Monday, February 07, 2022

Is Hunter Biden's Cocaine Addiction indirectly responsible for China infecting the Free World with HIV/AIDs?

Hunter needed money to fund his crack addiction. Joe's international corruption and payments funneled back to Joe through Hunter gave Joe, and Bidens money back. Hunter needed Joe to continue to be in politics to feed his addiction. So Hunter got huge dollars from China, to install Joe as US President. All the crap that has been going on for the last 2 years setting up for, and implementing the purpose of the fraudulent election, means China is going to kill most of the Free World and take the land and resources.

This post delves into that:

MICROSOFT PATENTED NANOTECHNOLOGY ACTIVATED BY 5G & HIV IN COVID VAXX [2021-06-08] [Direct link to video] This is an international conspiracy. Scientists in anyone country were recruited by Black Rock, other int. asset corporations, China, and the Puppeteers of the United Nations. The vaccine is meant to kill you. The QR Code is to tract those who have not yet been given slow, or fast, kill shots.

Xi's 5G Biden, Obama, Clinton Buzz & Opposition Kill? World Domination [Dirct link to video]

Disclaimer: All of my blogs is my opinion. I post links and articles that I don’t necessarily agree with, but post for debate. What I state as fact is actually to my best belief and knowledge. I sometimes am satirical and some is inflammatory comedy. CLICK ON TIME CODE BELOW THIS POST IF POST ISN’T ISOLATED. THE VIDEOS WILL THEN PLAY

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