DC Victors of Jan. 6 put Losers in FEMA Camps?
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2nd January Update Current News [Simom_Parks, Bitchute]
Georgia Election Worker Scans Same Ballot Stack FIVE TIMES! [Liberum Arbitrium, Bitchute] (Is there any mainstream media coverage of any arrests for the election rigging/fraud? Or, has there been any arrests for these felonies? It is a crime to not report felonies. Have any of those people been arrested? Has Robert Hunter Biden been arrested for raping and torturing sex trafficked children, for taking 100s of million of dollars from China to sell out the Free World to China?)
Police Use Armed Antifa/BLM Against Patriots In (Portland) Oregon [Wardo Rants, Bitchute] (Is this circumstancial evidence of Atifa and BLM getting paid US Federal Taxpayer Dollars, paid as Confidential Informants to both incite and control riots based on "Politics"? Is this a small example of what the Big Example will be in DC, January 6, 2021?)
When I co-founded the Stafford Springs Connecticut Crime Watch, I looked into becoming a part time and/or volunteer police officer to get training.
Part of becoming a police officer, as I found out after the OKC Federal Building Bombing 1995, was that I would be required to meet at a staging site pre-police incited riots. So that police officers involved would recognize me as a participant. If arrested for rioting, arson, beatings, and even raping spectators that I would receive a "mock" arrest.
Officer trainees were encouraged to disguise their appearances for riots.
[Click Here] for post with these pictures:
The above is enhanced from the figure in the window below.
Photos courtesy of The Falcon (allegedly Disbarred Connecticut Attorney James Brewer who may know where all the Deep State bodies aka secrets are buried. Brewer defended good cops against bad cops and may have already paid the ultimate price. The Donald J. Trump defense team should talk to Brewer. The tactics used against Trump are a lot more complicated than any might know ... except for those like Brewer.)
The above originally found here
[Click Here] for:
Human Trafficking Theft Racket - Free World Court System
On January 6th, for the DC Event, all sources of food, sanitation, lodging, and support for anyone on the Conservative or Patriot Side, are closed. Black Lives Matter and Antifa will be equipped to attack any support and aid China Biden's compromised police.
Pictures can be taken of those urinating or defecating for Felony Indecent Exposure and Felony Risk of Injury to Minors to give participants a Felony record to not vote, not be employed, not get decent lodging/loans, and cannot own firearms and have their own children present in their own household.
Donald John Trump, and or organizers should set up Portable Johns, water and MRE stations, and hire private security to protect disenfranchised voters and/or to battle armed deputized BLM and Antifa Police Officers in DC.
This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com
SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here]. [SvenVonErick Bitchute]
[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute]
Will BLM and Antifa attempt to either assasinate, murder, harm, and/or detain US President Donald J. Trump as ordered by the Foreign Agent Provacateur Organization, B.A.R. Association?
Has the BAR decided that all of the Free World will lose their national sovereignty on, or around the 6th, to be under NWO, UN, Rothschild World Bank, Big Pharma, and Communist China?
Are Anti-Trump Lawyers WEAPONIZING Ethics Complaints? Viva Frei Vlawg [VivaFrei, Bitshute] (This B.A.R. Misconduct in Arizona should be exposed to the entire world. This attorney is an associate of Attorney Robert Barnes)
Biden's Ukrainian Felony [Direct link to video]
The Free World wants Freedom ...
Dirty Back Road/THE B 52's 1980 with lyrics
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird - 7/2/1977 - Oakland Coliseum Stadium (Official)
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