Saturday, December 19, 2020

China wanted to Install Biden to Generate War between Russia and US?

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Solar Winds overlay, compromised? 

What electronic device is not compromised by Chinese Communists.

What virus, vaccine, medicine, procedure, medical equipment, tests, medicine ingredients, studies, organizations, etc is not jacked by Chinese Intelligence? 

The parts of all war machines and all government infrastructure is infected by Chinese hackers and those who want everyone around China to fight each other and destroy themselves financially. 

China can then control all finances, resources, and people and manage us all like we are prisoners on death row. 95% of us were to die with Joe Biden sworn in after China arranged, planned, and executed the election theft. It is an Act of War. 

ALL that you have gone through the last year in Canada, USA, or any of the FREE WORLD has been due to China wanting us to have at each other and implode our economies into complete destruction. China wanted the US and Russia to expend their nukes on each other. 

Population reduced everywhere is the Communist run Agenda of the United Nations UNESCO. The Chinese Communist Elite consider themselves better than everyone else. We need to be enslaved and eliminated

Contact tracing is to track potential enemies of China and UN in the US and anywhere in the Free World. China has stolen everything with their associates, Big Pharma and the Rothschild World Bank. 

Get your Bill Gates tattoo. It is your UN China prisoner ID to keep track of you, and make you sick, or die with the right 5G boost from a cell tower. 

If China was able to successfully have installed Hillary Clinton in 2016, Russia and the US would have probably had a nuclear war. That was the job China gave to Hillary. 

A lot of this is "just my opinion" over years of watching the Clintons from the 1995 False Flag of the OKC Federal Building Bombing for the Clintons to rig all courts, policing, and government with the UN and Chinese agendas and make billions in profit selling the Free World out. 

Mike Adams aka the Health Ranger on Natural News thinks similarly, but has the actual facts, and explains it better than I could ever dream to do. 

The Health Ranger Report Situation Update Dec. 19, 2020 [Direct Link to Video] (None of the California votes were legal and were missing what was Federally mandated, so all should be thrown out. We don't currently have a functioning court system, including the US Supreme Court. All judges have been compromised from outside the US.)

[Click Here] for:

Biden or Trump, Locked Up or Dead Before Xmas?

It will all depend on who the US Armed Forces are taking orders from. If Troops are acting for Biden the US, should be changed to “UN” and their should be a Chinese flag on uniforms, not an American Flag.

If scheduled briefings for Joe Biden have been suspended, the holidays being used as an excuse doesn’t wash. Biden should be part of mass arrests starting Christmas Eve Day.

In my opinion, I can’t see either Joe Biden, or Donald J. Trump being sworn in, unless the military backs up either one, or the other.

This would involve taking either Joe Biden, or Donald J. Trump into custody.

Because Biden colluded with China, and because China is complicit in election rigging, an act of War, China would have to have Trump killed in taking him in, to keep the Coup going forward, UN and China in charge of the formerly Free World.

Trump is no dummy. He knows for his, and his family’s survival he has to take the Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, Pedophilia Compromised Judges and 2/3 of elected officials who have sworn a foreign allegiance to the Rothschild World Bank as part of the B.A.R. Association, a globalist take down of the world conspiracy acting on a 200 year old plus game plan.

Obamas, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, both Clintons, and two many Swamp Critters are lying lawyer scumbags.



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The image up top was [found here]. 

SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]  

Biden or Trump, Locked Up or Dead Before Xmas? [Direct Link to Video]

Clinton Youth Brigade from 1995 is now 5th Column? [Direct Link to Video]

Ep. 2357b - Senate Was The Target, Lexington, Concord, The Shot Heard Around The World [X22 Report]


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