Saturday, February 05, 2022

Is Chinese Bribed Biden Administration trying to Poison and/or Remove Police & Military willing to defend the US Constitution & Sovereignty?

Has there been any proof that the Biden Administration has acted for American Interests, or Americans, once since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the debacle that was called an election. Are there any metrics of proof that Joe Biden is legitimate.

If Joe and Hunter Biden took in $31,000,000 in bribes from China during the Barack Obama administration, and if the IRS, and US Intelligence knew, why was he even allowed to be a candidate for US President?

Is there any legitimacy to any Alphabet Agency, Justice, Investigations, any checks and balances, financial responsibility, for policing, military, government, courts? Are there any excuses, or positive direction in the last 2 years that would foster faith of the people in the system?

Bombshell: DoD Caught Erasing Proof That Vaccines Are Killing People [Direct link to video]

Masks aren't good for anything, it says so on the box.

What is called vaccines is killing, and maiming, huges swaths of population. Insurance company and other documents proof this.

If I recall correctly, the 2 first shots do not do anything to protect anyone, and neither does the booster. It might be 75 years before what is in the vaccine, and the results of tests on the "vaccines" might be released. Doctors who have been treating respiratory successfully using approved, inexpensive theraputics that would have prevented any pandemic were suddenly made illegal, and talking about it a crime.

Does something smell beyond "funny" about all of this?

I do not want to have to fly with a QR Code because Black Rock, Vanguard, and other Int. Asset Management Companies tell their Fox News, CNN, CDC, NIH, Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline, the International Banks, and all the Testing and Treatment is mandated by a foreign hostile corporate takeover, so I do not consent.

If there is an honest elected official out there anywhere in the world, will you please raise your hand? Will you do something now about this please? What help do you need from us, we the people?

I want my country back. I want what was stolen from me back. I want the lying scumbags who caused all these problems arrested, tried, and if found guilty hung by the neck until dead, shot dead, or lethally injected if a more pleasurable medieval torture can't be implemented. 

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Disclaimer: All of my blogs is my opinion. I post links and articles that I don’t necessarily agree with, but post for debate. What I state as fact is actually to my best belief and knowledge. I sometimes am satirical and some is inflammatory comedy. CLICK ON TIME CODE BELOW THIS POST IF POST ISN’T ISOLATED. THE VIDEOS WILL THEN PLAY

#BoycottMcD #No46 #Restore45 #ExposeFauci #BillClintonIsARapist #StopTheSteal #EndTheBS #CoofDestroyer #HillaryForPrison #AlexJones #J6NewIndependenceDay #SackDemocrats #MeToo #DeathJab22 #BanUN #USConstitutionParty #BlockadeChina #FreeVietnam #StopTheBS #SecularHumanism #GreatReset #GreenNewDeal #CriticalRaceTheory #StopCRT #DeplatformBiden #WakeUp

My email and contact information about 4 minutes 20 seconds into video:

Trillions of Dollars Int. Asset Managers Own All Media Most Jab Profit Blockade Cali for UN/China? [Direct link to video]


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