Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Big Pharma Butt Slut Lindsey Graham B.A.R. Association Judiciary Committee World Bank United Nations

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire)

2/3 of elected officials are members of the B.A.R. Association, an alleged secret society, with secret rituals, especially in "Cornhole" Connecticut.

There are ties to 8 to 10 families that run all major banks. Costume parties where Satanic Rituals where unspeakable things happen is the glue to silence.

From the 1600s, what became a Church in the Bell Haven Greenwhich Connecticut was a key site in the US for bankers, mainly judges, and those of secret orders. Native Americans were staked out naked over red ants, or honey and mild was poured into them and maggots crawled in everywhere for around 3 weeks, including the eyes.

There might be more mental hospitals in Connecticut than anywhere else. Someone important wants to get rid of a woman he got pregnant, the neighbor so her wife and daughters can be taken, or where elites can rape and torture anyone over decades.

Priest from about the 1400s wanted Gay Men in positions of power, they would not marry and any possessions would revert to the Church, not to heirs. In the 1600s in Connecticut, Judges and Bankers would "groom the stool, and mentor young men" with their penises would later install these boys where they were men to be key bankers, judges, US Presidents, the first federal investigators and heads of industries.

George H.W. Bush and Richard Blumenthal got it so hard for so long from behind that an orifice between back cheeks allegedly looked like vaginas. They had facial muscles that might be common with top actresses and models associated with Harvey Weinstein. George W. Bush might have gotten the same attention in a Bell Haven Church basement, but he drown his sorrows in booze, cocaine, strippers, and prostitutes. When I hung out with Charles Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi in Vermont around 2007 interviewed one of W's alleged "strippers" in Texas with her son.

I posted that footage on YouTube, and posted footage me, Vincent Bugliosi, Charlotte Dennett (daughter of the most forgotten CIA "hero"), and others served the Attorney General in Vermont with reason to indict George W. Bush for murder in Vermont. Bugliosi broke down the true Helter Skelter cooked up by World Banking, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, and elites that wanted the world run through the United Nations where key corporate heads, bankers, and Communist Chine ruled the World as the Global Government to reduce the population by over 90%.

I could go on and on. 2 links are to my video uploads that still remain on the internet for whatever number of days:

Stew Peters Show Cardiac Sonographer WHISTLEBLOWER, Lindsey Graham OWNED by Pfizer and MORE! [Direct link to video]

[Click for thie Gateway Pundit Link]

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