Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Jewish/Gay Mentoring of Young Jewish Boys Longmeadow, Massachusetts? (Conspiracy Theory/Fake News)

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In the 1980s and into the 1990s I had a painting and wallpapering contracting business and a lot of my clients were in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. There was apparently a lot of Jewish families sending their young male children to stay with openly gay Jewish prosecutors and legal, medical, mental health, FBI, government and powerful Jewish insiders. Reporting sexual abuse and rape of children was not an option. 

MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow is a Longmeadow, Massachusetts, native. 

This post will probably give some of you insight to understand the corruption, and motivation of 2 individuals who are probably most responsible for the destruction of the Free World, Adam Schiff and Richard Blumenthal.

My guess would be that I worked for a woman and her family, painting, in 1988 to 1993 time frame. The entire time I worked for her, maybe 5 weeks painting just about everything in a large house she complained about her neighbor, a Jewish Academic teaching at a local college. Around the time the neighbor wrote a series in the Springfield, Mass, newspapers on the eye and psychology of sight.

I could see into the neighbors house, he has a 14 year old boy would come over often, and even sleep over. I would see each playing the piano together, singing, in their tightie whitie underwear, kissing, hugging and massaging each other. The woman I worked for called the Longmeadown Police while I was there working to report her neighbor for having sex with a underage boy. The police told her to keep her opinions to herself or she would have legal trouble and most likely lose her home.

The neighbor had no idea that my painting customer wanted him arrested and asked her if I could give him a painting estimate. She then told me. Money is green and I was curious how child molesting can be gotten away with in plain sight to better understand how the legal, financial, and government institutions were corrupted right in our faces.

There was only one bed in that house. It had no sheets, was never made, there was an electric blanket, the mattress was bare and stained, and the room smelled like ass, sweat, and sex. The boy and the man would kiss like they were a married couple.

I worked for a gay Connecticut Prosecutor and his gay partner was a judge or some other position with the court system of judicial branch. They had 5 or 6 young males working on theater and musical projects and it was obvious there was communal sleeping and most likely underage homosexual sex going on.

As I found out that is also the case in Connecticut, the Gay/Jewish Mafia can get distressed property for a $1 and then get tax dollar grants to fix up the properties and these deals were only givin to Jewish insiders.

When it was Jewish lawyers who obtained the property, I found out they would not pay me for renovating or painting, when I was done and would either offer me a way of screwing someone else out of money for my pay, or if I caused problems they said they would have cops manufacture evidence against me and I would go to prison if I ran my mouth. Sewing a lawyer or Jewish person in a court is an act of futility.

I asked the Connecticut Prosecutor why he didn't live in Connecticut, and choose Longmeadow Massachusetts. The answer was that the Connecticut State Police would be involved in looking into their lifestyles, want court cases rigged, and wanted a skim of 100s of thousands of dollars of the "business" they were involved in, such as running adoption auctions and insider trading.

Pretty much whatever banking, the B.A.R. Association, or the Communist Agenda the Unitied Nations, Corporations and foreign elites who want to take down the United States Want, these medical, academic, court, FBI, corporate, banking, government insiders could rig or arrange anything.

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