Friday, January 14, 2022

12 to 20 US States with the Concentration/Death Camps set to takeover Red States? (Conspiracy Theory)


UN/Chicom/World Bank Event 201 Includes all the BS launched from Fall 2019? (Conspiracy Theory/Fake News)

Disclaimer: All that is in my blogs is Opinion, or to my best belief and knowledge. Or, is sometimes inflammatory comedy and satire. The subject prevented are for debate or for you to look up the "stuff" yourself. Please use duckduckgo or non-globalist search engine. Click on time code below this blog post if it isn't isolated. The videos will then play. 

Look up Rio de Janeiro Brazil 1992 Event 201 Agenda 21 World Bank and see what link come up. 

In 1993, the FBI found patsy bombers to bomb the World Trade Centers in New York City. The FBI supplied the bombs, the plans, the money, and then let the bombs detonate. What was the problem? The bombers parked the truck on the wrong floor and at one tower did not topple the other tower. The FBI must have been watching Wile F. Coyote [Roadrunnder Cartoons]. So, I believe the FBI are F'ing Bombing Idiots ... 

Some time after hackers discovered that New York city/New Jersey area White Supremist Radio Host Hal Turner was paid Taxpayer dollars to try to ramp up a race war. If the FBI was doing all this sort of malfeasance, shouldn't the FBI be listed as an international terrorist organization because they might have offshore and Chinese bank accounts to shield the money they are paid to do what they do, with secret account transfers that the public can't see? 

Hillary Clinton was facing numerous felonies so was Bill. The evidence was allegedly held in the Oklahoma City Federal Building. Allegedly only 3 of the 23 or so main charges went off to only 1/3 blowing up the building. Awful convenient for the Clintons. The US Constitution may have been suspended then as the Clintons used taxpayer money to shield World Bankers, tried to give Big Pharma the bigges paydays ever with Universal Health Insurance, funded [Chinese as a first language reform schools] to have sleeper in FBI, CIA, Government, and Key Private sector. 

On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld was on the hotseat. He had to explain where 2.3 missing 2.3 TRILLION US TAXPAYER STOLEN AND MISSING DOLLAR WENT TO. The Pentagon, DoD, CIA, Military Intellingence, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Dick Cheney's companies all profited. 

I believe that at least part of the money was to give Amazon type free shipping billed to US taxpayers for all the military, cargo, and CIA and DEA seized aircraft to assist the World Bankers and China for their sex, child, and narcotics trade scam to take over the world so that there would be no governments or national sovereignty and Corporate Organized Crime, the Billionaire Bad Boy Club, World Bankers would run the world through their Communist United Nations Beard with Chinese and Japanese Mafia that runs those country's governments, rule the world. 

Do Joe and Hunter Biden Joe's lawyer brother, the Obamas, the Clintons, Mike Pence, and 2/3 of elected officials at least? Elected Officials all knew what was going to happen, then invested in those companies, then gave them contracts, and then they all have millions of 100s of millions of dollars, and Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Obamas might have millions to billions hidden in Chinese/World Banker accounts. 

If the FBI did sit on information that Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly had a joint bank account to take bribes from China, Kazahkstan, Ukraine, Russia and other countries that wanted to share the skim from supplying their own citizens with energy, and shared in with the Clintons and Obamas selling US State secrets and nuclear weapons and materials to enemies of the US average population? 

Why wasn't Hillary Clinton prosecuted in New York City for what was on Weiner's laptop? Why was Jeffrey Epstein murdered? Why was a sitting Supreme Court Justice murdered with a pillow to the face, no autopsy, no fanfare? Why were the contents of Jeffrey Epstein's safe lost by the FBI. Why was Guilaine Maxwell prosecuted by Deep State Insiders almost secretly with no real media coverage during the holidays when the public is most likely not to pay attention?

I over heard a lot of the general outline of these plans. I went into a briefcase that was identical to 3 or 4 other brief cases that had a very wide tape reel packed into a brief case with manila folders with papers in it. It was very heavy. In 1970, I was age 6 and their was a poker room outside my cellar bedroom Ludlow Massachusetts. 

My father met Saudi, Chinese, Israeli, CIA, FBI, and other Big Pharma/Monsanto Intelligence to drink alcohol, smoke cigars, play poker, and talk about when the 2nd Amendment, private property and basic human rights, small business, free speech, the US Constitution, travel and vacations for average people would all go poof. 

They talked about using vaccines to sterilize all the ethic and indigeonous populations, starting in Africa, with vaccines to take possession of everyting to rent back out to survivors of the coming biggest genocide where Monsanto, China, and the World Bank would own all of the planet and everyone would have to listen to scientists like my father, because he is smarter, better, and more reasonable than everyone else because he has a Masters Degree. 

Please check out previous posts here for videos and links while you can, make copies. Please share this post URL by email, or cut and paste all of it in emails to friends. Please use to word search "Dennis E. Erickson My Invisible Friends" for his Secular Humanism author book excerpts, not in quotes to search. 

The 10,000 or so, Scientist International Think Tank from early 1960s, believed that they could merge with machines and that electronic storage of all human experiences could be stored for them to experience for themselves, to then kill all carbon based life on the planet including fish and plankton in the ocean.

Check out posts on [The Stark Raving Viking]


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