Sunday, January 23, 2022

US is being Assimilated? Monsanto 50 Year Plan 1972 Puts the Corporations, Int. Bankers, and China as the Premier Global Government?

Disclaimer: All of my blogs is my opinion. I post links and articles that I don’t necessarily agree with, but post for debate. What I state as fact is actually to my best belief and knowledge. I sometime am satirical and some is inflammatory comedy. CLICK ON TIME CODE BELOW THIS POST IF POST ISN’T ISOLATED. THE VIDEOS WILL THEN PLAY.

The below video starts out slow, but there are major Easter Eggs if you are patient. Colonel Mustard, and Monsanto, killed the victim with a candle in the dining room. Reference is to the movie, and Parkers Brothers game, "Clue". 

China KOs USA, Monsanto 50 y/r Plan Successful? [Direct Link to Video] Did Hillary's girl on girl action while in an all girl's school leave her open to Chinese Intelligence? Or did China offer her sexual conquests with tasty bits as were offered to Hunter Biden in China to sell us all out? Did young lawyer blackmail US President Richard M. Nixon to come off the Gold Standard and put us on a path where we are so weak in US that China would own us in 50 years from 1972? Was digital information being sent on all US citizens from about 1972 sent to Chinese databases? If so, how is that working out for you?

We Are Entering The Twilight Zone [TheCrowHouse Bitchute Video Upload] Do a high percentage of Canadians want to have Justin Trudeau executed. Is living in Canada so bad that Canadian families are freezing to death to try to illegally cross the border in what is like Arctic Tundra?

A pizza I would order in 2019 with tip was $16 in $2019. I paid $32 and same pizza was considerably smaller.

In the top video I talk about how Monsanto, and Big Pharma, should be considered hostile foreign corporate entities that still haven't stopped doing damage in the US, like the Cold War still isn't over.

Klaus Schwab and Xi Jinping act like they run the planet and decide everything. It looks like they do. Read in between the lines of what Xi says. My take is that we the average people are in for a world of pain. The last 2 years is going to seem like kindergarten cake walk compared what this pair has in store for humanity.

Special Address by Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China | Davos Agenda 2022 [Direct link to video]







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