Sunday, October 17, 2021

Will Bidens' Joint Child F'ing Chinese/Big Pharma Bribe Taking Account be cause for their ARRESTS?

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire) If blog post isn't isolated, video(s) may not play. Click on time code below blog post to isolate. Click on top banner, or icon, of most blogs or websites to go home, or to go to newest post. All is to my best belief and knowledge if not satire.

300,000 Fraudulent Votes just in one county in Arizona. Obviously CIA, FBI, and International B.A.R. Association Lawyers, Judges, Prosecutors, 2/3 of elected officials that are lawyers, and their tainted international teachers and police union/World Bank staff is as well. Who, or what flew in all the Fraudulent votes that had no folds, no envelope, no chain of custody and may be printed on Chinese paper stock with Chinese ink?

How do you impeach someone who was never legitimate to begin with. My are state's governors, and the American public even listening or abiding to any of these bozo lying child f'ing drug running scumbags?

I believe I saw a B-52 Bomber full of drugs and has Asian sex slaves that took a ride from China, on to Okinawa, then to Chicoppee Massachusetts 1968. Yes during the Vietnam War. Missing children seen on milk cartons, gold bricks, and cash being sent back to China?

Check out previous posts while this blog remains up. Which way will the pendulum swing? Will an illegitimate Chinese/UN/World Bank/Big Pharma puppet continue to destroy the Free World and Humanity, or will the bums we rolled out in handcuffs and legitimate leadership and justice be restored.

The UN and international everything that has its tentacles into our privacy and freedoms needs to be thrown off of all of us. The domestic and international terrorists are the ones bringing the pot were in with their slow poising that the biggest lies and theft in the history of the world.

Image of Joe and Hunter Biden was [found here].


THE GREATEST TRUTH, MOST WILL NEVER HEAR! #RFB [direct link to Richie from Boston Bitchute Video]

Aluminium-Based Llifeforms Found in Vaccines Under Microscope - Dr Franc Zalewski - English [Direct link to video]



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