Friday, September 18, 2020

Biden Campaign Experiments with ‘Drive In’ Town Hall While Trump Delivers Speech to Record Crowd in Wisconsin

Joe Biden makes no sense. Just have to wonder if he has just crapped his pants, or is about to. 

[Direct Link to below video




I posted the below comment in [this Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog] post:


GC, we are both on blogger. I use my blog as the test for when I am going to be censored and leave bait out on it. 2 videos that I posted correctly as embeds ended up showing up as videos from past posts. It is impossible that I made a mistake as I saw what I posted after I posted it. So, that blog is either jacked from the inside, or the outside. It means that someone could just post, email, and even text as me, as my phone has also been hacked in the past.

So, if something is just jacked and doesn’t look like me, it isn’t. I suspect someone either got to Matt Drudge, and hope he is still alive. The Drudge Report went over night from being Patriot to UN Communist Chinese.

In Hartford Connecticut, after the OKC Federal Building, there was a Chinese as a first language school, run in a former Catholic school shaped like a cross if you view it from air, and it is near where there is a memorial for Irish “Freedom Fighters” or “Terrorists” depending on who you ask. My cop friend, Rich Murzin told me that his wife worked, or works at the school and was sworn to secrecy. Although former Narcotics Detective Rich Murzin was part of the building of US DHS Homeland Security, his wife’s job is what woke him up.

China was running a future spy school with American children who were illegally removed from their parents based on Connecticut State Police and Department of Children of families “filling orders” for specific criteria for children to go to spy schools as if they were in reform school. The cops called the kids, “The Clinton Youth”, and the school may have run from 1995, before, and might still be operating today.

Rich Murzin told me that if Alex Jones goes off air, that is the canary in coal mine for when the UN and Chinese Communist government are making their final moves for world domination. I posted Alex Jones show yesterdays, full video as seen on website, and a YouTube video where a 30 something year old motorcycle video posting enthusiast who lived off of YouTube earnings married a Chinese woman and said how great China is to live and ride motorcycles. A Sept 18, 2019 video upload that I embedded yesterday on my other blog detailed how China was going after foreigners, and telling foreigners were bad and to keep track of them most of 2019. So, that video is circumstantial evidence that China, with the UN, planned on putting us through all this BS and to take us all over.

China and UN does have all electronics jacked. They can target any individual in any country. Hopefully you, I, and those like us are sill breathing after November of this year. If for some reason international communication, or the internet goes down, thank you for all the wonderful posts, and good luck.

I hope what I type ends up as typed in the final form.

The SRV aka Steven G. Erickson


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Nature Music Video to go with Joe Biden's Presidential Campaign?



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