Monday, December 20, 2021

China/UN/Dems to purge US Military of Patriots to keep seized power? (Fake News//Conspiracy Theory)

Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire) If blog post isn't isolated, video(s) may not play. Click on time code below blog post to isolate. Click on top banner, or icon, of most blogs or websites to go home, or to go to newest post. All is to my best belief and knowledge if not satire. My contact information towards end of [this video]. Scroll down in post for video and links

The Patriot: It's personal

URGENT Bone Chilling U.S. MILITARY ALERT Issued! Prepare, Plan, Purge And Defend Against IMMINENT CI [Direct link to video]

This is it. Confirmed. It's the F'ing Apocalypse. [Direct link to Dollar_Vigialante video]

the B-52's - Give Me Back My Man

In 1995, I owned a 4 bedroom house in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, had investment property, took European vacations, had a Lithuanian model wife, a contracting business, my young daughter in my life and faced early retirement and rewards for my believing in the American Dream.

Hillary Clinton, the UN, and the predatory international asset companies using China as their enforcement all blamed those like me for getting in their way to stop the Clinton legally before the convenience of the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing.

From 1995 the United Nations steered police investigations and billionaire, possibly even George Soros rigged cases against White Heterosexual Conservative males, especially those with families, small businesses, and a following in the community. We were declared enemy number one.

Cafe owners, pizza parlor owners, independent auto parts stores, breakfast nooks, landlords, farmers, ranchers, religious institutions were all put under surveillance, and Connecticut State Police said up youth and other gangs to set up targets for property loss, false arrests, divorce, and loss of their children. It was methodically completed and Hillary Clinton was probably very much overjoyed that her enemies were being destroyed.

I learned that the Courthouse, zip code 06066 was run by an alleged pedophile judge, Jonathan Kaplan, that helped the United Nations and China with their adoption auctions of mostly White children.

I know this because I was offered a job with police to help shake target children from families.

I tried to rat the judge, police, United Nations, and Clintons out in what was printed in Newspapers. Police threatened my life and told me I would lose everything and go to prison if I didn't shut my mouth and leave the state.

I was nearly killed, beaten severely, lost everything and have been permanently estranged from my only daughter. The UN screwed me out of my business, my home, and the sum total of my life's work. The Democrats intent to do that to the entire world. Prior to 2019 they invested in companies that installed them into power.

So they intend on taking your life and everything you have ever worked for. Will you sit quietly by?

The pedophile judge who I was trying to remove for years put in me in prison for resisting being mugged on my own property, where I used pepper spray to keep from getting stabbed when Brian Caldwell told me he was going to cut my penis off if I didn't hand over my wallet after he jumped me in my dark driveway.

How has pedophile justice worked out for the entire country?


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