Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Chronic Mask Debater. Masks Guarantee more Illness and Death for Never-ending Lock Down

In a video embedded below, scroll down in post, Ritchie from Boston posts a picture where Obama is allegedly hanging out with Michael as a man who later became transgender woman, Michelle.

An International Database for DNA of all humans and to have onboard diagnostics on everyone means that you are to become a smart device. 

DNA will be examined for who will be sterilized, who will be terminated, whose DNA will be altered, and what type of shelve live you will have.

It is assumed that they already have the ability to thought and functionally edit the human brain. It would then make sense to have a software and computer operating system monopolist be in charge of the population numbers of the world, with what versions of his operating system you will be allowed to have. 

Dr. Tony Fauci was an author in [2008 of an NIH National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, on how most of the deaths in the 1918 - 1919 Spanish Flu Pandemic are from Pneumonia and Bacterial Infections from wearing masks!]

So, Fauci knows that the numbers of deaths and infections will increase with the wearing of masks. You are being asked to self-harm to wear a mask. Check out the TheCrowHouse video below. 

My Monsanto father and Chinese Agents talked about eliminating the US Government and Constitution in our family home. Monsanto and Big Pharma are in lockstep. The Corporate Psychopath Religion is Secular Humanism. My father wrote one of the Secular Humanism handbooks called, [My Invisible Friends].  

They knew that Agent Orange (Round-Up Weed Killer) causes tumors, cancer, and DNA altering birth defects in all future generations. The Monsanto Elite were drunk laughing about the harm. They knew military troops returning home would be cops in their pockets, or as operatives, and paid off as police officers. My father said that police were police because they were too stupid to collect shopping carts in a grocery store parking lot. 

I know that Christian leaders and priests were threatened, possibly beaten, and even suicided, or made or to look like death from natural causes if they did anything to harm Monsanto profits. US Taxpayers paid billions of tax dollars for millions of tons of Monsanto poison to be sprayed from airplanes on Vietnam. 

These Chemical Engineers would say that they are smarter and more reasonable than everyone else, should be able to tell everyone what to do, and decide every aspect of an individual's life. These psychopaths envied Chinese Communist Government for their ownership of their workers. 

Monsanto didn't want anyone to own property or have any access to resources that the corporate elite figured they own, the entire planet and they should tax us to breathe. Sounds like they have a lot in common with the the United Nations UNESCO and UN Agenda 21 and 2030. 

The UN, CIA, FBI, DHS, TSA, and goons that are to be hired to go door to door gun confiscations, and force you to take vaccines are probably recruited using video games where players can round up, torture, sexually torment, injure, stab, shoot, beat, and humiliate the general public. A video embedded in [this post] records a player shoving his machine gun near the anal cavity of the victim saying, "I will give this one a proctology examination."

Monsanto Executives talked about vaccines that could be genetic specific to cause spontaneous abortions, sterility, cancers, tumors, neural, and brain damage for African and Muslim victims. Some of the executives liked the idea that since Jewish people has similar genetics to Arabs that they would be killed off too. 

So, in the 1970s I heard, and knew about the corporate plan where the UN was to be the beard for Chinese takeover of the world with corporations like Monsanto as their partners. 

Monsanto goons, CIA, FBI, or police on their payroll could show up at 3 AM pull someone out of their house, beat them, arrest them, railroad them to prison, torture them, given them medications to go crazy to go to a mental hospital, suicide them, or have them die of natural causes. Monsanto executive bragged they could decide the outcomes of all civil and criminal court cases before they are held. 

Since Monsanto, Big Pharma, the World Banks, the Communist Chinese (big fentanyl pushers), FBI, CIA, DHS, TSA, etc are allegedly involved in child and drug trafficking it would make sense that they would want US locked down. 

A UN Chinese Coup of the world, and contact tracing can be used to better locate children for abduction, like shopping online, and to go after anyone who could pose a threat to their international organized crime exploits before that person even knew they could be a potential leader in the resistance. 

At anytime the UN or China could have an EMP attack on the US, or anywhere in the world, and if we have a Bill Gates chip control our bodies in a grid array tattoo, the EMP or concentrated 5G signals could kill us all. An EMP would make any country go "Green". Power plants would not work and neither would any gas or diesel vehicle. Transportation would all be dead. 

The UN already is putting Americans in prison for collecting rainwater from their roofs. Human use of fire is soon to be banned by the UN as well. 

Judges, lawyers, high ranking police, members of the media, elected officials ... too many of them belong to secret societies that profit from, or participate in pedophilia and/or child sacrifice satanic rituals as does alleged [Judge 666, Jonathan J. Kaplan, Rockville, Connecticut Superior Court]. 

Compromised/Greedy Judges are the reason all this is going on. Lawyers are useless for justice as well. Go to court for your inheritance case, the state and lawyers will keep the case going until the heirs receive nothing if the case is dragged out 3 or 4 years, just ask Herb Riley, Exeter, New Hampshire. 

If you are left a house and half of a $130,000 bank account it may not cover the legal fees charged, you have to sell the house and still owe more out of pocket to pay legal fees, would that be okay with you? Was there any benefit of having case handled by Attorney Ronald J. Caron of https://www.devinemillimet.com/

The Attorney General of New Hampshire won't go after another lawyer. Does a lawyer have to rape a grandma in a wheelchair, take money out of her purse and be videoed doing it to get in any trouble in the US? 

The legal system sucks, and that is why we no longer have a US Constitution or any rights. I shouldn't have any criminal record. I was terrorized out of my family, home, investment properties, and UN motivated police were out to covertly set up for gun confiscation and the Clintons, the UN, and Chinese Communists hate private land use by individuals, human rights, religion, family ranching and farming, the US Constitution, and especially small business owners and the self-employed.

All this is about going after small business owners. Every natural disaster or civil unrest, authorities with UN prodding want to eradicate small business. The BS Pandemic is no exception. There should be no testing, no tracking, no tracing, no masks, no social distancing, and no BS. You are 99.9% likely to survive if you get the lame virus if you are under 65, get good nutrition, and are reasonably healthy. 

If you are a couple worth 20 million dollars, the lawyers will put a lien on $20 million dollars figuring their legal fees could go to that amount, or even higher. Divorces seem to end when one, or both parents have no money left. The Courts and lawyers are financial rapists. Just ask the Taulks:


There would be no lock down if we had a functioning legal system, policing without an international police union, and if all US alphabet agencies and ALL judicial and legislative workers were not controlled by foreign entities with a Communist Director, like the UN. 

The darkest winter is predicted with a 77% chance of violence. [Richie from Boston] (Barack and Michael Obama ... kissy, kissy, kissy ... was Joan Rivers murdered for outing Michael Obama?)

The Final Battle for Human Freedom is Beginning - You Now Have Two Choices [TheCrowHouse]

We Have To Stop This! [Mark Dice] (Biden will mean more censorship, no more guns and gasoline and diesel cars and trucks)

Will Richie from Boston get whacked for posting a pic of (Michael) Michelle Obama? [Direct link to video]

Hunter Biden's Story VANISHES, The Laptop Is STILL THERE But No One Will Talk About It [TimCast, Tim Pool] (Is it okay for Robert Hunter Biden to have evidence on his laptop of his raping and torturing underage Chinese teens, and taking 100s of millions of dollars from China for Joe Biden to sell out the US to th UN and China? Would you be immediately arrested for having pedophilia and child porn on your laptop, whether you viewed Hunter, or not, and spend in decades in prison and have to register as sex offender? Has Hunter even been arrested? Can the Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas get 100s of millions of dollars and other US enemies to end US Sovereignty and bring in UN and Chinese Communism to the entire world?)

There's NOTHING the deep state won't do to DEFEAT Trump [Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News] (Is all this UN China Psy-Op for China to force Chinese World Digital Currency on the world? Is China using all their controlled distractions to invade Taiwan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, and for complete world domination colluding with the Bidens, Obamas, and Clintons? If Biden and Kamala Harris get in the US Constitution is suspended, there will be door to door guns confiscation, forced innoculations and there will be masks, lock downs, no one will ever be able to travel as before, and Biden could be installed and take over as early as tomorrow. The US will become cashless and you will have to comply as if you are Chinese in Communist China, or vote for Trump ...)

Former Stafford Springs, Connecticut Selectman Gordon Frazzinelli and Peter Coukos, an alleged 4 to 8 year child finder for abduction for the CIA, Connecticut State Police and DCF, both told me that if I didn't want to be permanently estranged from my only daughter, Sarah, and would spend the rest of my life in prison if I didn't give them $30,000 in cash to split between them, police, and Judge Jonathan Kaplan who wanted me to shut up about his judicial misconduct, his allegedly being paid to take away selected children for auction and was angry that I was calling him the C-word over my tapped phone lines.  

At one time it seemed that every local, state, and federal institution, court, and police in any locality were out to track, trace, rip me off, and abuse me because I am on the Clinton/International Police Union Enemies List. Connecticut Police Union Liaison Steve Spellman to Legislators told Rose Marie Mordasky (maiden name), CT State Senators Tony Guglielmo and John Kissel were told I would regret ever being born. 

And I would lose my pistol permit, drivers license, properties contracting business, and he would see to it that I was permanently estranged from my only daughter to spend the rest of my life in prison before any incident or court proceeding!  My story: http://thegetjusticecoalition.blogspot.com/2020/01/gun-permit-can-mean-false-arrests.html

My email is stevengerickson at yahoo.com, my address is PO Box Eight Seventy-Four, Brattleboro, VT 05302 USA.


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