Saturday, January 30, 2021

You had no Plan B. You will get the modern version of Zyklon B.

Maybe 50%, or so, are living as avatars or their former selves, their souls are electronically, and chemically, burned out of thier bodies and minds.

Those in the US who still have have their souls, empathy, and care about tradition, and forward direction of humanity have been identified. Everyone has been forced on the Deep State Platform to identify their opposition.

Trumpers and most movements in nations around the world had no Plan B, they did no work, and made no efforts, mostly, to ensure and protect their own freedom and basic human rights. Most listened to videos on the internet and listened to their favorite rhetoric, words they want to hear, so nothing was done.

So, those who oppose the Deep State are waiting for what WILL eventually happen. We will all get a modern version of Zyklon B. If you don't know what that is, look it up.

Max Igan of the Crow House, Michael Jaco, and Jay Campbell break down the current situation fairly well, but no one can do this completely in a short space of time.

Based on the video, are you a carrot, egg, or coffee beans placed in the adversity of being boiled, which are you in the aftermath? If you listen to the video where the 3 above mentioned men talk, maybe you will have an idea.

Check out more posts on this blog for my contact information, links, more video, and why I post here on this blog.

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