Thursday, December 24, 2020

Overthrow the Lying Lawyer Globalist Scumbags to End Lock Down BS?

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Own nothing, accept that, you have no rights, you can't travel, interact with your family, you aren't allowed to complain, wear your mask, social distance, eat shit, shut up, and take your shot and die m'er f'er!!!

Then there is door number two, where I find you m'er f'ers first. 

Bill Shakespeare had it right. 

Those who steal all your money and property if you get divorced, inherit something, or are setup in some sort of sting to separate you from your family, property, assets, and cash all have something in common. 

They are members of the B.A.R. for lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and for two thirds of elected officials. 

These people sold all their neighbors and their nations for comfort, profit, and seats to be continue to be in charge of what is left after 95 percent of us are purged for United Nations UNESCO agendas. 

If you want your rights protected you are supposed to the very same people who are ripping you off to the point of death. 

They same B.A.R. scum have Satanic Rituals where they off some of the children they steal from good parents. 

Adoption auctions where they rape and torture babies, infants, and toddlers for a blood products to get them high, look more youthful, and is a way for the most evil people in the world to have blackmail and enticements for their secret society. 

With the lock down, contact tracing all resistance is identified before anything can be launched, and children for elites are more plentiful, cheaper, and can be easier catalogued, and itemized, for eye and hair color, height, facial features, and racial purity. 

Are you cattle waiting on the ramp up into the slaughterhouse, or are you a spiritual being where murdering those who are mass murderers/children torturers is an accepted act in almost all religions.

Render onto Caesar what is Caesar's. 


Motörhead – Eat The Rich (Official Video)

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Biden or Trump, Locked Up or Dead Before Xmas?

It will all depend on who the US Armed Forces are taking orders from. If Troops are acting for Biden the US, should be changed to “UN” and their should be a Chinese flag on uniforms, not an American Flag.

If scheduled briefings for Joe Biden have been suspended, the holidays being used as an excuse doesn’t wash. Biden should be part of mass arrests starting Christmas Eve Day.

In my opinion, I can’t see either Joe Biden, or Donald J. Trump being sworn in, unless the military backs up either one, or the other.

This would involve taking either Joe Biden, or Donald J. Trump into custody.

Because Biden colluded with China, and because China is complicit in election rigging, an act of War, China would have to have Trump killed in taking him in, to keep the Coup going forward, UN and China in charge of the formerly Free World.

Trump is no dummy. He knows for his, and his family’s survival he has to take the Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, Pedophilia Compromised Judges and 2/3 of elected officials who have sworn a foreign allegiance to the Rothschild World Bank as part of the B.A.R. Association, a globalist takedown of the world conspiracy acting on a 200 year old plus game plan.

Obamas, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, both Clintons, and two many Swamp Critters are lying lawyer scumbags.

Get divorced, it seems the proceedings go until the lawyers and state have all of your assets. Inherit a small business, a house, or cash, the lawyers and state process the “case” until nothing is left and properties and businesses more, and more, often have to be sold to pay for courts and lawyer proceedings.

It is a criminal racket. Police can set up a target for political reasons, or if they are vocal about public, judicial, or police corruption and be set up for arrest, property confiscation, and prison. In my case the arresting officers told me to get a lawyer, pay his fee, and the judge won’t put me in prison. Quoted $15,000 and $30,000 to pay off judge, lawyer, and police to not put me in prison for life for pepper spraying a mugger in my dark driveway who tried to stab me with a knife demanding my wallet.

The B.A.R. association and the UN infiltrated the police especially from 1995 to take out small business and private property ownership of non-insiders as much as was possible.

Instead of the B.A.R. association and UN having us processed individually for their meat grinder, we are collecting going down in the Free World if the China inspired Lawyer take down of the world succeeds.

Every Judge, lawyer, and prosecutor to include 2/3 of the elected officials that are lawyers need to be taken into custody immediately, or starting in 2021 95% of us will die for their UN Agenda 21 because once we go cashless, the Rothschild World Bank and China own everything and giving us a lethal injection is cheaper than governing us.

Criminals aren’t suddenly going to go full humanitarian and be good to their crime victims. Hopefully more of you figure this out before you are foaming at the mouth and convulsing some time after you are slowly poisoned with your Pfizer or ModeRNA shot.

You haven’t been locked up most of the year because you might get some lame Flu. You have been locked up to break your will and so anyone, or group, that will oppose the most massive mass murder in the history of the world, is identified and prevented from getting together in groups larger than 4.

You have been an inmate most of a year. How do you like that?

You are a death row inmate. 5% will be needed as support staff for the lawyers and their China friends. Pray Trump and those who voted for Trump in the largest landslide win in US history, act locally, nationally, and globally to eradicate the vermin who want the rest of us starving, suffering, then dead.


Biden or Trump, Locked Up or Dead Before Xmas? [Click here for direct link to video]


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