Sunday, January 31, 2021

Democrat Violence,Warring, Chaos, Mayhem, Smashing Heads, Riots, Causing Division. 1968 DNC Exposed (Video)

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A look back at the 1968 Democratic Convention


Stealing votes, dirty tricks, dead people voting, bribery, blackmail, beatings, rape, arson, riots, fixing court cases with corrupt judges, international police and teachers unions, Mafia, Wall Street, corrupt bankers, fixers, FBI goons, Spy Agency infiltration of opponents is all more Democrat Mode of Operation. 

If they get away with this in 2020, and rig the system for their regime for the next centuries, the Free World will never recover. 

It is only going to get worse. 

These criminals will steal everything not nailed down. 

Expect door to door raids. They want your children, your guns, your valuables. The goons coming for you will rape and pillage worse than in medieval times. The Deep State wants 95% of us dead.

Trump votes thrown out and shredded. More Biden votes than there are voters. More mail votes returned than were officially mailed out. Biden votes run thru machines 3 times. Republican vote monitors kicked out, blocked from viewing, harassed, terrorized, and threatened. Unexplained bombing where evidence allegedly was hidden, and much more. 

Has any judge been willing to hear the evidence of election fraud and what the official count of the US Presidential Election was? 

If no, is any court, and any judge in the US legitimate? 

If no, is the Biden "Presidency" a complete SHAM?

Should the rightful winner of the most votes for a US Presidential candidate in the history of the United States of America be allowed to take the chair that reflects the will of the people? 

The coup, needs to be arrested, processed, tried by a People's Grand Jury, and those who are found guilty of treason, insurrection, and/or crimes against humanity need to be either shot against a wall by a firing squad, or hung with a rope from gallows until dead. 

Either 95% of us will end up dead in the "Free World" if we fail to fight for our basic human rights, and for justice, for those less that 1% pedophile psychopaths that need to pay with their lives, so this daily nonsense goes away with their breathing OUR OXYGEN.  


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Bend Over at Will Whenever Asked for your COVID Test!!!???

[More with video and links]

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Ep. 2392b - Slings & Arrows, You Have Not Been Abandoned, Think Shadow, Pain [X22 Report, Bitchute] (There are a lot of interesting nuggets of information. I never followed Qanon, or any Q stuff because anyone can be a Q. Things just can't go on as they are, as it seems the Democrats are enriching themselves at the expense of the health and welfare of the entire Free World.)


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