Friday, May 21, 2021

Was 2019 Flu Vaccine the SEED for COVID, not some Bat Soup BS?

 (Opinion, Commentary, and in some cases Satire) Amazing videos, scroll down ... especially from Ice Age Farmer.

A deceased retired police officer friend of mine tipped me what was going on from 1974, or so, on with the World Health Organization. It was a plan to figure out a way to sterilize and wipe out populations completely in the 3rd World, and the military age men and gang members would be imported into the 1st World Countries to soften populations for mass vaxxing. 

Inmates and minority populations have long been used for biological, genetic, and behavioral experiments. I thought I was going to die for about 6 months after getting the same Anthrax and other shots that Gulf War Veterans got, to be able to be an insurance adjuster hanging out on Bourbon St, New Orleans, Louisianan. My profile picture on this blog is from those days. Previously, I was an inmate in Connecticut, shot up with all sort of something. My knees, all joints swelled up, I had insomnia, lost 30 lbs., had trouble walking, and clumps of my hair fell out, and had bleeding gums.

Then Rockville Vernon GA#19 Connecticut Superior Court 06066, Prosecutor Beth Lemming, told me that since I was a heterosexual white male, I shouldn't be allowed to own a home, have a driver's license, pistol permit, contractor's license, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to be raising my daughter, as I was a racist, and sexist. This was in the 1990s. I was told it didn't matter if I was guilty of anything or not. I had dialed 911 after being bitten in the ear, punched numerous times in the face when I told "The Incredible Hulk", drug dealer Peter Panciera of Stafford Springs, Connecticut, that he couldn't sell drugs in my neighborhood.

Since Peter supplied John Julian, the former selectman and his whores powdered cocaine, along with Connecticut State Police and their 14 year old girlfriends, he was a preferred citizen, where I was not. David Hayes, aka Purple Hays supplied those mentioned with crack cocaine and ecstasy.

Police set up 14 year olds for probation, and then "trained them to be prostitutes" while being used as "girlfriends" until they turn 16. Operatives for police can set up 14 year olds too. Peter Coukos boasted he gets 4 to 8 year old for the CIA sex trade, so the Connecticut State Police, and courts, have made him "untouchable". Coukos allegedly trains little boys for use by Connecticut, mainly Jewish, judges. 

Before I was aware of any of this, I had talked to LT Trapp and "Fat Frank" Prochaska about becoming a police officer. I would have to to "riot duty" where I would incite riots and violence to get a crowd going. Provocateurs would meet with police and agree on a game plan before the planned riots. Also break into houses with police as look outs, planting evidence, steal legal guns for police to fence through the criminal gangs, such as the "Diaper Gang", so known because of their youth. 

Stafford Springs, Connecticut, in the same late 1990s time frame, Kenny Miers (sp?) a possible late 30s drug dealer recruited young teens like Stanley Sibonis (sp?), had drug parties, carried an illegal .22 pistol, raped 14 year olds, and supplied police with underage girls, drugs, money, and cash. Police and the lawyers running legislatures knew the criminals they were profiting off of had illegal guns, but they wanted to take away the guns, money, property, children, and ruin small businesses, religion, and all basic human rights of the taxpayers. 

I called Senator Chris Dodd's Office, Governor John G. Rowland office, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's Office, met with State Senators John A. Kissel, Tony Gulielmo, Rep Mordasky, the heads of the Connecticut State Police, Connecticut FBI, and was writing in letters to the editor printed in the Journal Inquirer and Hartford Courant. 

So, they all knew what was going on. Senator, or Rep, Edwin Gomez openly stated that International Police Liaisons (Steve Spellman?) and union represented aids to legislators tell them what legislation to pass, and not pass, so it isn't the people that are being represented, it is foreign international, and criminal enterprise interests. The United Nations is the glue for the World Bank and the rest of the child and drug traffickers. War, rigged courts with judge inspired pedophilia, and police brutality are their bread and butter.

Officers carried date rape drugs to give to suspects they wanted to set up for prison after beating them up, or in the case of attractive, mainly teens, rape them. Bounties for little boys 4 to 8 with blue eye, Caucasian could result in a $10,000 commission if the child was taken away from parents to be put up for an online judge adoption auction.

Prosecutor Beth Lemming told me that I could either join them, or spend the rest of my life in prison, or be tortured and killed by police. She told me that I could get out of all the bogus charges resulting from my being beaten up, my ear bitten into, if I became a transgender, would get $100,000 and not get in trouble for any sex offenses, or bi-sexual, or gay, and come out, and my charges would be dropped. 

Lemming told me that if I tipped anyone off, I would be labeled a paranoid schizophrenic and spend the rest of my life in a mental hospital as an example of pissing us off (World Bank, international police and teachers union, United Nations, and Corporate Organized Crime looking to suspend the US Constitution, bring in Communism?).

I found out that all this was inspired by Hillary Clinton as a Chinese Operative, and lawyer during the Nixon impeachment to bring in Chinese Intelligence to spy on all Americans, and Henry Kissinger bringing in Israeli Intelligence, both offering Nixon a way out of prison. Nixon was going after the Bohemian Grove "F'ing F*ggots" as he called them. Hillary Clinton was allegedly part of the Gay Mafia headquarted in Connecticut and New York City.

Fast forward and you have Dr. Tony Fauci allegedly giving men in gay bath houses a hepatitis vaccine allegedly laced with HIV/AIDs.

Fast forward and Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Hillary, Chelsea, Bill Clinton, the Bidens, Obamas, and a lot of the left became pied pipers of the Communist take over of the free world to benefit the World Bank and Corporate Organized Crime.

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Click on time code below this blog post if post isn't isolated, the video(s) will then play.

Amazon's Utopia: Season 1 Official Trailer (2020) John Cusack, Rainn Wilson Did taxpayer's fund Jeff Bezos rise to destroy small business, making you pay taxes for "free shipping" whereas Bezo servers are used to spy on every American and person in the "Free World"? Is Bezos giving you a little of their plans on wiping out humanity with a pandemic to wipe out 90% of the population with a "good vaccine"? Keep in mind this "production" was written, and greenlighted before any of this prior to end of 2019! Bill Gates was the hero of the Pandemic that hadn't happened yet in 3 Netflix Series/Specials. [Utopia IMDb]

"The Suicide Chamber of Ultimate Solution" Barbarella w/ Resounding ADR [Barbarella 1968 IMDb]

The Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci’s Most Notable Critic [Direct link to video]

ALERT! Government's Secretly Creating New Citizen Turn In Citizen 'Hotlines!' They're Coming For You [Direct link to Lisa Haven - Restricted Republic]

FULL SHOW - TUCKER CARLSON - 5/21... [Direct link to video]

Alison McDowell: The Technocratic Takeover Decoded - Ice Age Farmer Podcast [ice.age.farmer]


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