Friday, December 18, 2020

If China uses Forced Vaxx as Weapon, US has Website for you to Report Your Death, Autism, and Suffering?

If below videos won't play, click on time code at bottom of video to isolate this post. Click on top banner, or icon, to go to newest posts. Same anything you like on the internet, print it out. It might be gone soon. Make copies of any videos that you see that you like, you might want to see it when everything in your life is offline, if you have electricity.

The US Government is not going to tell you that you have recourse after being harmed, or killed from a forced jabb. 

So, if your child is bright, happy, functioning well, and then the lights go out, you have a website that will save the day. At least you can report it.

The vaxx company won't pay you, but taxpayers will. This is the only remedy. The China run US Government and Court System won't tell you about this website:

If weeks later you are sterile, have symptoms of painful death, you are SAVED. There is a website that you are not being told about.

SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]

Covid was the SETUP heres comes the pitch or "lights out" [Ritchie from Boston]

Biased, hateful thieves | Greg Kelly

Beavis And Butthead S07E39 Our Founding Losers (Restored)

Patton And Rommel Showdown In Tunisia | Greatest Tank Battles | War Stories

Situation Update, Dec. 18th - Cyber Red Dawn attack on USA is prelude to TOTAL WAR [Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News on Bitchute]

Flashback: Obozo Speaking Of A Desire For 3rd Term... [Free Speech Warior]

Sen. Grassley: ‘Hunter and James Biden Essentially Served as Agents of the Communist Government’ [Liberum Arbitrium] (This videos is too damning and is being attacked by the Deep State so you can't view it. The entire COVID Hoax, testing, lock down, social distancing, and the selling of the US to China centers on James and Hunter Biden taking millions of dollars in bribes from China.)

Gov. Cuomo Just Slaughtered THOUSANDS of Small Businesses Dreams Just Days Before Christmas [Next News Network]

Nurse Collapses on Television Minutes After Receiving Covid Vaccine [Spiro]

Alex Jone of Infowars was allegedly supposed to say "Nuts" when confronted with his family, and his death fighting for Freedom, keeping his independent "Canary in the Coal Mine" Operation to let the Free World know when the Jig is Up, and Communism and the United Nations is in charge of Everything. Jones allegedly replied, "Noodles ... " with no further explanation. David Knight, amidst finding something out to let the US population know what to do to resist tyranny of China, was let go (fired).

Active Pentagon Chief Halts Biden Transition Meetings, Signaling Trump Action Against Deep State - FULL SHOW (Dec 18, 2020) [Direct Link to Video]


'The Five' mock Biden's 'softball' interview with late night comedian


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