Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Was the UN, Big Pharma, the World Bank, China, Saudi Arabia, and Israel the real perps of 9/11?

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire) If blog post isn't isolated, video(s) may not play. Click on time code below blog post to isolate. Click on top banner, or icon, of most blogs or websites to go home, or to go to newest post

So then why not have multiple wars with Iraq, try to blame Syria and Iran as well? Why not be the heroin supplier of the world by proxy for China? Why not let China digitally, financially, idiotically, and infrastructurally take over the world. Once everything has been stolen digitally, why not kill almost everybody, as it will take some of the stolen loot to govern theft victims?

Michael Chertoff is a lawyer in the International B.A.R. Association.

Chertoff was one of the most powerful prosecutors in the nation when he was in New York City, and allegedly was one of the gatekeepers for the World Bank and Israel.,

Chertoff is a dual Israeli and American citizen, and is allegedly in the highest ranks of Israeli Intelligence the Mossad. China has the digital and data storage market corned with hiding the world’s drug, child, organ harvesting, and sex trafficking market cornered.

Missing Children, pallets of cash/gold sent 1 way. Narcotics and Asian sex slaves sent back? [Direct link to video]

Saudi Arabia and oil. Oil is used to make drugs, bombs, and is energy. Saudis like white sex slaves. Saudi can be the muscle to make people disappear, silenced, or to change their opinion, vote, and can physically appear to rig any court case in the world with diplomatic immunity. That is, if other means have not already worked.

Chertoff had fellow intelligence operatives put a drugged up patsy with no identification, and security blocked a would be “underwear bomber” on the plane, and since Chertoff was once head of US DHS Homeland Security, and then head of a company that makes Body Scanners, why not cause a problem that Michael Chertoff has the solution for?

So sex traffickers have a secret data base of naked everyone, and all communications, medical records, financial records, and know all the ties you have?

They can now predict from the time someone is in 3rd grade whether they can be used for the Deep State.

Ar you a threat to the Deep State?

Will you, or have you been a good child to abduct and F’ the crap out of, and then us as a blood sacrifice?

With lock downs, and having stolen everything, why shouldn’t the elites get high the only way pompous scumbags like Hillary Clinton, chase the high of being eternally young, and powerful drinking and eating children that have been tortured and terrorized for the narcotic effects?

Hillary Clinton and my father, Dennis E. Erickson have in common. They both may have been groomed to be UN, Big Pharma, World Bank, International Police and Teachers Union, and most Importantly, Chinese Communist Spies while in college, or just after as CIA assets.

They want us all fighting each other. 

Saying there is going to be solar flair, aliens have landed, a meteor has hit is code for a mass EMP attack on the Free World after most of the food, medicine, energy, and financial everything is stored and humanity is blocked from it. They own and run the Mainstream Media, and minions like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg do their bidding.

Bill Gates owning over 40% of farmland won’t mean he will either not grow anything, kill off meat supply for his artificial meat patent, and/or grow “food” with poisons, narcotics, vaccines, and genetically modified Monsanto organisms and DARPA nano tech in it, would it?

Bend down and kiss your arse good bye in the first round. Or, wait until they come for you at 3 AM, and you to can suffer, starve, and die in a United Nations Agenda 21 and 2030 Hillary Clinton Fun Camp.

Southwest pilots and workers may have a solution. A global just say no, and sit down strike just might do the trick in a jiffy. And then we all just might have the most pleasant interaction with a lawyer, or similar ever, William Shakespeare Style.

My cellphone number and email address listed in some recent posts here and on Stark Raving Viking blog II [THESRV].

My first go to’s are [The Gateway Pundit]

[Canadian Green Crow blog] [Zero Hedge] [Breitbart] and the URL’s associated with the Great AJ. The video upload channels that I check most often are below where I also have an account.

Joe Biden is a much US President as I am a young tall, male model with top tier singing ability. Although I will get up on any stage and be leader singer with any band to sing the song that I wrote called, “Hey Joe (Biden) did you F’ your kids”???!!!

My video upload channels:



Smash Mouth - Walkin' On The Sun

the B-52's - Give Me Back My Man Those from other countries legally in from other countries most want their man back ... Come back to us Mr. T! Give your enemies candy and then give them fish where the fish are.

♫ Sonny & Cher ♪ Little Man (Live On Beat Club 1966) ♫ Video & Audio Restored

Motörhead Ain´t A Nice Guy (subs)


Is Mike Adams aka The Health Ranger of the Natural News giving a compelling reason that Taiwan may do the world a favor and send a missile, or demolition team to the 3 Gorges Dam in China? Check out the 1st link and the embedded video:


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