family, and everything core American including most of the higher mentally functioning, and productive people in America.  

The Democrats are all calling Trump supporters a "Terrorist Racist Occupation", so in power, they will have to act to repossess, all property, and make sure we, the ultimate enemies of globalism, must all be completely removed, erased, and punished in the most extreme ways for our audacity of actually speaking out minds, and for being so stupid and naive that we actually thought the US Constitution applies. 

All could end if the names of meetings with the Clintons, Trudeau, Chinese, corporate heads, bankers, tech, and US DoD heads should be looked into for who they looked to install as leaders worldwide, and what they did to get ready for the "Great Reset" and the "New Normal". 

The US Department of Defense, is not the military. It is a more vast, and scary version of the CIA. The DoD is international, it has long not been answerable to the United States. The profiteers are for sale to the highest bidders. The highest bidders are Puppeteers paying off the UN Communist Director with Chinese, Corporate, and Big Pharma cash. 

Obama's 2012 NDAA made all the election rigging and all media UN Communist. The DoD got your tax dollars to do all this, and so the biggest criminals in the history of the world made the most profits in the history of the world with your demise. 

Dems promise to round up Millions of Trump Supporters and Kill them for daring to support Trump?

[Direct Link to video]

[My LiveLeak videos if still up and not censored by the UN and China]

US Election 2020 The Most Blatant and Obvious Electoral Fraud in History [TheCrowHouse]



BET Viewers Won’t Believe Their Ears when They Hear what the Founder Said about Trump [Direct link to video]

Judas goat pics and meaning [Wikipedia]


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