Saturday, May 15, 2021

"Goat Boy", the equivalent of sucking teet dry, in service age 4 to 12, Bilderberg "Mentoring"?

(Commentary, Satire, Opinion, and BIG FU to DEEP STATE)

"BUSTED: NYT Says Connecticut AG And Senate Candidate Blumenthal Lied About Vietnam Service" - [source of above photo and story]

Richard Blumenthal is a former Connecticut Attorney General and was given oodles of information that could have prevented 9/11. Even though Richard Blumenthal is an alleged owner of the "Empire State" Building in New York City, did his finances reach even more stellar levels after 9/11?

There are allegedly whole blocks of the EMPIRE STATE building that no one except the "initiated" can occupy. What is really going on?

Chris Dodd got caught taking bribes from the World Banking industry almost bankrupting the US in the mortgate crisis. Even thought Dodd profited at your expense, the alleged Bilderberger, didn't prosecute Dodd, but instead ended up in Dodd's seat, also an alleged Bilderberger.

2 of my friends, one a retired Hartford Narcotics Detective had talked to those who knew Goat Boy and why he got that name sometime from age 4. Also that he had a very prominent "ba-jina" if view from behind from heavier use than Madonna's probably ever got, when she was an adult. Barack Obama's mother also had the same World Bank and Communist UN/Int. Teacher Union/CIA faction ties. 

My 2 friends allegedly had evidence of what was going to transpire now. We were going to expose evidence live on Connecticut Public Access TV, distribute DVDs to other stations nationwide, and load videos up on YouTube 2011. 

The retired cop talked about school shootings and a bombing in Boston that were supposed to lead to the declared suspension of the US Constitution, whereas the Deep State, and the Clintons assumed that this would happen after the OKC Fed Building Bombing and the FBI's botched taking out the twin towers in 1993 getting the wrong patsy f'ing bombing idiots to carry out the job. Both of my friends died of "natural causes" about 2 weeks before we were to air the evidence. I refused to take possession of anything and would only touch it live on camera. 

Would any of the current BS be going on worldwide if it weren't for Blumenthal, and also to cover up this?:

Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner EXPOSED (Frazzledrip) [WARNING] [Direct Link to video]

[My Videos][More blog post on the Stark Raving Viking blog II, the SRV]

Click on time code below this blog post if post isn't isolated, the video(s) will then play.

Best coverage of lock down debacle and the Chinese Communist making Canada one of their many new colonies: Awesome blog roll on right side of blog, as well. 

2 of my March posts on the Stark Raving Viking blog were taken down by the Google Mods for having viruses and malware on them and that violated policies. I believe it was content like the above. 

Save copies of any videos that you like. Print any blog posts you like. Share while you can. The Deep State has promised to shut off the electricity, diesel, gasoline, natural gas, coal, your ability to travel, your reproduction rights, rights in place since the Magna Carta 1215, and most of humanity, except for what the Deep State needs as "service staff". 

10,000 Doctors & 1000 Lawyers Sue WHO, CDC & Davos Group; Maricopa County Leaked Audit Results [Direct link to video]

2013, Stark Raving Viking Blog accused Central Bank of using Vaccine Excuse to Occupy World [Direct link to video]

Clinton Youth Brigade from 1995 is now 5th Column? [Direct link to video]

The COVID-19 Plandemic - An Agenda for Rapid Depopulation and Total A.I. Control (Banned by YouTube) [Direct link to video]


* * * *


thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com

Added 9:09 PM EST: If you click the image below it is the email noted just above that is the email that Google notifies me of my almost no longer used SvenVonErick YouTube channel, and this blog. I complained on this blog, and in [this Green as the Crow Flies blog post] that 2 of my March 2021 posts were censored for what is cut and pasted below.

As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "US Troops Proud to
fight for Freedom? What Clown World is from the Supreme Court, Down?" was
flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our
guidelines and deleted the post, previously at

Why was your blog post deleted?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

We encourage you to review the full content of your blog posts to make
sure they are in line with our standards as additional violations could
result in termination of your blog.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team


Also same for:


Why the quick, reversal?:


     We have re-evaluated the post titled "US Troops Proud to fight for 
Freedom? What Clown World is from the Supreme Court, Down?" against 
Community Guidelines Upon review, the 
post has been reinstated. You may access the post at


     The Blogger Team

Answer: My blog, Green Crow as the Crow Flies, and other blogs are allegedly where Alex Jones Infowars staff researchers occasionally go to see what the more obscure independent bloggers are blogging on, and the FBI, Google mods, and the Deep State go to see what is generally known by their opposition. You only know how far you can go until you bump against the wall. Disclaimer: I post what I find interesting for debate, not always necessarily what I believe. I do like the content on Infowars and a lot of the Patriots in their own individual countries about carrying on their national sovereignty and flavor of their nations. 

Added 10:55 AM EST May 16, 2021: the posts that Google Censored and removed, and then sent a reinstatement of posts notice was BS. Google did not put posts back up.

The Jericho Report Weekly News Briefing # 241 05/16/2021 [Direct link to video]


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