Saturday, November 07, 2020

UN/China/Kamala orders all statues/monuments destroyed and all books burned?


History will be gone in a short span of time. Anything electronic can be edited, like the memories in your head, soon. The human memories and legacies will be edited for content in your head, and stored for online research.

No knock 3 AM raids will occur for those who dare post as I am doing right now. 

Display, speak, or think any Contrarianism and YOU will be dealt with swiftly. It is off to a "Hillary Clinton Fun Camp," something she suggested all those who don't agree with her get sent to. It is just a Communist thing. Just ask a Cambodian how the Communist takeover worked out for them. 

Say something in a small fit of anger in your own home, and a smart device reports you to Central Authorities. You will be lucky to go to re-education camp. 

Any human contacts, even between family members is forbidden without permission of the Central Authorities. 

Travel, what you eat, if you are allowed to do anything is decided by Central Authorities. 

Bio metric monitoring devices will be aboard on everyone from now on.Your DNA has been altered and your brain partially chemically lobotomized for your only purpose, being support staff for our gracious Central Authorities.

Not having admiration and acceptance of any Supreme Leader speech with be grounds for extermination. Anyone in your general area may be terminated as well to quell any spread of your infection of free spirit.

A lucky 1% of the population will be around to see 2025, as ordered by the hidden orders in UN Agenda 21 and 2030.

Suicide injections will be provided for all who ask. Your request will be decided for you by Artificial Intelligence. You need not even ask. You will be best served. 

You have done your part to save the Planet. 

Collecting rainwater off a roof will result in at least a year in hard labor prison camp. 

You semi-humans will go Green, and like it. 

In the near future, enjoy the one State Authorized Holiday.The Day Donald J. Trump was dragged by the now terminated for not being needed, BLM Antifa of a naked and humiliated Trump to endure unspeakable torture live, Pay-Per-View to get the final humiliation of having Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton jam a bayonet right into Trump's Rump. 


[My BitChute Video channel if not terminated]  [My LiveLeak Video channel if not terminated]  

The counters are jacked. A real good post or video upload disappears as it is being written or uploaded. Or, it can be hidden, and even getting 1000s of views the counter can be zero, 31, 62, or whatever. Stats can be changed. 

The count on my LiveLeak channel SvenVonErick has not changed in well over 5 years of  2,474,614 thread views. I rarely use my YouTube channel, maybe 90% of it has been censored having a theme similar to this post. Google runs this blogger platform. 

It is possibly just a matter of weeks that no one will be blogging like this ever again. And nothing to see here, and it won't be seen ever again. 

The UN and China taking total ownership of everything is now evident most in Australia and New Zealand. You won't have long in line to wait to enjoy similar. Depression of the mind, spirit, and financially is the wave of the future should you continue to wear the mask of submission. 

It may already be too late ... DoD and Darpa have been squirreling 100s of trillions for dollars for over 2 decades to perfect autonomous killer drones and population reduction and policing robots. Lawyers might be the first to go, as they will be most not needed for the Great Reset. Artificial Intelligence has made them obsolete.   

When satisfactory Japanese sex robots can be made to look like children, begging for their lives, and have real human skin over the chassis, and will give the elites any pleasure ask for, and if synthetic blood to get the same high when consumed of a real tortured child, there will be further need for an actual population. 

The only acceptable non-religion belief system will be Secular Humanism. That is the mating of human with machine on the way to becoming completely non-biological. It will then be extermination, complete. 

The Robert Hunter Biden laptop story of his having the rape and torture of underage Chinese girls perpetrated by Hunter, and containing evidence that Joe Biden received 100s of millions of dollars to sell out to China didn't interfere with the stolen election as the DoD and UN run mainstream and social media didn't allow that damning story to get out to the general public. 

The last year of lock down, masks, riots, statues being torn down, forest fires, censorship, and the one-sided media, courts, and investigations was all a UN/DoD/Communist China Psy-Op. You fell for it all. Take the consequences. 

It all doesn't matter anymore. Elites and their offspring can do whatever they want, wherever, and to whomever they want. They have 100s of millions to billions to behave like demons and you funded your own demise. 

Image of Mount Rushmore source. Image of Kathy Griffin holding Donald J. Trump severed head. Image of cocaine crackhead Robert Hunter Biden "Mr. Pedophilia"

Voter Fraud Must Be Prosecuted Like A Murder Case [Direct link to video] (Donald J. Trump won in absolute landslide. No one wants anything that Joe Biden represents except for those who want everything free, and the Military Industrial Complex Insiders. Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama have shown their hand attempting to pull off a coup. Will we the people let that stand and reward the worst political behavior in history?)

I burn up to a tank a gas 4 days a week driving mostly in almost all of New Hampshire, but also into Vermont, Maine, and other states. I know who the non-mask wearers are for, which is probably 95% above Concord, New Hampshire, and all citizens below Concord, the absolute mask that could even say Biden's name and President in the same sentence without revulsion is about 10%, and that is being generous. 

I especially polled mask wearers. I have never heard so many Democrats say that they are voting Democrat across the ticket, but were voting for Trump because they want an end to all this BS, rioting, lock downs, and all the tantrums of the extreme left. 

New Hampshire is not locked down like is Maine, Massachusetts, and esspecially the hell hole that is New York City run by those complete bleephole Democrats. I have never seen so many flooding into New Hampshire from Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, and are mostly buying guns, dried and canned food in huge quantities, and are proudly displaying Trump caps, shirts, signs, and bumper stickers like I have never seen before. 

Pickups, cars, and even motorcyclists are waving huge American and Trump Flags like their lives depend on it. And, actually they do. 

When I see a Prius with California license plates in New Hampshire, I yell, "Go back to the state you ruined with your policies, leave mine alone, you F'ing Bleephole, go home!" 

So, Joe Biden getting the majority of the votes with almost zero enthusiasm, and the most popular US Vote for any President in the history of the world is the biggest lie in the history of the world to date. 

[I ask Connecticut Governor Chris Sununu to look into voter fraud and in prosecuting perpetrators], and in removing any fraudulently elected Democrats from office. Any corrupt connections to the UN or China should be cause for arresting and prosecuting ANY official. 

Will New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu honor his oath of office to protect and defend the US Constitution? Will "Live Free or Die" continue to be the motto of New Hampshire? I ask you to stand up Chris Sununu, and work to throw out the Biden vote fraud, as there seems to widespread, nationwide, absolute no holds barred, shameless, election fraud regarding ALL Democrats. 

Trump will need to fire all Democrat operatives out to scuttle the country in all alphabet agencies and US infrastructure, and law enforcement. Let the trials, prosecutions, confinement, and even execution of all guilty parties. Trump, if you don't, these crazy leftists will target you, your family, and all of your supporters worldwide for extinction. 

Across the Nation, votes for other Republicans AND that had votes for Donald J. Trump were thrown out, burned, shredded, filled out with Sharpies to be immediately disqualified. So, ANY Democrat across the nation if "elected" might not really have "won" if this election was valid. 

Every Democrat "win" needs to be looked into for nullification. 


The below text was placed in the [Green Crow and the Crow Flies blog] post:

John F. Kennedy did not win the 1960 election, Richard M. Nixon actually did. Those who have an auction keep the numbers close. Right up to the last minute in close elections the power players behind the scenes decide which way it is going to go based on getting what they want when a leader is installed.

The Chicago Democrat Crime Organizations installed Kennedy. There were more votes than there actually were for population in some precincts.

I know and have interviewed [CBS Executive Michael Nowacki], and he is probably still afraid of backlash, and prosecution in his part in the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore.

Nowacki was alone with polling results after hours. And as long as numbers somewhat made sense during the night, then Nowacki, alone, could have decided the result of that auction.

Allegedly massive amounts of money was going into UBS and other offshore bank accounts based on what was promised, and to whom. The UN and Chinese operators of the DoD decided on George W. Bush, and Al Gore is almost as big a turd.

The DoD and Pentagon have stolen up to 100s of trillions of dollars. An accounting was ordered for September 10, 2001, and then what happened the next day. Donald Rumsfeld never had to answer for 2.3 trillion stolen taxpayer funds. Just before this COVID thing there was an audit showing the 2.3 trillion dollar theft was pennies compared to what was stolen to Fall of 2019.

Obama's 2012 NDAA gave the DoD 100s of millions to even billions to propagandize the mainstream and social media. Massive censorship erupted. Riots, forest burning down, the Left installing their own countries in cities, statues being torn down, and the complete rigging of all courts and investigations to benefit just one side is obvious.

COVID and all this BS is one big, worldwide smokescreen. Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, all 4 Obamas, the whole gaggle of bribe taking Bidens, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, United Nation official, Chinese Officials, all their minions, partners, and associates would face prosecution and possibly being executed if they had pulled the biggest DoD Pys-Ops in the history of the world.

Most schools shootings, the Boston Marathon Bombing, and most of the fodder for programed and planned media hype has DoD fingerprints on it. Because up to not one Democrat in all the US "elected" since 2012, has the taint of being compromised by the UN and China.

The DoD needs to be disconnected. Pence and Trump need to take direct control of the military to end the coup. All the above named criminals need to be rounded up, arrested, and have a special prosecution team and a People's Grand Jury.

The United State of America will cease to exist as anything resembling its former self, and a vast quantity of the world, especially the 3rd World will die of starvation, and there will be conflict and chaos globally benefiting the DoD, China, and the Puppeteers of the UN.

Unfortunately it is up to Trump to stand up.

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The most obvious evidence of the complete fraud of Joe Biden and the Democrats is if Joe shows up in public there is zero enthusiam, close to zeor show up, and now the majority of the public will jeer. and will show, and yell, the highest disrespect for the poser, Biden. 

Who would "vote" for a candidate with a cocaine crackhead son who rapes and tortures children and took 100s of millions of dollars from China to bribe Biden to sell out the world to the Puppeteers of the United Nations that has a Communist Director, and China! 

Joe Biden, Robert Hunter Biden, the Clintons, the Obamas, and all their minions should have been all in lockup waiting prosecution back in February of this year. There was plenty of evidence of their treason, crimes against humanity. 

The UN/DoD Psy-Op of COVID should turn the world against the Democrats and want them treated like rodents, and Democrats are a form of a rat.

WAKE UP This Is not a Dream. [Ritchie from Boston on BitChute] (BitChute went down on election night. The Coup wants BitChute shut down, and videos like this one is probably why. Is the Lockdown to round up any Trump supporters. The Left is making a list to find and eliminate those on the list. Any speaking out on the internet or any smart device might mean that you are on the list too.)

HERE IT COMES LOCKDOWN 2, THE DARKEST WINTER, THE SELECTION AND 996 CASES OF COVID. [Direct link] (The lock down is only to get the 5G prison grid up and running.)


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