Monday, November 02, 2020

Wear a Mask, Test Positive for Communism? The UN has a Communist Director. Wear a Mask, Comrade!

It doesn't matter that is says on the mask box, that they aren't effective medically for anything. Dr. Tony S Fauci authored a medicial paper in October 2008 about the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919, and what victims were actually dying of. 

I read the documents. I downloaded [the PDF], National Institute of Health, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland.

The bacterial infections caused by constant max wearing caused massive amounts of extra death. Bacteria has a nice home to replicate, concentrate, and instead of a massive amount of bacteria landing on surfaces you walk on and die, they get sucked into the lungs in massive concentrations. Pneumonia becomes a small problem in populations to becoming a major one. 

So, Dr. Tony S. Fauci knowingly wants way more death. 

So, if Fauci kills 10s of thousands more than serial killer Ted Bundy, shouldn't Fauci, and all in collaborators in this massive fraud receive the same fate?

A lobbyist who works, or worked for, Big Pharma, and whose family and friends have profited hand, over fist, shouldn't be telling anyone else what to do as it is a conflict of interest. It is immoral. It is a crime against humanity. 

You should email, text, call, leave voicemails, talk to staff, and write a snail mail letter, and repeat to all your local, state, and federal officials and demand that the Communist Director run United Nations UNESCO needs to be defunded, not dictating rules to anyone in the Democratic Republic of the United States of America, and that any Communist, or Chinese funded, or run, even partially, "Health Organization", should not be allowed to dictate any policies in the US. 

If there are no real death numbers there should be no testing. If we were told that there would be millions who would die, and if these "numbers" involve fraud, and lying, in anyway should just be dismissed. 

Demand that "Dr." (Quack) Tony S. Fauci immediately be arrested and charged with 1000s of counts of accessory to murder, and risk of injury to minors in the counts of how many children there are in the world.  

If the UN is involved in drug trafficking and the sexual exploitation and kidnapping of children for pedophilia, are you giving aid and comfort to enemies of all of the "Free World" by wearing a mask. With contact tracing and mandatory mask wearing abducting children can be much easier, and can resemble an online shopping channel for pedophiles. 

Anyone who talks smack about the UN, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, or anyone the Communist News Network CNN promotes can have the police and/or military outside their doors in 5 minutes and be extracted in a hood as [shown above].

Demand that the US Constitution be re-instated. None of what going on is legal. None of it Constitutional. 

[If almost all judges have not been financially, or compromised by pedophilia, and other despicable behavior, we might get actual justice. Satanic Judge with 666 in zip code allegedly abused young boys and is a leader in the Cult of the Black Robed Mafia].  

What is needed is a People's Grand Jury, with video, see it while you can:

DayZ Standalone 'Burlap Sacking' Taking a Hostage (Warning: Foul Language. A training film for US DHS and TSA? With 100% surveillance on the planet, those who display the most sexually explotive, pyschopath behavior can be covertly hired to target the public at will. Vote Joe Biden!!!)

The Last Starfighter (1984) - Modern Trailer [Fan Edit]

I was playing chess competitively from age 7. In 3rd Grade I won a chess tournament for the Western half of Massachusetts. I was exposed to a lot of "egg-heads", and their parents. 

When the parents were on some sort of psychedelic drug made at a Big Pharma lab, possibly even by Monsanto, I heard some very interesting theories. 

I heard about energy weapons in US Warplanes and up in Satellites that can break molecular structures and can melt an army, a house, a building. Conventional military equipment would need to be nearby to re-bomb the target, or be in the vicinity if an aircraft, or ship, just was completely destroyed with no plausible explanation. 

Those high up in the corporate structure had a God-complex with Chinese Communist control of their citizens, virtually owning over a billion people as support staff for the elite. Most of the Big Pharma/Monsanto elite don't believe in God. Secular Humanism is their non-religion, and they believe with altered genetics they can merge with machines and live forever. 

Living forever means they would want to eliminate at least 9/10 of the population as not being needed, and would just be a strain on all the resources of the planet, which Big Pharma/Monsanto think that they own because they are smarter, and "more reasonable" than anyone else, so they should be able to tell everyone else what to do. I have heard my father utter those exact words. 

I talk more about this in previous posts here on this blog. 

One of the strangest "Conspiracy Theories" that I have heard is that there is a planet X on the other side of the sun that we cannot see. Every 26,500 years or so, the two planets have direct line of sight for the best communications. The Moon is allegedly their base, one side always faces the Earth and doesn't even move inches in 10s of thousands of years, possibly the only moon with these properties that average humans are able to view with traditional telescopes, or have seen footage of what NASA has released. 

The Moon is supposed to an alien satellite communication system. 

Most humans disappear in the 26,500 years and the evidence of shelters from ancient times has had the alien technology stripped if the site becomes known to the average person. 

One theory is that we are one big cattle ranch where Aliens on Planet X get a 26,500 year food supply "on the hoof". The Bill Gates vaccines may alter us to make us taste better ... or become "Smart Devices" where "memory and function editing" like we or a Microsoft run laptop, can be undated, deleted, and designed with a shelf life. 

I don't believe any of the above. What I do believe is that Monsanto and Big Pharma made a deal with the true devils, the puppeteers of the United Nations UNESCO, the World Bank, and Communist Chinese to OWN us all and  USE US LIKE CATTLE ON THE HOOF.

SHOCKING! The REAL Covid Numbers EXPOSED! - This Is The BIGGEST Scam In HISTORY! [World Alternative Media, BitChute upload]

Biden Misses Rally Cue, Stumbles Around Confused, Blurts Out GIBBERISH, Trump Must Win, This Is NU.. [TimCast aka Tim Pool, BitChute]

I just can't see people "voting" to end combustion engine cars and trucks, and shut off electricity generating plants burning coal or any other fossil fuels. Mask wearing would be permanent, and the world would be run by the UN and Communist Chinese. We would all go "cashless" so the Central Power would own us like cattle. So, I can't see anyone in their right mind "voting" for Joe Biden.

[Click Here] for:

COVID Anal Projectile, MA Gov Baker. UN/Commie Turd Nugget Kisser?

Does the US Constitution actually apply in Massachusetts? Charlie, do you plan on colluding with the Obamas, Clintons, and Bidens to keep the country shutdown until 2025 so the Communist Chinese and UN can completely takeover? 

Maybe 99.999 percent of healthy people under 65 have about zero chance of dying from a lame Flu, called Coronavirus or COVID 19. So, why even more stringent lock downs, Charlie? 

If the "numbers" say that there isn't enough death to call what there is, a pandemic, why wreck America and pander to the United Nations UNESCO, the Communist Chinese, and the World Bank RINO [C-Word Snipped] Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.  

The Courts in Mass are crap, [read this]. 

Hey Charlie, is Massachusetts so corrupt that UN and International Police Union connected officers can make over a million dollars a year? Is it true that if you are politically connected in Methuen that Police Captains can be paid $350,000 to over $500,000 not have to show up, and the number of politically connected Police Captains is so high the school budget had to be slashed? 

Is that why 9 out of 10 residents in Methuen allegedly are accused of having contracted COVID? 

If a police officer is okay to rape 2 year olds with a hot curling iron? Police Officer Keith Winfield, high up in the International Police Union raped his 23 month old niece with a hot curling iron. What was he thinking. Also High up in the International Police Union, and the UN, DA Martha Coakley didn't want to prosecute Winfield:

I have read for years of Judges sexually abusing their staff, fixing cases, etc. A clerk of courts can hit his neighbor's cow, drive his wrecked car, there is a trail of blood down the street to behind his barn, and the case is never "solved"? [Link]

Can lifetime restraining orders be issued out of that same Palmer Mass Court, even if the C-Word about Hillary Clinton, and a Wilbraham step mother back in 2016 and there has been no contact, or any reason that there should be a lifetime restraining order? [Link]

Is Massachusetts all about Communism, a lifetime lock down, kissing UN Marxist butts, and wrecking the entire world so Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and all their cronies profit? 

Hey Charlie, if forcing everyone to where masks causes 94% more death, than without, from Pneumonia and bacterial infections caused by allowing what is a very dirty human mouth reproduce like mad inside a mask, being pulled into the lungs putting a patient way more likely to die according to a Dr. Tony Fauci medical paper filed with the NIH in 2008? [Link]

For every child that isn't in school, for even a day, you should be arrested and felony charged for risk of injury for all the children in Massachusetts you have harmed with your intentional idiocy.

How bad can you suck, Charlie?





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