Thursday, January 07, 2021

Pandemic Officially Over. Live Channel 7 News Dem Celebration, it's back to 2019 Norms

Democrats have gotten tired of pretending for about a year. They believe Donald Trump is out, no need for masks or any of the other BS.

Obviously that is an Obama event above. The one for Marty Walsh Live on Channel 7 News, Boston, Massachusetts, there was no social distancing, shoulder to shoulder seating, no masks, touching, kissing, hand holding, fist bumps, it was a celebration about 2 hours ago. So, the World Pandemic is over, Joe Biden got slid in by Chinese voter machine tampering, all is good ...

I will use the country Taiwan before that world is completely censored by the UN and China.

But it would only make sense that Joe Biden made some concessions with Communist Chinese for the 100s of millions they gave to Hunter and the "Big Guy" Joe Biden, and even bro Jim Biden. So, whatever China wants in the US, they got. If China wants to cross over to Taiwan, or any other Asian countries, Africa, or anywhere in the world, what China wants, China gets.

We don't want to forget about the Rothschild World Bank, they will get a World Reserve Digital Currency in combination with China.

With Biden in plan on going cashless and if you say something China or UN will shut off your privileges allowed to you by your Bill Gates 5G Array tattoo on your arm, and you won't get your software updates, and inconvenient freedom memories removed as we go deeper on the Abyss of Dystopia.

Click on time code below this post if it isn't stand alone. The video(s) will then play.

How lawyers and bankers have taken over your life from 1812, the short version. Knowledge is Power [Direct Link to Video]

Well THIS is Very VERY Interesting!! [High Impact Flix, Bitchute]

Robert David Steel, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward. [Direct link to video] (Are Judges and Democrats shaking in their boots about pedophilia revelations?

BLM/Antifa dressed as Trumpers Storm Capitol? [Direct link to video]

Democrats Announce Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump, Call For ARREST And Conviction Of Trump [TimCast aka Tim Pool, Bitchute] (Democrats want to purge any Republicans who stood with Donald Trump. They want all of Trump's family prosecuted. Lawyer Rudi is a target too. If the Democrats can get away with they are out for blood and want Trumps dead, preferably with a lot of pain. I would hope Donald J. Trump will draw his piece first, and take out those drawing on him. Whichever party has the military, will then wipe out the other. It may come down to that ... actual civil war.)

The photo up top was [found here]. 


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute]




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