Thursday, January 07, 2021

Georgia Run Offs Look like Typical Voter Fraud, Election Rigging

Would you expect that both Georgia candidates, both would be losing until almost the last minute, identically, then the Democrats pull it off last minute. There are so many factors. It used to be a complete rarity to have elections so close, but that was before electronic voting machines, and just plain stuffing the ballot box is what mostly Democrats did.

Statistical charts look just like Biden and Trump in the Georgia election. The Democrats were starting to lose badly, then a pipe leaks, it is too stressful to count, cardboard goes up on the windows to block observation, and every trick in the book is pulled. Then there is a huge packet of votes for the preferred Deep State Candidate, usually a Democrat, and the spike goes straight up. The straight up spike is the classic way of identifying complete election fraud using voting machines run, and manipulated by China. 

Probably before, but it has been obvious since the Bush vs. Gore match 2000, that candidates run neck, and neck, and the Deep State chosen winner pulls through at the end. The electronic voting machines allows the election to be managed by those who are most powerful, and connected. So, a compromised puppet is installed, and they do as they are told. It is transparent BS.

If Biden is allowed to be a complete traitor taking bribes all over the world, pledging control of the US to China, starting out with a 100 day lock down, and if the bogus Georgia run off elections are allowed to stand, why vote, the US is a Banana Republic, soon to be a 3rd World Sh*t Hole.

Possibly over half of the people in the world who are paying attention that the Georgia and Presidential elections were rigged. Democrats will look like they have legitimately "won" an election since John F. Kennedy's father a Mafia bootlegging gangster, bribed the Chicago Mob to make sure that Nixon, a Republican, didn't win legitimately.

Nixon, and his family didn't feel any threat the older versions of Antifa and BLM, agent provocateurs were going to attack, set up for legal trouble, or murder them.

More, and more is coming out about many Judges being compromised by pedophilia and United Nations child trafficking. 2/3 of elected officials are members of the B.A.R., basically a foreign entity that answers to the Rothschild World Bank and they have no care for their hosts nations, or any rules. Everything is for favors, benefits, and cash.

The UN is Communist run. The UN seems to run 99% of the land in the US, and the UN makes rules people have to follow, or the citizen goes to jail. I don't recall voting for anyone in the UN. The Grand Canyon, Independence Hall, Statue of Liberty, and pretty much all national parks, conservation areas, water area, resource areas ... pretty much run, and owned by the UN. The actual owners want 95% of dead by 2030.

By 2024 if Biden is in, the Chinese won't even bother colluding with the Democrats and RINOs to rig the election. It just won't matter. The elite will leave enough us for their service staff, that's it ... and enough children to lock in their closets for on-demand sex and debauchery. That is until they are older and no longer like torturing a kitten.

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Robert Barnes Live from Washington! Viva & Barnes Live Stream [Direct Link to Video]


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SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

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Ritchie from Boston video in first link below. I highly recommend you listen to, and watch that video. He is the real version of being woken up early. 


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