Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Bidens Paid Off Nuclear Weapons Abandoned in Afghanistan for China Leverage Taiwan Xmas US 2022 Occupation?

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire) Click on time code below this blog post if this post isn't isolated. The videos will then play.

In Monday Remarks, Biden Caught Red Handed On Cam NOT Able To Read Teleprompter [Direct link to video] Is Biden's writers talking in code. Will actual Meteors of size actually hit Earth in late October or November? If the East Coast of US is due of a Sunami, why not have the Police and Military who will defend the US Constitution and National Sovereignty on the sidelines? Troops, and Police with the Vaxx might be too sick to be viable in any sort of actual National Emergency and would be a complete joke, just like Biden, in a war.

Biden Stands Down As China Dictates Taiwan's Christmas Take Down [Direct link to video] Biden has been proven illegitimate. The Coup will prevent Trump from being able to rightfully take his position and blocked from a 2024 run. Those who run Biden will have the borders overrun, shut off power, and the shambles that is left of the US Economy on purpose. Past near misses were hyped to make a real one be no big deal up until it hits.

Australian PM Steps Down Over Corruption; New Leadership Could Help Fight Tyranny [Direct link to video] Biden's China, UN, and World Bank puppeteers are eyeing Australia as model of what to do to US and rest of Free World.

Check out this EVIL SMIRKING SCHMUCK, paving the way to secretly implant mind-control technology [Direct Link to Video]

Alex Jones Condemned BY DEFAULT - Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT [Direct link to video] Anatomy of rigging court cases against Constitutional Extremists. George Soros is the destroyer of nations. Has Soros completely sabotaged the US Justice System so it will crash any possibility of a future viable United States of America?

New Zealand Finally Admits Zero COVID Cases is a Pipe Dream [Direct link to video]

Saudi Arabia is rich in oil, and is the value you behind the Petro Dollar. Big Pharma and chemical companies like Monsanto need petroleum. China is needed for databases on all of the Free World, for sex, drug, and child trafficking, and to have inexpensive labor with infrastructure untouchable by international law.

Israeli Intelligence is key in finding electronic ways of getting the most data, analyzing it in real time, and most efficiently store the massive amount of information on Chinese soil untouchable by international law.

From the 1960s corporate minds, scientists, and bankers mentored by those coming into the US as part of Operation Paperclip, providing their expertise on stealth population reduction until Operation Ultimate Grand Slam to take out over 95% of the population where there will be no private property rights, gun confiscations where the World Bank, Key Corporations, and Communist China would rule the world thru United Nation Agendas from secret meetings held 1974.

My W. Mass Monsanto father met with current German, Israeli, Saudi, Chinese, Federal Reserve/World Bank Intelligence, top ranking police, and international operations about ending religion world wide and marching toward average people not being able to travel and managed like they are items on shelf, categorized for best use, then disposal. Meetings in Ludlow, Massachusetts 1972 to 1974,

Child and Sex Traffickers would best like a database where they can shop naked pictures for abduction victims. Michael Chertoff is a duel citizen of both Israel and USA, is Israeli Intelligence, and is key in what US DHS is for: eventual door to door gun confiscation, suspension of the US Constitution, making world go cashless for Global Carbon Taxes, suspending travel for average people and to protect the World Bank, Monsanto, Drug Trafficking, Child and sex Trafficking, and for forced vaccinations globally.

There was no need for Naked Body Scanners. There was one "Underwear bomber" who seemed drugged up was allegedly put on an airplane by Israeli Intelligence to get the perp past security. There were no other incidents before, or since, and then every airline passenger will now be inconvenienced because Michael Chertoff is profiteering in the billions of US taxpayer dollars and further puts Israel, Saudi and Chinese Intelligence partnered with the World Bank in charge of everything.

Excerpt [from here]:

Michael Chertoff and George Soros: TSA scanning device profiteers

The Washington Examiner exposes the left-wing, politically-connected lobby for the controversial TSA naked body scanners, noting that a company called Rapiscan received a $165 million contract for the new body image scanners four days after the underwear-bomber incident last Christmas.

And who surfaces behind the scenes? None other than the billionaire funder of the country’s liberal political infrastructure George Soros — who owns 11,300 shares of OSI Systems Inc., the company that owns Rapiscan. Not surprisingly, OSI’s stock has soared over the course of the year, as Soros reveals his skills as a savvy investor, aided by friends in high places.

And former Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff? As a consultant for the industry, he, too, is financially benefiting, representing the company which sells these scanners to his former department. Watch this:


[more from source


Sex Hillary Clinton China Obama Bidens Election Court Rigging Pedophilia Slave Narcotics Monsanto [Direct link to video]

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