Does the Police Union rig all Court Cases for the UN/Deep State?

Above image was found [here].
Most Americans don't know what it is like to be an inmate, until just a few short months ago. National Sovereignty is being erased worldwide. Travel restrictions for average people may become permanent. The state lies for the lock down are becoming beyond ridiculous.
Prison guards work a lot of hours, they get a lot of overtime, and it isn't hard to make 6 figures, and there are often extra duty to work with law enforcement, often getting paid for riot duty, inciting riots and actually participating to get new "customers" into the prison system based on their politics and amount of wealth that can be stolen and converted into cash for the police, court system, and the state to divvy up the booty:
I was attacked on my rental properties repeatedly in Stafford Springs, Connecticut. A youth gang, called "The Diaper Gang," was created by the police to sell drugs on target properties so their could be arrests and so they could go after the cash and assets of their target, usually the police, and the courts, robbing citizens for political, and retaliation excuses:
The Diaper Gang openly walked around Stafford Springs with bats, beat citizens, and Stevie
Carver who was on probation beat Richie Dessert almost to death with a bat, during a robbery attempt, and was taken by LifeStar helicopter to the hospital.
3 to 4 State Police were in their cruisers about a week before that incident, watching Stevie Carver, smash as many windows as possible in my rental properties, while the Connecticut State Troopers were laughing. The Troopers told me that I faced a $100/day fine for "blighted property" for each day the windows weren't fixed ...
When I was in Storrs CI Prison in Connecticut serving time for resisting being mugged on my property, saving myself from having to give up my wallet, and getting stabbed, using pepper spray, I got a year in prison, 3 years probation, faced being placed the rest of my life in a mental institution, the highest fines, paying the mugger who I pepper sprayed restitution, who was declared "the victim", for MY crimes against humanity.
I lost my family, daughter, all my property, assets, cash, retirement, credit, tools, furniture, contacting business built over 2 decades, the sum total of my life's work for having to defend my life using pepper spray in my dark driveway after being stalked by police informants, assaulted multiple times where police for months refused to answer 911 calls into them.
For added punishment, I was placed in the "Black Section" of Storrs Prison that were the most dilapidated, and either too cold in Winter, or too hot in Summer. Prison guards told me that if I got raped in prison, that whomever did it could say it was "consensual" and sex in prison is a crime, and I would be labeled a "sex offender", and if I ever got out of prison, I would have to register as a "sex offender".
So, next thing I know I get out of the prison shower, 2 African American inmates who are very muscular pull my arms apart as I am facing the bathroom wall. A 46 year old Caucasian who was absolutely huge, and was missing an eye due to a shotgun blast from a Boston Police Officer's ricochet that bounced off the armored car that inmate at age 17, attempted to rob.
That head inmate of the block pulled my pants down and then took out hand cream out, started stroking himself hard, saying "How's your feud going with the Connecticut State Police?"
About to be raped in my butt as he got near me to thrust himself in me, I said, "Do you want to keep your remaining eye?"
The 2 African Americans dropped me down, and one said, "You are one cold ass motherfucker".
The armored car robber punked out on trying to rape my butt. To the prison guards consternation, I then ran the block, the armored car robber had to pay me 3 candy bars out of his weekly commissary, and I got 10% cut of his sports betting scam, my bunk made, and my laundry done for me.
Guards had 2 inmates who were having disputes come to me to resolve it, and even though this was long the prison tradition, the guards clearly didn't want to follow protocol.
Captain Murphy of the Guards at Hartford Correctional, had only recently kicked me out of that prison, saying, "I don't allow assholes in my prison, I am sending you to Storrs CT, so Troop C, Connecticut State Police can deal with you properly."
The Storrs Prison guards in 2002 or 2003 told me that I was to keep my mouth shut, and watch.
An inmate who had allegedly made a police misconduct complaint, and "had an attitude" with police, had planned on changing his life, and working in family's construction, or other business, and there was to a big homecoming.
That inmate was made to wait an hour and half while his family waited in the parking lot with banners, like "welcome back," or "welcome home," or similar. There were balloons. The inmate was shown that and made to wait for no reason to get out at his appointed time.
Most inmates were made to watch out the windows, and I was placed in the center to have best view. It seemed impromptu, and may not have made an impression of the other inmates because the guards took pleasure in daily humiliation and psychological abuse of inmates.
The inmate who was a target of guard and police abuse for his "attitude" was arrested out in the parking lot for murder.
Two other inmates got released for saying that the inmate who has a "Big Mouth," had been part of a drive by shooting, or similar, and was then going to spend the rest of his life in prison.
They let that inmate think for 6 months that he was going to turn his own life around, and the guard intentionally made it as painful as possible. Guards want inmates to loose their minds and break down to have to be institutionalized.
When, I was to be released in the morning at a specific time, my family was waiting out in the parking lot for me. I was told that I had 3 hours to get to my Parole Officer's appointment in Hartford an hour away, and I was held an extra hour and a half of those 3 hours. I faced 18 months more in prison if I didn't have an ID or was late to that appointment.
Before getting out, I was told my clothes would be thrown out because they didn't have the space and that I would have to wear donated clothes that weren't washed out of the prison to go home to my family.
The guard giving me back my street clothes tried to palm my Driver's License. I said, "I see my Driver's License, I need that for my parole appointment, please give it to me." The guard was red faced and pissed that he hadn't succeeded in keeping my driver's license.
Guards told me that I would never get out of prison, or would be cycled in, and out, the rest of my life because I was on the "List", meaning [the international police union's enemies list]. Police told me when I had no criminal record, was not suspected of anything, that I would end up dead, or in prison for the rest of my life in I didn't shut my Big Mouth, and that I was kicked out of Connecticut.
I did make it to my first Parole Hearing. Parole Officer, Eric Ellison, had me empty my pockets on his desk, bent me over his desk and pleasured himself with his pants still on, and with mine still on. He told me that I was not allowed to talk to reporters, make any complaints about him, guards, police, or any officials, and I was especially not allowed to talk to any elected officials.
I called the ACLU an hour later complaining about Ellison. I faxed, and/or called the FBI saying that Governor John G. Rowland got a free hot tub to give the Mafia, the Tomassos 100s of millions of dollars of taxpayer money to build facilities and roads. I wrote a letter to the editor, that was published in the Hartford Courant the following day.
You live in the same country that I do. This is "YOUR Justice System" too. The UN and International Police Union want national gun confiscation, force door to door vaccinations for whatever the hysteria du jour is. It was to increase police union dues by 4x, meaning having 4x more cops and other officials at a time there was already a saturation after the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, 1995.
The Police Union controls legislative aids, judiciary workers, and worker in the executive branch. The UN planned a coup of the United States of America with the International Police Union as their tool.
So, I broke no laws. I have been trying to blow the whistle [on this] since 1995.
I wrote a letter to Bush 9-15-01 which I got a letter back that he actually read the letter. I had gotten it to Connecticut State Senator Tony Guglielmo, alleged CIA, on 9-15-01 before I sent it, as I was trying to tell every official from Town Hall up to the President that the International Police Union and UN were planning a coup of the United States of America.
Steve Spellman, the police union liaisons told Guglielmo, Rep Mordasky, and others that they weren't allowed to talk to me, that I was going to be arrested, my family broken up, and that I was going to spend the rest of my life in prison for pissing him off. I was arrested 10-11-01 after being followed around for weeks by police in one, or two cruisers, after I was attacked from behind at night as I arrived home after working 16 hours, and Brian Caldwell attacked me with a knife demanding my wallet, and I pepper sprayed Caldwell.
23 of the 26 Police Union planted bombs in the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, 1995, failed to go off?:
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