Monday, January 25, 2021

Chinese Sock Puppet Joe Biden is out to Destroy America for his Patrons?


A majority of Americans allegedly didn't vote for Joe Biden in any great percentages. Most Americans may believe that Donald J. Trump won in the biggest landslide in US History, and that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and China, UN, and Rothschild World Bank Socialist Democrats are the most illigitimate in History. There is a Death of Shame in America. 

Has everyday become the Twilight Zone? 

Declaring White Heterosexual Males and half the US Population as Domestic Terrorists who need to be disarmed, fired from jobs, contact traced, put in detention camps and possibly starved and then put to death is the rhetoric of the extreme Left. Who are seemingly in charge by the way? 

Joe Biden is doing everything that the UN and China want. It seems to be common knowlege for probably way over half of the entire world that are paying attention, that China interfered in the US election, the elections for Biden, at least 2 races in Georgia, and possibly elections going back decades have been stolen by Socialist Democrats. 

Disclaimer: this blog is commentary and opinion. I don't have resources to vet what I post. So, do your own research. If there is any basic human rights left if the "Free World", this post will remain up. Check out other posts on this blog for loads of links and videos. 

Mike Adams aka the Heath Ranger on Natural News has interesting inside military sources. [January 25, 2021, Update].

What is going on in Washington DC could be a 3rd installment of the Gremlins Movie, [SRV Post on this subject]. 

Does MSNBC want Twitter, Facebook, all Social Media on Internet, and ALL Mainstream Media to censor and demonize all Republicans, Conservatives, and "Constitutional Extremists"? [Post with videos and a lot of links]. This link also has my contact information. Please share this post, and comment please. 


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