Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Obama, Deep State, Big Pharma Compromised Judges block Trump's legit complaints, decide his fate?

RINOs, Social Democrats, judges, most members of the B.A.R. Association, and their minions all seem to me to have that, "I F' kids", look in their eyes. Lou Dobbs video at bottom of post says it all. Video will only play if click on time code below post if post isn't already isolated. 

I have been living in a Globalist Cloud of what was to come, right now, for all my life. I will share what led up to now, and it is like bringing frogs on a pot on a stove up to a very slow boil. You don't ever know you are boiled until you see black.

My father worked for Monsanto in Springfield, Massashusetts. It has the same Big Pharma immunity and is based on scientist figuring out chemicals to sprayed on humans, to blow things up, in war, and then finding cures, counter-measures, and vaccines for the nightmares that they produce with your tax dollars. 

Chemical Companies, and Big Pharma are considered under the wings of DoD and the Pentagon, which are as much military as Bill Gates is a doctor.

I never liked, or had any respect for my Monsanto father from my earliest memories. I feared him, and that was why I obeyed him.

When I no longer feared him, I had no respect. 

I never had any love for him. I knew he hated his oldest brother, so from my earliest memories I thought I must really be his older brother's kid and why he never liked, or wanted me. 

Since my grandfather was a family father, liked me, said kind words to me is probably why I am still alive, not a serial killer. I woke up to the baby steps that got us here today, but I have all my life as a warning of the "right now".

From 1966 or 1967, my age 2 or 3 all I heard was takeover the world, poison the unwanted populations with vaccines and chemicals. 

The world should be run by China, corporations, and banks, no borders, no rights, and people like my father that are smarter, and more reasonable than everyone else, should tell everyone else what to do. 

There were lots of space and alien shows on the black and white television. I saw my father spend hours in the bathroom staring at himself, making different expressions.

I thought he was an alien, or biological robot pretending to be a human.

I only remember being choked out with his coming out of the dark in my bedroom, being thrown down stairs, getting elbows to the face, and him trying to smash my hands splitting wood, knowing he intended to try and crush my little hands by telegraphing a grimace that I knew he wanted to hurt me.

My father's nose was broken as a child, so he wanted to break mine. My father almost lost a finger in a cement mixer, and wasn't immediately brought to the hospital from the family farm 3 hours one way on dirt roads to hospital, so he wanted me to experience the same. My father told me that he didn't have friends and didn't enjoy his childhood, so I wouldn't either.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, my father is a lot like Bill Gates. I understand how these people think of us.

The more abuse they dole out, and the more we are willing to take, the more abusive they will give us on an even grander scale. My father would just sneak up behind me and start punching me, or slam me into a wall if no one was around to witness it. 

At 16, I challenged him to a fight, and he never touched me again, but started calling police and prosecutors at courts to come up with something to put me in prison. He didn't want to help me financially with my college, and wanted an excuse to disown me, and for him to appear the victim after all the abuse I had suffered.

My father looked on himself as a Monsanto version of the CIA, and when I was 3 and he pulled out a rifle and shot a rabbit in the garden on a postage stamp lot in a state where the Kennedy's were in charge and it wasn't too long after JFK was murdered with rifle(s). Mass has the strictest gun laws in the USA at that time. A Ludlow, MA, police officer pulled me aside and asked if my father shot a rabbit in the garden and if my father had a gun.

At 3 I lied to the cop. The police officer told me liars go to hell, and God would never like me. I already didn't believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or Tooth Fairy as my childhood naivety was beaten out of me. The cop said it didn't matter anyway because my father has a security clearance and could have him and the entire police department fired just on my father's say so.

My father would talk to neighbors, and others, in a friendly tone, and if they were anti-war, didn't have a college education, or if a man had a woman that my father thought was attractive, he would make sure the police, the courts, alphabet agencies, and the authorities broke up the family, the father got arrested, lost his driver's license, went to prison for something, and/or got hounded by the IRS for the rest of their lives.

[I have gotten his Deep State treatment myself].

My father was meeting with Chinese Intelligence in the US from the early 1960s, into the 1970s, and probably into present day. Monsanto is like Big Pharma. They prefer how China owns its workers, all the land, and the people have no rights.

I recall hearing German accents of some of the older men who told my father what to do, and think. In 1946 with Operation Paperclip, Scientists and Concentration Camp leaders, and those who did human experiments were given immunity from prosecution for Crimes against Humanity to work mainly for Chemical Companies and Big Pharma.

My grandfather told me about the original anti-government protesters, World War I Veterans. My grandfather told me the most evil occupation anyone could have is to work for a chemical company. 

Chemical Companies produced the seeds, weed killers, food processing plants, and almost all the other cogs in the wheel to food production and distribution, so they could play games with markets to eventually steal the land have the same farmers work on corporation owned land as slaves.

I am old enough to remember farmers driving their tractors to Washington DC to clog the streets in protests.

Monsanto and other companies made deals with Sheriff Departments, cops, judges, and thugs in gangs to go after farmers to make stuff up to break up families, have kids taken away, cause divorces, file false charges, beat targets for property confiscation up, and it was all about stealing land and assets.

The Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Communist China, and the UN are doing the same thing, except it is now all occupations. Except members of the B.A.R. Association, and their associates that are targets for the same sort of abuse. You will own nothing, have no rights, be happy about it if you are able to eat and leave your concentration camp prison cell once in a while. If you think good thoughts and your Bill Gates contact tracing and thought reading tattoo says it is okay.

You people have called people like me who "saw it" with their own eyes, "heard it" with their own ears, and told you for decades what was coming, crazy, tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. Now, if you do not act right now, 95% of us will be dead by 2030. The elites have bragging about this for decades. Now they are doing it because there is no resistance. Humanity, and most that I see are sheep.

My father can decide the outcomes of court cases, so he isn't afraid of the law, or investigations. The only thing he is afraid of is when his personal safety is threatened. If he may get hurt, killed, and/or get confined, it is only then he would curb his psychopath, bi-polar, narcissist, marginal personality disorders and tendencies. He has wanted to do to the most harm to the rest of us from his childhood.

My father wrote [one of the handbooks for Secular Humanism], called "My Invisible Friends". Religion should be eradicated, the family unit broken up, human rights suspended, most of the world should be made sterile, and the most elite should merge with machines and computers when life extending technologies emerge.

95% of the general population needs to be eliminated. Since the elite will have robots for all their needs, a small amount of service staff is all they need. There are just too many of us. Take your shot and shut up. 

My father and his friends would get drunk in the 1960s and 1970s, and laugh about Vietnamese being born with organs outside their bodies and harming all future generations with Monsanto's Agent Orange. When it was brought up that their were US troops in Vietnam harmed too, my father said, "Cops are too stupid to collect shopping carts in a supermarket parking lot. They are too stupid to have children anyway. And I don't care if they of tumors and cancer most of them don't have an education and were stupid enough to have joined the army or so worthless they let themselves be drafted.

As much as I am upset with Donald J. Trump over Warp Speed forced vaccines at the hands of police and military, door to door, if Trump doesn't rightfully get his 2nd Term, my expiration date with the Deep State fully in charge might be as early as January 20, 2021. And, I am sure my father will make a call before January 20 if Biden and/or Kamala Harris is guaranteed to be in.

Lou Dobbs Tonight 01/04/2021 [Direct Link to Video]

Biden installed as US Head would have been Stalin’s ultimate Wet Dream? [Direct link to video]

Is Mike Pence involved in Biden's Ukraine Enron-type Energy Scam? [Direct link to video]

Mike Pence] is a lawyer who according to a Wikipedia post used campaign funds to own a house, car for his wife, travel, golf, and a upwardly mobile life style.

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com



SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute]



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