Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Operatives giving Cops MMs for Rape/Abduction? (Warning: A Conspiracy Theory/Fiction)

Suppositories that knock a victims unconscious or leave them semi-conscious with no memory of what happened. Pills and liquids can also do this. Marilyn Monroe allegedly was dosed to claim it was suicide because she may have known too much.

Some of those who write conspiracy theory screenplays of an alternative history, have the United Nations, Big Pharma, Narcotics Traffickers, the Police and Teachers Unions, the World Bank, and Crime Families in China involved in the abducting of humans for experimentation, baby farms, sex, organ harvesting, and ritual abuse?

If there was such an alliance, would these elites want every human to have an inventory scan tag carried by slave inmates at all times?

Would such an alliance take away the ability of slaves to transact among themselves and to have valuables and hard currency? Well, should one have nothing, rent what is needed, and shut up and be happy? 

If the 4 Asset Management Companies that allegedly run, and own everything, including international control of medical and other records, censor anything that exposes the Biggest Ponzi Scheme in the history of the world?

Image up top of Marilyn Monroe up top was [found here].

What if your father was like John Wayne Gacy, you lived, he uncaught? Your move. This video was found on this Brighteon video upload channel:

My Bitchute video upload channel:

If there are 4 Asset Management companies controlling money supply, Big Pharma, most governments, the media and are the real owners of most banks, corporations, the resources, vast tracks of land, energy, travel etc are they committing fraud by installing leaders, and crashing all currencies to bring in their own UN/World Bank/Communist Chinese Reserve Currency for complete population and world control. Is the QR Code an ownership of humanity scan label for instant slavery?

Click on Images to make bigger. Bookmark the below video channel link as blogger patriot blogs will probably all disappear soon, if not not already.



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