Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Did Hillary blackmail Richard M. Nixon because China was blackmailing her over College Lesbian Affairs?

 (Commentary, Satire, Opinion, and BIG FU to DEEP STATE) Has there ever been such a demented dipsh*t placed in position of "Leader of the FREE WORLD" and is he an incestuous bugger of his own kids? Why would Joe Biden turn over the US Electric Grid to China, and agree to shut off all gasoline, diesel, natural gas, and coal ASAP?

Cartoon of former US President Richard Millhouse Nixon showing his back giving peace sign was [found here].

How did China get the monopoly on all energy and spying?

The US was burning coal to make electricity in a very clean way. Water and carbon dioxide came out of the stacks. Carbon Dioxide is needed by trees to make oxygen. 

Without carbon dioxide, the planet would die. So, it is a greenhouse gas for growing things. China is using blackmail of those who bugger children, are homosexuals, and especially target Green Child Molesting Billionaires.

China is getting a huge percentage of the world's coal to make electricity without scrubbers so that pollution travels by prevailing winds making American smog. The Communist United Nations run by Communist China has made China exempt from almost all UN environmental laws.

Joe Biden is keeping his promise to shut of the electricity, small business, private property ownership, family farms, free speech, the 2A, the US Constitution and energy? 

Gasoline, diesel, coal, fossil fuels, and the Free World being able to travel is payback for China for exposing his, and his son Hunter from scamming, extortion, and debauchery. 

All major world energy producers pay corruption tax to Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, UN, and Communist China for all the alleged child, drug, Fentanyl trafficking, elites' pay to play energy and Nuclear Weapons transfer to Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, China, and other countries, to fund covering up the scams involving the Clintons, Obamas, the World Bank, and the who is who of the B.A.R. Association, World Bank, and Corporate Organized Crime.

I break it all down in a video [embedded in this post], and can be found in [SvenVonErick bitchute videos].  

Did Hillary Clinton set up a Chinese Spy Network in Connecticut where Chinese was taught as a first language to allegedly officially kidnap kids as delinquents, and then indoctrinate them from mid 1990s after the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing to be a 5th Column in all government agencies, corporate structure, banking, judiciary, and all of everything to be in place for China's takeover of the world? [Video embedded in this post]. 


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