Attorney Michael H. Agranoff of Stafford Springs and Ellington Connecticut
December 03, 2003
Is Our Legal System just a farce?
Click link below for more.
An open letter to Attorney Michael H. Agranoff, asking him, why for a $17,000 plus fee he could not get his client off? 2 misdemeanor charges resulting from having been attacked on my property during a robbery attempt, and I was called the ‘victim’ in the follow up police report, should not have resulted in prison time for me. is Attorney Michael Agranoff's email.
Attorney Michael H. Agranoff,
Any attorney should have been able to get me on the AR (Accelerated Rehabilitation) program as I had never been in trouble before and the 2 misdemeanors I was charged with, Assault 3rd (which can be loud yelling) and Breach of Peace (has to be in public and I was attacked from behind in the dark on my own property when my assailant demanded money, threatening to kill me).
For that $100 fee for the program it would have allowed me to keep the 3 houses (2 were boarded up before I fixed them up), containing 9 apartments that I had spent four years without income fixing up.
If you even tried to defend me or act in anyway in my behalf I did not have to lose the sum total of my life’s work, my home, pets, contact with family, friends, my daughter, my credit, my business, and most of my possessions. I believe you acted in collusion with the Judge and Prosecutor in railroading me to prison and out of Connecticut for having written critical letters to the editor blasting police and the Connecticut court system.
I had spent 100’s of thousands of dollars fixing up those properties. They were to be my retirement, home, income, and cash and lodging for my daughter while she attended college.
I asked you to request a change of venue as I twice tried to have the Rockville prosecutor fired for refusing to prosecute cases for landlords and that I had tried to have Judge Jonathan Kaplan removed for bias(fired) against landlords and the self-employed for years, had written Kaplan a nasty letter disagreeing with a small claims decision, had personal, mutual animosity towards each other before the night I was assaulted during the robbery attempt.
There were witnesses to my life being threatened, a voicemail tape of my assailant threatening to attack me before he did, witnesses to the attempted robbery, witnesses to my assailant attacking and threatening other people before and after my incident, and police reports of other incidents, seven total, where my assailant continued to terrorize and stalk me all the way up to trial. All witnesses, you did not call, why?
Did you want to lose the case and see me go to prison?
I had called police ‘Armed Revenue Collectors’, Crime Watch Areas, low law enforcement areas, had been told by police officer to get out of Stafford Connecticut “or else” and had been feuding with Connecticut State Police over lack of protection and service, and for nothing being done when my property was broken into and damaged, when I was threatened and assaulted, when teens were drinking, fighting, and selling drugs off my front yard all hours, and for their complete lack of respect for property and business owners, landlords in particular.
Judge Jonathan Kaplan told me I was going to be found guilty and that I was going to prison before the trial even started. Police officers were allegedly bragging around Stafford that I was going to go to prison before there was even a trial.
Michael you are just a cog in the wheel of a complete BULLSHIT legal system.
Why knowing this, did you allow a worker for the police to become jury foreman? I asked you to strike that juror, not to have that man on the jury. Good move, ASSHOLE.
Why didn’t you call any witnesses to any of the incidents, including the night I was beaten and nearly robbed on my property?
Why did you not inform the jury that Troopers Ameral and Langlais committed perjury when they made conflicting statements, and when Ameral did such a bad job lying on the stand he turned red and choked over his words?
Why did you not defend me? Did the Judge and Prosecutor tell you not to? Did they bring up the alleged incident where you had an improper relationship with an underage female client?
A tenant, I was evicting, a childhood friend of my attacker was the only witness against me. Her police statement contradicted mine, the witness’ that arrived home with me that night, my assailant’s statement, and she would have had to have been able to see through a house in the dark to have been able to see what she claimed. Why did you bring up that the same woman tried to have her new landlord arrested when HE served her with eviction papers.
All you had to do to win the case was to go up to the front of the courtroom and point out on the diagram that her false statement was obviously not true. You did absolutely nothing regarding bringing up reasonable doubts.
The prosecutor asked my assailant how much he drank daily and the reply was 12 to 16, pints of beer a day. That he does drugs. Brian Caldwell admitted to threatening my life and demanding money to the prosecutor.
Why didn’t you use that information and ask why my assailant was never arrested and why was I standing trial at taxpayer’s expense when I was called the ‘victim’?
When you did such a poor job of defending me, I asked you to appeal the case, and you agreed. You did not appeal and as far as I know you did not file a reason with the court that you did not appeal.
There was no reason I had to go to prison. Another lawyer told me, I should have been out pending appeal for the $1500! Why did you block my chance of appeal and decide yourself that I was to go to jail, instead of being out on appeal? You complete, JACKASS.
Being sentenced to one year in prison, 3 years probation, with strict conditions is ridiculous based on the circumstances, the fact I was never in trouble before, and that I was going to prison as the ‘victim’ and the perpetrator isn’t even arrested.
Wouldn’t a lawyer that cared, question the severity of such a sentence and do something about it?
You came to see me in prison telling me at no charge as my ‘friend’ saying things could be much worse for me if you weren’t my lawyer.
Anyone could have done a better job than you. I could have done a better job as at least witnesses would have been called and I would have had a defense.
You only came to say I owed another $12,000 plus beyond the $5200 you initially charged me for your retainer. Then you send me a bill for $300 to come see me, FUCK YOU.
I am still getting sewer bills from the house you represented me at the sale. You fucked that up too. It was the other lawyer that brought up that you forgot to give me a $5000 check, IDIOT.
Quit sending me bills, because I will NEVER send you another dime. You have refused to give me, or even let me see my legal file. Does one even exist, or did you just make up the number of hours you are charging me for? Charging me hours for ‘getting to know me’ and for talking to witnesses you had no intention of calling to actually win the case.
I feel you did more for the prosecution than you did for me. I feel you put up no defense at all and can’t believe you have the audacity to even keep sending me bills when you did absolutely nothing to earn it.
Go ahead, sue me. I would love the opportunity to show you for what you really are.
Agranoff, Eat shit, and die, asshole.
-Steven G. Erickson
If the question is asked ,the problem is there
Posted by: Don-Flog at December 3, 2003 08:56 AMHardly, Don..
For example:
Are you a moron?
I'd guess no. But the fact that I ask the question doesn't mean you have a problem.
Just because someone asks the question doesn't mean that it's a valid concern. A tad bit of intellectual honesty would be much appreciated.
Posted by: Del Simmons at December 3, 2003 09:20 AMIn case anyone is interested I posted the police complaints, Connecticut State Police internal Affairs refused to take nor deny.
Police can do whatever they want whenever they want if complaints are not taken nor investigated.
From my own experiences, I believe police can commit perjury to get convictions if they deem a citizen a pain in the ass, to ruin the citizen's life, family relationships, and financial future railroading him or her to prison.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I believe the judiciary and law enforcement system is corrupt from what I have seen and because I can't even get my complaints investigated. It tells me the US Constitution does not apply in the Constitution State, Connecticut. And, Connecticut is a police State.
To view the reports, click on 'police reports' and scroll towards the bottom of that post.
-Steven G. Erickson
Steve, I would, if I were you, focus on the incident where you were punished for self defense of a physical assault on you and your property.
Tell that story in detail for us, and forget all the rental property details. You loose us there.
Tell us the details on this specific event. Who was the guy that attacked you? What was he armed with and what did he say, exactly? What did the cops say, when they arrived?
Give us the detailed "Who, What, When, Why and Where" type stuff. Who were the officers? What was the attacker charged with, if anything?
Posted by: Del Simmons at December 3, 2003 10:37 PMFor 'More Information' click link below
Posted by: More Information at December 4, 2003 12:33 PMyour lawyer must be a no teeth pussboy as your post is still up
Posted by: at December 4, 2003 03:44 PMMaybe you are right anonymous.
Posted by: Steven G. Erickson at December 5, 2003 09:29 AMIs there additional documentation available from others with no personal or financial interest in the legal debacle surrounding your episode pertaining to the failures of the Stafford police and Tolland troopers to assist other merchants and property owners?
I'm asking about affidavits, reports, witness statements, civil suit evidence - anything like that - surrounding specific events.
Is there any cohesive effort or undertaking on the part of others adversely affected by the police failures and discriminations to investigate or even sue the involved agencies?
What I'm getting at is whether there might be a larger strength available to attack the problem and, thus, bring you some justice as a by-product.
The reason for this is, because if there is evidence and enough people willing to tackle this because they, too, are victims, funds for a solid retainer might be available for hiring one of the attorneys you've spoken with.
Sadly, the judicial system is rigged by lawyers for lawyers, and they've got it pretty well sewn up for themselves being the only game in town, so to speak.
The hard truth is there really isn't any way for you to right these wrongs without legal help. If your allegations are true, any attorney who undertakes this will be swimming against the current and he or she is going to have to have a very strong case, along with an 'adventuresome' spirit in order to win.
I suspected from your original story that you may have been set up.
I know that hindsight is 20-20 and I don't mean this as a criticism of you in particular, but it would have been wise to gather strength in numbers at the outset rather than going into your campaign as a lone voice.
The old adage about safety in numbers is usually true when dealing with the government, particularly law enforcement.
It's fairly easy to shut one person up, drain their finances, and drive them out, but not so with a group of people with varying resources and areas of professional expertise.
This post is still up, Attorney Michael H. Agranoff must be a no balls pussboy.
Posted by: at December 21, 2003 06:13 PMI thought my lawyer did a horrible job for me hitting on my wife during our divorce but yours takes the cake!
Posted by: Dillon at January 25, 2004 05:12 PMI was assualted by drug addicts and put in the hospital with knife slashes to my hands, lacerations to my left eye,and a detached retina in my right eye. I filed an assault report. Later I was threatened repeatedly by peolpe I did not know associated with the dope heads. I recieved only excuses from local law enforcement. Susequently, I armed myself at all times. One night while walking to visit a neighbor I was assaulted again. I fired two warning shots into the ground and stopped the assault. Four witnesses testified to the Police that they saw a male subject shoving me repeatedly to the ground and into the street prior to my warning shots. At the time I was still recovering from my injuries. None of my assailants have ever been arrested nor have faced any penalties whatsoever. However I was arrested, charged with a crime,placed on probation, charged 275.00 dollars for a "court appointed attorney", (you know the kind you get if you can't afford to hire one", 900.00 probation fees, abd 600.00 dollars in fines.
This does not include hospital bills, and the loss of half the vision in my right eye. This occured in Denton,Texas but I am quite sure it
could be anywhere USA. Justice? In Amrica it
is as much a farce as anywhere in the world.
My name is Dave Ponder.
I am 49 years old and had enough with being a victim of both the crooks and THE POLICE
My nameis Dave Ponder. Ihave posted aprvious comment on this sight relating to the Denton, Texas so-called "justice system".
This is another true story regarding those who "protect and serve"
July 1997 Iwas arrested by an Arlington Texas polic officer Michael Elliott for a bogus DWI.
Mr. Elliott lied in his arrest report, and also
assaulted me during the DWI interview/sobriety test at the Arlington jail. The video tape was
conclusive to all who viewed the assault and as to my own full coordination and clear speech
while performing the tests and answering questions. Prior to my arrest I had filed a complaint against this officer. The charge was "reduced" to "obstructing a highway" at court. I filed suit against Mr. Elliott in fedreral court and proved that he lied in his report. Using open records I showed that he was
not dispatched to where he claimed, that there was no silent alarm at the place he claimed to
have been dispatched, that there had been no burglary report of a the business, that the truck I was driving did not match any description of one described in any prior burglary of a business, and with the tape that he assaulted me without justification. Never-the-less; Judge Means of the Northern Fderal District Court granted this officer summary judgement based on the very one and the same report I had PROVEN was false, completely ignoring the video tape.
If anyone in America deludes themselves into
thinking we have any real rights or protection
under law they should think again.
Dave Ponder
Posted by: Dave Ponder at April 6, 2004 04:19 PMMr. Ponder,
when others find out what America is really about, it's too late. The Justice System is crap in America, like the rest of the world.
The link above has the attorney's phone number. If nothing has been done about this post, it must be true, or the guy is too wimpy to sue.
Posted by: at April 15, 2004 02:22 PM* * * *
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January 23, 2004
Big Brother getting his first big foothold in Connecticut, and later ALL of America
art from (here)
State Police Using `Matrix' Critics: Database Threatens Privacy January 23, 2004, By LISA CHEDEKEL, Hartford Courant Staff Writer ( has been quietly feeding its criminal records and other state government files into a multistate, anti-terrorism database that critics decry as a dangerous new incarnation of Big Brother.
While a number of other states, including Texas and Louisiana, have backed out of the Matrix database because of concerns about privacy and cost, Connecticut law enforcement officials have decided to participate, a state police spokesman confirmed.
(click link below for more.)
�The Matrix system is up and running in Connecticut," said Sgt. J. Paul Vance. "We're already using it for investigative purposes."
Matrix, which stands for the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange, is a federally funded system that enables law enforcers to cross-check restricted police files against all kinds of public and commercial data, such as financial and property records. Participating states feed their criminal, prison, motor vehicle and other records into the Matrix system, where that information is combined with other commercial databases. The system can spit out detailed dossiers on individuals, including past addresses and names of neighbors and business associates, within minutes.
Advocates of the Matrix argue that the information contained in the database is already available to police agencies in piecemeal form, and that the new system simply saves time by combining records on a one-stop search engine. Vance says the system has already helped the state police major crimes unit. In one case it has helped them track a murder suspect.
"By bringing all this detailed information into one system, it streamlines the investigatory process," Vance said. "Before, we would have to go individually to this record or that database. Now we can go to one source."
But privacy advocates rap the system as an unreliable surveillance tool that contains too much sensitive information about law-abiding citizens. They say the system can be used to compile random profiles of people and to search for patterns that might predict suspicious activity, even if no crime has been committed.
Heightening their concerns is that a private, for-profit company, Seisint Inc. of Boca Raton, Fla., compiles and houses the database, which is overseen by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Seisint's founder resigned shortly before the firm secured the government contract, after revelations that he had been involved in drug smuggling.
Teresa Younger, executive director of the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union, said police officials owed it to state residents to explain exactly what data were being collected, and how that information was being used. The state Department of Public Safety has not yet responded to an October freedom of information request from the CCLU for information about Matrix, she said.
"It seems very unfair to the people of Connecticut that the state police are gathering information about them and sharing it, without telling them anything about it," Younger said. "How will people be able to challenge the information that's in there? Is it going to include the names of organizations we belong to, or the temple or mosque we attend? We know nothing about it."
In a December state police memo obtained by the CCLU, Department of Public Safety Commissioner Arthur Spada touted the Matrix system's ability to "disgorge a subject's every financial, economic, employment, residence and spending profile."
State police never publicly announced the program.
Matrix originally was conceived as a tool to identify and track potential terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and to improve information sharing. After Florida began using it, more than a dozen other states expressed interest in participating, and the federal government provided $12 million in grants for the project. While the system was designed for detecting would-be terrorists, most states are using it for broader crime-solving purposes.
In addition to Texas and Louisiana, five other states that originally expressed interest - Alabama, Oregon, South Carolina, California and Kentucky - have pulled out because of concerns about privacy issues or future costs. Connecticut is now one of eight participating states, along with Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Ohio and Utah.
In Louisiana, state police officials opted out partly because of worries about the potential for inaccurate information.
"When we started looking at the types of records we would be contributing, we had concerns about being able to control that information and how it would be used," said Lt. Walter Wolfe of the Louisiana State Police. "You can't just put that information out there; you have to make sure it's current and accurate, or there could be liability issues."
Texas had similar worries about how criminal information might be disseminated, said Marshall Caskey, chief of criminal law enforcement for the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Officials in Texas, Louisiana and other states also say they weren't keen on picking up the costs of the program, once the federal grants expire this November. Some said they anticipated it would cost each state $1.7 million a year to continue access to the database.
Coordinators of Matrix now say the cost per state will be less than originally projected. They also say they have safeguards in place to address all of the concerns about the system's accuracy and usage.
Vance said Connecticut could opt out of the program at any time and would consider using state money only if the cost was substantially reduced from the earlier projections.
Because no legislative approval was needed, most Connecticut lawmakers were not aware of Matrix. State Rep. Michael P. Lawlor, D-East Haven, co-chairman of the legislature's judiciary committee, said he had heard about the database, but did not know it was in use. He said he was concerned about possible abuses of the system.
"On some level, you have to trust [police use], but on the other hand the potential for misuse seems enormous," Lawlor said. "If it's ever misused for anything other than legitimate anti-terrorism work - for political purposes or whatever - the state police are going to have hell to pay. ... I would hope they would come in to us at some point and explain how it's being safeguarded."
Besides privacy and cost concerns, there could be practical problems with Connecticut's participation. Vance said the state, which so far has provided prison, criminal and sex-offender records, also intended to feed motor vehicle and drivers' records into the system.
But state Department of Motor Vehicle officials say they haven't determined whether the transfer of that information would even be allowed under law.
"We'd have to study the issue and look at all the applicable state and federal laws," said DMV spokesman Bill Seymour. "It's not a simple thing."
Several of the participating states have not sent motor vehicle and drivers' data. A few months ago, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue said his state would not send its drivers' records, citing provisions of state law and his concerns about sharing the personal information of law-abiding citizens.
Matrix is under heavy fire from the American Civil Liberties Union, which views it as another version of the Pentagon's controversial Total Information Awareness program. That sweeping computer surveillance plan, which sought to create a huge data bank of information on citizens that could be combed to identify possible terrorist threats, was killed by Congress after privacy concerns were raised.
Civil liberties advocates say the Matrix appears designed to circumvent federal privacy rules restricting the U.S. government's ability to collect and share routine data on citizens. They say the system does not have a way of correcting errors and could be a computer hacker's dream.
Mark Zadra, investigations chief of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, said privacy fears were unfounded. Program policies adopted late last year dictate that the database can be used only for criminal or intelligence investigations, not for random searches, and that all queries are logged and audited. The system is heavily secured.
"You have to input a query to use the system," Zadra said. "When I go home at night, Matrix isn't sitting here humming away, sifting through data."
In Connecticut, Vance said, use of the Matrix system has been restricted to the state police criminal intelligence unit, and each query must be tied to a "bona fide" criminal investigation. Police are not allowed to troll randomly through the database, he said.
"We're being very careful about checks and balances," Vance said. "We'd rather err on the side of caution."
But privacy advocates say the system still gives law enforcers too much latitude.
"Anything can be an `intelligence investigation.' In this day and age, that's a very broad category," said Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU's technology and liberty program.
Steinhardt said documents newly released by the state of Pennsylvania indicated that Matrix has data-mining technology that can search for suspicious patterns, including an application described as a "terrorism factor information query capability." He also said there was evidence that the FBI and other federal agencies had a hand in crafting the system.
"This is a very broad data-mining exercise that enables a user to look through the records of tens of millions of ordinary Americans without any good cause," Steinhardt said. "Some computer is going to decide whether you should be considered a threat or not."
Are Police Officers punished when THEY commit rape?
Be silent, and forget having ANY rights in the future. �Steven G. Erickson
3 Stooges Security Service, (Security before 9-11 in the US)
Posted by Vikingas at January 23, 2004 10:00 AM | TrackBack
Big wup ...
Posted by: Sandman at January 23, 2004 01:00 PM"In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me."
-- Rev. Martin Niemoeller injustice website), click for piece to go with photo below.
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August 16, 2003
Is Rape not Rape if Committed by a Police Officer?
Abolish Police Unions Nationwide and promote Civilian Oversight of Police with quality control questionnaires should go out to those requiring police service and that call in.
In the early 70's, Serpico, played by Al Pacino in the movie, shows us that police should not police themselves. Serpico could not find a single officer nor NYC police official that was either willing to take his corruption complaint, not taking bribes, didn't care, or was not part of the corruption.
Connecticut Police officers have been accused of rape, shaking down prostitutes for cash and sex, harassing citizens, shooting unarmed citizens, harassment, acting as 'Armed Revenue Collectors' for towns and the State, pulling over motorists based on race, etc.
Probe of sex allegation urges punishment for constable
By Christine McCluskey, Journal Inquirer August 07, 2003
ELLINGTON - State police have finished their investigation of Michael Nieliwocki, the town constable accused by a Glastonbury woman of sexually assaulting her in February 2002, and recommend that Ellington discipline Nieliwocki.
Town labor lawyer Anthony J. Palermino said Wednesday the discipline recommended could range "from suspension to discharge."
Abolish Police Unions Nationwide and promote 'Civilian Oversight of Police' with quality control questionnaires should go out to those requiring police service and that call in.
The early 70's, Serpico, played by Al Pacino in the movie, shows us that police should not police themselves. Serpico could not find a single officer nor NYC police official that was either willing to take his corruption complaint, not taking bribes, didn't care, or was not part of the corruption.
Connecticut Police officers have been accused of rape, shaking down prostitutes for cash and sex, harassing citizens, shooting unarmed citizens, harassment, acting as 'Armed Revenue Collectors' for towns and the State, pulling over motorists based on race, etc.
Probe of sex allegation urges punishment for constable
By Christine McCluskey, Journal Inquirer August 07, 2003
ELLINGTON - State police have finished their investigation of Michael Nieliwocki, the town constable accused by a Glastonbury woman of sexually assaulting her in February 2002, and recommend that Ellington discipline Nieliwocki.
Town labor lawyer Anthony J. Palermino said Wednesday the discipline recommended could range "from suspension to discharge." Palermino said it is up to the town whether Nieliwocki will be disciplined at all, and if so what form that discipline will take, because Nieliwocki is a town employee.
The months-long state police internal affairs investigation found no reason to prosecute Nieliwocki, Palermino said. "They found no reason for an arrest or a prosecution on the claim of sexual assault ... there wasn't enough evidence," he said. "But the internal affairs investigation feels there is still cause for some form of discipline." "Had there been an arrest or something, there might have been some action taken," Palermino added.Nieliwocki was put on administrative duty last fall pending the results of the investigation.
Ellington officials have been waiting for the investigation results before taking any further action. First Selectman Michael Stupinski is still reviewing the report.
Birthday party gone wrong According to a lengthy Vernon police report, on the night of Friday, Feb. 8, 2002, the woman was celebrating her sister's 21st birthday at Cioppino's Restaurant and Pub on Route 83 in Ellington.
Nieliwocki responded to a call that a fight had broken out at Cioppino's and found the drunken woman fighting with her sister outside, the report states.
Nieliwocki, who was 38 at the time, drove the 23-year-old woman to a Vernon hotel. "She stated that she cannot remember what happened with the police, but remembers that all she wanted to do was to go home with" her sister, Vernon Detective Michael E. Greenier wrote.
But police "would not let them leave together because they were fighting," the report continues. "She said that a police officer named Michael told her that she could not drive home and she could not go home with" her sister. "So she had to go to a motel."According to the report, Nieliwocki drove the woman to the Holiday Inn Express on Kelly Road in Vernon, where he helped her check in, left, and later returned in his private vehicle after he was off duty at 3 a.m. on the morning of Saturday, Feb. 9.
He was still wearing his uniform, however.
A hotel clerk saw the two together and said the woman spoke loudly and slurred her words. Later that night, the clerk said he walked by the room and heard what sounded like consensual sexual activity, the report says.Another trooper who responded to the fight at the bar told Vernon police that Nieliwocki was in the parking lot with the woman and "at the time he told his trainee that the way Nieliwocki was allowing her to get so close to him was totally unsafe," the report says.
According to the report, the woman woke up in the hotel room Feb. 9 wearing only socks.
She went to Rockville General Hospital on Feb. 9 with bruises on her legs.
Around 10 p.m. that night, a hospital nurse called Vernon police on behalf of the woman to make a sexual assault complaint.
The woman told police she had been "really drunk and stoned" the night before. Later, she cooperated with Vernon police, making phone calls to Nieliwocki while police listened.
Invited in?
Nieliwocki later told police the woman had invited him to her hotel room, and that he went there after the end of his shift. He said they did not have intercourse but that they did engage in sexual activity.
"This is a problem, I know it was consensual ... This is every man's nightmare. You have sex and then someone says it was rape," Nieliwocki told Greenier, according to the report.
Nieliwocki told police he could not tell whether the woman was intoxicated. "He stated that he could not tell if a person was intoxicated without running them through tests first."I then questioned that if he [is a] trained police officer, and he could not tell if she was intoxicated, then perhaps he could explain to me why the desk clerk felt that she was.
"He stated that not everyone could tell when a person was intoxicated," Greenier wrote.An 11-month investigation by the Vernon Police Department and the chief state's attorney's office found insufficient evidence to criminally charge Nieliwocki.State police conducted their own internal investigation of Nieliwocki because, although he is a town employee, as a constable he reports to the town's resident state trooper.
Though state police had said the findings of the internal investigator were expected in February, it was not until last month that the report was released to the town.On June 25, state police spokesman Sgt. J. Paul Vance said the reason for the delay was that this is a "very involved report" that had to be "scrutinized" by several people.
The woman's lawyer, William H. Paetzold of Glastonbury, could not be reached for comment today.Paetzold said in January that his client intended to file a federal lawsuit against Nieliwocki and the town.
P.S. Enfield, Connecticut, Police were sent to doors collecting overdue library fines. This just goes to show us it is about the cash not about the criminals.
-Steven G. Erickson (Vikingas)
Arthur L. Spada head of DPS, Connecticut State Police demoted the highest ranking woman in the State Police allegedly because she was a woman. There also have been accusations of bias against minorities lodged against CT departments.
From the Hartford Courant, September 27, 2003:
Police Officer Wins Settlement
Hartford To Pay More Than $200,000 In Compensation
September 27, 2003
By TINA A. BROWN, Courant Staff Writer
The city must pay a Hartford police officer more than $200,000 in back wages and other compensation because it failed to reinstate him when a larceny charge was dismissed eight years ago.
The settlement was accepted Friday in Hartford Superior Court by Judge Thomas Corrigan. The city did not acknowledge wrongdoing but agreed that Juan A. Morales would receive $206,874 in back pay, $20,874 for sick days and $34,995 in pension benefits, and an undisclosed amount for attorney fees, the court document shows. After taxes and a pension deferral, the payment totals $225,000.
Additionally, Morales was reinstated on paper to his position as a patrol officer. He then resigned effective January 2004. Over the next five months, Morales is expected to continue accruing time toward his pension. In addition to the lump sum, the city will pay Morales more than $1,000 a week until his retirement becomes official, the agreement says.
"I think this is an excellent disposition," Morales' lawyer, Michael A. Georgetti, said Friday.
The settlement reached Friday marks the fourth time in recent years the city has paid back wages to a Hartford police officer accused of on-duty corruption.
Morales, Joseph Smith, now known as Joseph Davis, and Matthew Rivera, all were accused of stealing city time after a grand jury, following an 18-month investigation, accused them of hanging out at the Charter Oak Package store during their shifts. The charges were later dismissed. Rivera and Smith returned to work after they obtained lump sum payments from the city.
Also, the city was ordered to pay another officer, Eric Smith, more than $120,000 in July after that officer was cleared of sexual assault allegations. His arrest did not stem from the grand jury's findings.
Morales was a 12-year police veteran when he was arrested and accused of loafing in July 1995. He tried unsuccessfully over the past eight years to get his job back. He sued the city in 2001 seeking back wages, pension benefits and attorney fees. Georgetti said Morales was forced to sue the city because he could not obtain a hearing. He said Morales might have gone back to work as a patrol officer if the city had given him a hearing.
The city attorneys declined to comment for this story.
Gates Landry, police union president, said, "It's a reasonable settlement. All parties are in agreement. Hopefully this ends an unhappy chapter in the police department and we can all move on with our lives."
Courant Staff Writer Matt Burgard contributed to this story
Posted by: Steven G. Erickson at September 27, 2003 07:53 AM
'The biggest Affront to our American Values'
Click on my name below to be transported to link as noted above.
Posted by: Steven G. Erickson at October 19, 2003 11:23 AMSteve,
I came to this sight from
This is disgusting, STeve, I hope this is not the norm in Connecticut
Posted by: gh at October 23, 2003 09:42 AMSteal Billions, kill your ex-wife leave your DNA and glove, shoot your neighbor cut his body up, rape little boys at your Neverland Ranch �
Click 'more' for more.
Posted by: more at January 6, 2004 08:39 AMCops Should be put in jail for their crimes.
Posted by: at January 16, 2004 02:29 PMCops Should be put in jail for their crimes.
Posted by: at January 16, 2004 02:29 PMCops Should be put in jail for their crimes.
Posted by: at January 16, 2004 02:29 PMConnecticut cops can beat, rip you off, and even murder you and nothing is done about it. Rape is just something the cops in Connecticut think they are entitled to, along with $1/rents for single family houses and other freebies.
The state is the biggest employer in Connecticut, so they protect their own, and if a taxpayer says anything a whole angry bee's nest of State employees will respond and punish those that speak out.
Posted by: at May 25, 2004 08:18 AM