Monday, November 23, 2020

China Orders Hunter Biden Whacked? All the Billions of Bribes to Obamas, Clintons, Bidens can't go to waste?

Should Hunter be taken off the street, one way on another?

The US can't even pretend to have legitimate law enforcement and courts if Robert Hunter Biden is still walking around after evidence where he was provided with Chinese children to rape and torture, and more importantly proof he took 100s of millions of dollars in bribes for Joe Biden. 

No one has been arrested, as far as me know. This is the biggest story this century and mainstream media isn't reporting it, and social media censors those who try to expose this. Is this all evidence we are under the Coup of UN and China that promises to vastly reduce our populations?

Imagine if Don Jr. did 1/100 that Hunter has done ... you can't as Don Jr. would have been arrested and imprisoned if he even thought about doing any of it. 

Don Jr. never had to worry about any harm to his teeth from smoking truckloads of crack cocaine, because Don Jr. is smart enough to have never tried it. 

If Joe Biden actually molested his kids, even Hunter, other Bidens are showing they haven't fallen far from the tree. 

Was COVID, and the World Shutdown all to get the US back for not allowing Hillary Clinton to install herself in 2016? 

Hillary Clinton will get the last laugh if Kamala Harris is installed as President under her. Hillary Clinton as the US Ambassador to the UN might have more power than Harris. 

It seems that every time Clinton Global Initiative CGI got a very large "donation", then information was left on the Hillary's not secure server to benefit the donor ...

The Libyan Leader was dragged out into the street and had a bayonet in his butt and repeatedly raped with the blade. This absolutely delighted Hillary Clinton. 

The Libyan leader pissed off the World Bank, Big Pharma, and the Deep State having currency based on African Wealth, and wanting China to pay for all they were stealing out of Africa. Donald J. Trump is pissing the World Bank off even more. 

AP declared Joe Biden President. Associated Press is owned by the Rothchilds. 

Alex Jones will be severely punished for insuring Trump legitimately won in 2016 by Hillary Clinton. 

As soon as it is definite that Biden's steal of election is a definite, Jones will be black bagged and toe tagged. 

The Obamas, Clintons, and Bidens have sold you into UN Chinese Slavery for their benefit. Shut up and like it!

I knew about some of this being ramped up in 1995. I was asked to work for FBI Intelligence and/or Connecticut State Police Intelligence as an operative. 

Anyone who gathered in groups of 4 or more, I was supposed to try to listen to see if they would be possibly resistance when the US Constitution was nullified with a coming event. 

Veterans were supposed to be set up for false arrests or for having taken calming meds given by the VA, small business owners, and was supposed to beat up and even kill any reporters who reported on the Pentagon DoD FBI CIA DIA World Bank Big Pharma plan. 

Trillions of tax dollars have been misappropriated for the current Operation "Grand Slam".

Things didn't work out well for me dropping the dime on it all to Connecticut US Senator Chris Dodd and then Attorney General Dick Blumenthal: [Click Here]

Trump - “Big Pussy” Character on HBO Sopranos? (Foul Language) [Direct Link to video]

All US History on Paper Slated to be Burned? [Direct Link to Video]

2013, Stark Raving Viking Blog accused Central Bank of using Vaccine Excuse to Occupy World [Direct Link to Video]

Text with video: 

in 2000 an episode went out live about the huge tax fraud be perped by the Deep State. I link to it:

What I post sounds crazy. I haven't stopped since I found out the OKC Fed Building Bombing was the Coup of the US by the Clintons, United Nations UNESCO, and Communist China.

The Clintons wanted to eradicate all small business worldwide, end private property use, and have banks and corporations with China, rent everything to everyone, and tax us all to breathe, and limit all freedom.

I am one of the first on the Clinton hit list from 1995. I have sworn under oath all that I have had to say. My offer still stands, prove one thing I say is a lie and I shut up about everything. The offer still stands from 1995. In 1995 I was offered a job paid by Federal tax dollars to do the UN bidding of go after those who would be leaders when the US Constitution was suspended, so police and military, N Korean Army was consideration, for going door to door with us, to force vaccinate, confiscate guns, money, precious metal, gems, and paperwork to confiscate everything of value nationwide in the US.

I haven't shut up, and Retired Narcotics Detective Rich Murzin told me that Connecticut State Police Intelligence called me the "Cat with 19 Lives" because I would "play" and say I was going to show up somewhere, they would plan for weeks to kill me, and I didn't show up. Murzin and other "white hat" police are why I am still alive. They set up to kill me in New York City 2005, I was tipped off and then I went to New Orleans to work as an Insurance Adjuster, Life 20 ... I was then called, "The Big Apple to the Big Easy" allegedly by the FBI Intelligence when they allegedly tried to kill me.

I had Nashua, New Hampshire police show up in ski masks at 1 AM knock on my window, and show up 40 Orange St, where I was barbecuing and if I discussed contract tracing software or the plan to manufacture and release a contagious, non-lethal virus to come up with a vaccine to lock the world down I would be tortured and killed in Gitmo.

I was told it was my last warning and that I was kicked out of New Hampshire. I have heard those sort of threats from police in Connecticut in Stafford Springs 1995 and the police informants in a teen gang with bats weren't able to shut me up, as were the numerous attacks and thwarted attack on my in my dark driveway, where I wasn't killed and was to get life in prison for pepper spraying the police informant who attacked me. I got a year, and my own father plotting to have me violated on parole and probation was thwarted by police who didn't want the UN taking over their agendas and courts.

I posted this in 2013:

Obviously New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu got me believed me and got me off the "No Fly" list for having tried to have a alleged Pedo Judge, now as "Satan" and "Lucifer" and "Judge 666" as Judge Jonathan Kaplan in zip code 06066 used Statute 666 on Child Support to take away kids to allegedly have then go to adoption auctions. That and UBS Bank are part of all the election rigging, and that court cases can be rigged anywhere in the world if you know the right Connecticut Judge or New York City Appellate Judge offshore account to deposit money in.

Image was found here.

The below video is possibly from the group, Anonymous. Would a US Government run by the UN, Central Bankers, and Foreign Corporations want to make populations they have under armed occupation more passive? Do you really know all that goes into vaccines predatory officials are forcing the public, even pregnant women to take?

Taxes are the key to why we are living the way we are. Citizens pay the largest taxes. Corporations and bankers pay little to none. So, when there is competition for a piece of land, a type of business, or to fund a political agenda, corporations always win. They have an unfair financial competitive advantage. Small businesses can't be passed on in most cases because of the estate taxes. Bankers and foreign corporate interests bribe, fund, and terrorize officials with their cash.

Citizens who are growing their own gardens and who are involved in "cow sharing" for milk or meat or considered criminals by the UN and corporate interests and should spent time in prison and be labeled felons for life.

Text with below video:

Leaked Pentagon Video - Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior

Pentagon Video - Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human BehaviorLeaked video from a technical military medical conference.

More info:

Hunter pic up top was [found here].


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