Tuesday, January 05, 2021

The Whole World Suffered All This from 2019 so Hunter and Joe Biden wouldn't go to Prison?

Click on time code below this post if it isn't stand alone. The video(s) will then play.

FULL SPEECH General Flynn Speaks LIVE at Freedom Plaza Rally #StopTheSteal [Direct Link to Video]

If the FBI was legitimate, they would have acted on Hunter Biden's laptop, the alleged pedophilia, rape of minors, and the documenting of Joe Biden getting 100s of millions of dollars to allow China to assimilate the US and the rest of the Free World. 

Amazing Polly has been asking the same questions that I have been. Are all the dangerous criminals being released from prison ending up on buses wearing BLM and Antifa Colors to help with FBI and Police inspired riots, looting, demonstrations, and occupation of neighborhoods to further scare the public to stay in lock downs?

Hey Joe, we the people aren't for sale. A larger, and larger percentage of the population connects the dots everyday. Communism frowns on small business, private ownership and use of property, and basic human rights. What are you getting us ready for Joe? Is China going to disarm all police and nations' milititaries for UN Police and Military to be mostly compromised of Chinese?

More voted for Trump than you. I doubt you got 10% of what is claimed. Joe, you aren't the most popular US President in all of history. The vote gets shut down in the middle of the night, and magically only votes for Biden are coming in just where they are needed. Even a moron can see that all this doesn't make sense.

Because, it doesn't make sense. 

Explosive, Bombshell stuff on Monsanto, Big Pharma, and the history of all this in previous posts. B.A.R. Association is the international secret club of Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Judges. Does B.A.R. stand for British Accreditation Registry, or Bone Arses Religiously?

There are all sorts videos as well. Are almost all judges somehow connected to child trafficking, pedophilia, election rigging, money laundering, racketeering, fixing court cases and investigations, ending sovereignty of nations, and ending of basic human rights worldwide? 

The Blackmail Thing and How It Ties Into the Globalist Plans [Amazing Polly, Bitchute]

The David Knight Show 1/5/2021 - Full Show [The David Knight Show, Bitchute]

Ep. 2370b - Trump, We The People Are The Storm, Watch What's Going To Be Revealed [X22 Report, Bitchute]

2013, Stark Raving Viking Blog accused Central Bank of using Vaccine Excuse to Occupy World [Direct Link to SvenVonErick video and text, links, and more with video]


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com



SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute]

Ritchie from Boston video in first link below. I highly recommend you listen to, and watch that video. He is the real version of being woken up early. 


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