Sunday, November 08, 2020

Daddy knows Joe. Butter Butt Biden likes his 100s of Millions of Dollars from Daddy.

Hunter Biden has child torture and rape videos on his laptop. Joe, his Daddy, talks lovingly about Hunter. So, does Kamala. Who is Kamala's real political Daddy? We already know who is Bidens' (plural) Daddy. 

Wear a mask. 

Daddy says, "Wear a mask." 

Joe got 100s of millions of dollars from Daddy. 

So, do as Daddy says. 

Image above found [here]. 


FULL SHOW - TUCKER CARLSON - NOV 06 2020 [Direct Link to Video]

The Associated Press, AP, said that Joe Biden is our new US President. It doesn't matter if there are lawsuits filed over election fraud and election rigging. Those cases haven't even gone to court yet. But, the Associated Press says that Biden is the new US President. 

The AP should know. They have gotten 100s of millions of dollars to lie to the US public for political purposes thanks to Obama's NDAA of 2012. The DoD rigs the system and the media for Democrats with US taxpayer dollars. 

Obama is smart and he has a similar Daddy. 

What is most impressive is the first family is based on being victims of pedophilia, and then passing it on. That is Progressive. Sharing love with children is UN wonderful, is it not?


CAN THE MSM, BIG TECH, DEMOCRAT COUP BE STOPPED? [SGT direct BitChute] (Live vote tampering on next video from this poster)


Christian Religion is to be deemed illegal. Daddy says so. 

Turn in your guns. Like the Chinese, you own nothing, and you have no rights. 

Joe promised the UN that we will abide by Agenda 21 and 2030. That means give up your combustion engine vehicle before 2025. The sooner that you do this, the better it is for you. Learn how to do with less electricity, or with none, as no more fossil fuel generation of electricity. China need not comply. Rules only apply to you. 

For those of you who actually voted for Joe, aren't you glad that your votes counted 15 times more than the actual number?

We will have 11, or 13, Supreme Court Justices soon. We don't want any pesky former legislation, or the US Constitution misconstrued. 

It doesn't matter if Joe has an actual personality, or not. Joe really likes children. Joe really likes his own children. You just have to ask Joe's children how much he likes them. His adult children, and their therapists help his adult children with how much he liked them. His children can pass on their love of children too.  

For average people, you will probably never travel again. In 2021 you will probably eat little to no real meat ever again. But for your cute children, travel is free, and they are the meat for the elite.


President Trump, KEEP FIGHTING... WE ARE WITH YOU! [Mike Adams, Health Ranger BitChute] (Patriot Message to President Donald J. Trump to not concede. Is AOC announcing that Trump supporters be rounded up, shot, and thrown in a ditch? Using the US Constitution Donald J. Trump can throw out electoral votes for inssurrection, treason, and probably for fraud as well. Associated Press is not an official entity with authority to declare a candidate a President.)

The Health Ranger Report Daily News Update Nov. 06, 2020 [Direct link to video] (Is the CIA trying to discredit independent media to make us look like idiots by using alleged operatives for the UN Deep State with a Communist Director, such as Steve Pieczenik? Is the watermarks on ballots pure Stevie BS? If the US is under attack by Chinese Agents such as the Bidens, Trump can act. Fox News is part of the insurection and treason. Governors of States are aiding the fraud and UN China coup?)

Election Fraud started by AP_Politics followed by Reuters,CBS,CNN,ABC, with RoseanneBarr [Direct link to video] (Poster, or Roseanne Barr seem to know nothing about proper miking, or types of Mikes. Very unproffessional miking, but interesting content. If you can stand the clicks and annoying audio, there are some gems in the rough)

Did Trump Get Defrauded Out of the (S)Election? [Dollar_Vigilante Jeff Berwick] (The Truth about vaccines. Trump's failure to lock her up, Hillary Clinton, end the pedophile network, etc)

Do you remember the good ole days when you could only get on the Terrorist watchlist for stuff like having a Ron Paul for President bumper sticker on your car?

Australia and Canada are showing us that Internment, FEMA, and Prison Camps are coming for all of us soon. 5G and contact tracing will determine the order in which we are all locked up:

Pedo-Joe & The Push for Civil Unrest [TheCrowHouse] (Truth about the complete BS of the worldwide lock down. Staying locked up, means everyone has to accept universal income and UN China digital world currency. States and Countries should have "prison" or "penitentiary" after their names. Australia is an example of how the US will go down too. Calling out the US showing overwhelming support for Trump, and almost zero for Joe Biden in comparison. The "election" is an obvious coup of the US with China and the Communist Director of the United Nations benefiting. The ridiculousness of masks and the lock down further exposed. )

STFU about COVID. I will comply with NOTHING!!! [Direct Link to Video]


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